(ESP/ENG) Bienvenidos al concurso Creando Historias Auspiciado por @xpilar. /// Welcome to the Creating Stories contest Sponsored by @xpilar.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Hola compañeros steemians les saludo con mucho cariño esperando que estén muy bien, hoy les traigo una pequeña historia hecha con mi imaginación para formar parte del concurso auspiciado por @xpilar en la comunidad “world of xpilar…

Hello fellow steemians I greet you with much affection, hoping that you are very well, today I bring you a little story made with my imagination to be part of the contest sponsored by @xpilar in the community "world of xpilar.

El Paseo virtual. // The virtual tour.

Después de una larga semana de lecturas, aprendizajes, y muchas cuentas todos hemos entregados nuestras tareas a la maestra, ella llena de alegría nos felicitó e invitó a un paseo virtual como premio por nuestro buen rendimiento.

After a long week of reading, learning, and many accounts, we have all turned in our homework to the teacher; she joyfully congratulated us and invited us to a virtual walk as a reward for our good performance.

Todos comenzamos a mandarle mensajes para que nos informara como era el paseo y que día y a qué hora teníamos que conectarnos, cuando respondió nos dejó atónitos, por un momento pensé que era una broma, nos comentó que haríamos una conexión directa con la NASA para ver los últimos hallazgos de la sonda espacial Voyager.

We all began to send him messages to inform us what the walk was like and what day and at what time we had to connect, when he answered he left us astonished, for a moment I thought it was a joke, he told us that we would make a direct connection with NASA to see the latest findings from the Voyager space probe.

Al siguiente día prepare todo y al momento de conectarme ¡Nooooooooooooooo! La conexión a Internet esta caída, rápidamente mi padre comento –tengo el móvil cargando y está apagado. Lo encendió y pude conectarme “Guao que susto”.

The next day prepare everything and at the time of connecting Nooooooooooooooo! The Internet connection is down, my father quickly commented - I have the mobile charging and it is off. He turned it on and I was able to connect "Wow, what a scare."

Por fin llegó la hora y comenzamos; iniciaron dando una breve charla de las personas involucradas en el hallazgo y luego nos mostraron esta imagen.

At last the time came and we started; they started by giving a brief talk about the people involved in the find and then they showed us this image.


Explicaron muchas cosas del espacio especialmente lo afortunado que somos al tener nuestro planeta tierra para poder existir en este basto universo, luego comenzamos a ver cómo fue la experiencia de los que vieron las imágenes por primera vez, nos comentaron que lo primero que los invade es la duda de lo que están viendo.

They explained many things about space, especially how lucky we are to have our planet earth to be able to exist in this vast universe, then we began to see what the experience of those who saw the images for the first time was like, they told us that the first thing that invades them is the doubt of what they are seeing.


Por supuesto cuando vi la primera imagen que ellos pudieron observar, pensé yo también hubiese dudado, aquello no se entendía.

Of course when I saw the first image that they could see, I thought, I too would have doubted, that was not understood.


A medida que la imagen se iba viendo mejor se comenzaba apreciar lo que podía ser.

As the image got better, one began to appreciate what it could be.



Ellos como son investigadores ya tenían una idea de lo que podía ser y a pesan de ello cuando lograron ver completamente la imagen se quedaron sin palabras.

As they are researchers, they already had an idea of what it could be and despite this, when they managed to see the image completely, they were speechless.

(((Fuente de Imágenes)))
(((Image Source)))

Fue genial este paseo virtual, todos pudimos conectarnos y disfrutar de él, antes de despedirnos estuvimos comentando de lo aprendido y el deseo que tenemos algunos de viajar por el espacio o el miedo que nos daría abandonar nuestro planeta.

This virtual tour was great, we were all able to connect and enjoy it, before saying goodbye we were commenting on what we had learned and the desire that some of us have to travel through space or the fear that leaving our planet would give us.

Espero hayan disfrutado de mi participación tanto como lo hice yo, los invito a unirse a esta increíble comunidad (((world of xpilar)))

I hope you enjoyed my participation as much as I did, I invite you to join this incredible community (((world of xpilar)))

Gracias por visitar mi Blog… ¡AH! No se olvide de votar, reesteemear y comentar.

Thanks for visiting my blog... Ah! Don't forget to vote, reesteemear and comment.

Traducido con / Translated with:


Excelente post

Hola @lupega, gracias por visitar y comentar mi blog…
(((Le invito a leer esta.)))

Such a good story. This a very wonderful contest that helps us to picture out our imagination. Thanks to @xpilar for this!

Hi @georgie84, I'm glad you like it. Thanks for comment...
Happy afternoon.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the great story @elmundodexao

Hello @xpilar, a pleasure to greet you and thank you for sponsoring this contest.
Happy afternoon.

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail

join the World of Xpilar Curation Trail, info can be found here

Hello @worldofxpilar, a warm greeting to the entire team. Thanks for your support.
Happy afternoon.

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