Photo contest: post processing #4

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Photo contest: post processing #4

I am participating in the contest proposed by @bambuka at.

Photo contest: post processing #4

Based on the photo provided by @lllllll1lll

Estoy participando en el concurso que nos propone @bambuka en

Photo contest: post processing #4

A partir de la fotografía suministrada por @lllll1lll


I really liked the lake, so I decided to incorporate it into the process and imagined a beautiful cabin bathed by its waters. I incorporated the main image of the wooden fence into the windows of my cabin.
The process was done through the Canva program to which I subscribe and from where I can select images free of use.
By editing each of the components, eliminating backgrounds and combining my own world I achieved a dream.
The silhouette represents me, happy to see the cabin that @bambuka gave me through this contest.

Me gustó mucho el lago, así que decidí incorporarlo al proceso y me imaginé una hermosa cabaña bañada por sus aguas. La imagen principal de la valla de madera la incorporé a los ventanales de mi cabaña.
El proceso lo realicé a través del programa Canva al cual estoy suscrita y desde donde puedo seleccionar imágenes libres de uso.
Editando cada uno de los componenetes, eliminando fondos y combinando mi propio mundo logré un sueño.
La silueta me representa a mí, feliz al observar la cabaña que me regaló @bambuka a través de este concurso.

Biblioteca de imágenes LMAC (14.8 x 10.5 cm) (17).png

Traducción a través de DeepL
Translated with (free version)



 2 years ago 

Oh, that's a very brave decision... create a beautiful hut from a changing booth on the beach
Such a thought definitely did not occur to me))
It turns out that the cabin contains such a number of building materials... I think I'm going to the beach, I want a cabin too.🤣 😂😅

If more seriously... post-processing involves eliminating some unnecessary details, correcting errors when shooting, correcting exposure and sharpness.

Creating your absolutely creative project, you have overlooked the accuracy of processing. Cropping lines, random spots are very noticeable and this does not add additional attractiveness to your beautiful work.

I understand your fun during the creation of this wonderful house. I wouldn't mind having a cup of fragrant coffee there myself. This is very a creative solution :)

О, это очень смелое решение... создать прекрасную хижину из кабинки для переодевания на пляже
Такая мысль мне точно в голову не приходила ))
Оказывается кабинка содержит такое количество стройматериалов... пожалуй я отправляюсь на пляж, я тоже хочу хижину.

Если более серьёзно... постобработка предполагает устранение каких-то лишних деталей, исправление ошибок при съёмке, коррекции экспозиции и резкости.

Создавая свой безусловно креативный проект, вы упустили из виду аккуратность обработки. Очень заметны линии обрезки, случайные пятна и это не придаёт вашей красивой работе дополнительную привлекательность.

Я понимаю ваше веселье во время создания этого чудесного дома. Я бы сам не отказался выпить там чашечку ароматного кофе. Это очень креативное решение :)

Hi @bambuka, I certainly did not fine tune the details and that is due to my ignorance in these processes as I am not proficient in editing programs. It is an activity that I like and I will try to learn to overcome my deficiency.
I am glad that my choice surprised you and my cabin is available for you.
Thank you for your comment, it motivates me to improve.

 2 years ago 

Hi @evagavilan, you have fresh ideas and interest in this activity. If you practice, you will definitely succeed. I wish you that. Don't stop! :)

Mi madre yo también quiero que me regalen una cabaña así, que belleza debe ser estar en una cabaña rodeada de ese hermoso lago relajante y el disfrute de una buena lectura!


Todo se puede lograr @lanegra2804, la magia existe. Es maravilloso crear un mundo de fantasía. ¡Bienvenida a la cabaña!

Siii todo lo que uno percibe crea se decreta 🌺🙋

Gracias por tan linda repuesta .


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World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


I incorporated the main image of the wooden fence into the windows of my cabin.

This I like very much! So I - as the viewer of your work - can follow your association from the paravent to the block house immediately and without any explanations.

The green branch in the foreground collides a bit with the leave-less trees in the background, and beware! of the step in the asphalt ground! But I like it.

Thanks @ty-ty, it's the first time I participated in this challenge and I think I got carried away. Despite that I liked it too and enjoyed doing it.

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