On celebrating the Pentecost; Why are we celebrating this event to any times anywhere in the Christianity?

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


Well, the Pentecost should come 50 days after the Easter, and we have human rights, and nobody has the human rights to interfere and destroy any harmony and peace and love in privacy, in the family and on the working places, and this is regulated in the human rights from Strasbourg, and there are strong penalties for violating these laws, and they are not just national, but they are also international, and we cannot do anything for violating these human rights, also on the phone. It is not allowed, and this rules and laws and norms should be followed in formal and informal ways.

The Pentecost is a Christian holiday that is celebrated the seventh sunday after the Easter. And it is celebrated about the fact that the Holy Spirit according to The New Testament came to the apostles, and he let them speak other languages, and perceive foreign and unknown languages as their own, and hence the message of Jesus Christ could come to an understanding on the whole earth. And hence, anyone could understand the message that Jesus Christ was both God and human, and that he came to the world to make salvation, and hence we are given the issue of the heaven, if we are believing and behave ourselves properly according to human and Christian rules, laws and norms, and we should ignore things that are stupid, and there should be none supervision and monitoring about what is happening to any times anywhere.

So, the religions, they are just there to perceive something to be beyond what can be seen and perceived of any human eyes to any times while we are here, and we ignore all kinds of violations of humanity, and the human is a holy body that cannot be attacked, and that is also in accordance with the human rights in Strasbourg, and in accordance with the United Nations, and hence we are our own bosses in the life, and nobody has the right to be inside our bodies, and all movements are in accordance with our friends, and the families that we know, and there are alway new and unknown people there in the markets, and everybody is included as humans with properly human rights, and that is all the people we are meeting and have ever met on the phone and in real life. So, the religions are both on the things we see and do not see, and they are about the things that we are guessing and suggesting, and that things and reality are over our human senses when being here on the earth.

You know, the Pentecost, that is a feast we are celebrating in memory to the fact that the Christian church was born. On this particular days, the Holy Spirit shew his identity and his ways of being, and there were tongues of fire from heaven, and people could talk and understand different languages, and all things came to an end when we were here. And we are just humans with protection when we are here, and we can be ourselves and not bother about anything and anyone anywhere.

Red is the color we are using for the Pentecost, and the red color symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. And it is also about the apostles and the martyrs, and their ways to end the life in relation to how they did and ended their lives. And red is about the bloody ways of doing the life, and also about making danger and doing something new and special for the human nature in the nature, and hopefully, our church will be blazing in red. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and this is the faith and the start of believing when we are here, and we are not sure about the origins and the start of anything, but we determine ourselves whether we want to believe or not believe, or whether the life is a mystery, or just dying when doing the life when the life is over.

So, where is the Pentecost celebrated when we know we are in one church for a while and all churches with similar philosophy is doing the same? The Church of Pentecost operated in 151 Nations headed by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists and Senior Pastors throughout the world. And hence, many nations and communities are celebrated the Pentecost just as it is felt throughout the world. And in the beginning there were God and the words, and the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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