On perceiving the seven pentecostal leaders of Johann Arndt; By being a human being together with Gods and known and unknown humans from before!

in WORLD OF XPILAR27 days ago


You know, there are pleasures about the Pentecost, and we can find seven of them, and maybe there are even more in the human nature in the nature, and we are perceiving the life ourselves, and enjoying the life ourselves, and the life is just my life, and your life is your life. So, the first pentecostal leaders is that God has loved the humans, and sent us the salvation in Jesus Christ, when we were eternal damned. And the second thing is that we are loving the God as humans giving us the pleasure of the life, and giving us meaning and motivation to life the life as we want. And the third thing is that the religion we have, implies that we are together with the issues of love and the pleasure of finding comfort for sorrow and pain in God, and in his words. And the fourth thing is that the words in the life, the holy ones, belong to God the father in the heaven, and he has the power to make new messages, and for giving the people on the earth and in the universe, meaning and directions of the life. The fifth thing is that the Holy Spirit should learn us everything that we need in the life, and he should remember us about the life of Jesus, and that he is given us Jesus all days we are here, from the one day to the next. And the sixth issue is that God is coming with peace, and peace and harmony and not making too many conflicts, that are the ways we are wanting to have the life, and we are always here to seek for the meaning of life, and things we experience can be meaningful or meaningless. And the seventh thing to learn today, on the first day of Pentecost is that God is stronger than Satan, and that he destroys the devil forces, if he finds it meaningful, and with points, and humans are just humans just as we are coming, being and leaving when we are here.

Johann Arndt was a German priest, theologian, and psalmist. And the most important words we can learn in the life is about love, and that God has loved us, and we have the obligation of loving God back, and all the humans that we are meeting, and that God has created from eternity. And we are in the life to give our empathy of all humans, and that is perhaps the greatest thing of humanity to any times anywhere while there have been humans on the earth, and humans are damned without God, and hence we need the God every day to survive and to make sustainable development of the human resources and human assets while we are here, and the study programs are sitting in our heads and our eyes and ears, and that is the right way to perceive and to understand the life, and without schools we can think and feel of nothing, and every day is a learning day, where we are feeling needs for motivation and coaching, and we are seeking for truth to godliness while we are here, and the meaning of the life, we are finding in our intellectual forces, and in all the large and small things we can find in the life, with the life as it is being when we are here on the blue planet.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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