January Winds Down, and I'm Glad to See it Go!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

As I start typing these words, we have about 28 minutes left in January of 2022. To be honest, I'm glad this month is over and done with!


Aside from the fact that it was a disappointing time for the cryptosphere and the financial markets, it has been a very long time since I can remember another month where so many things "didn't go very well" as this past month.

Of course, I realize that dates on a calendar are pretty arbitrary things... and life unfolds as it wants to, regardless. And yet? I can't help but think that because we tend to focus on calendar days and weeks and months... perhaps we influence outcomes, merely by doing so.

Regardless, we're about to start February, and I am happy for that!


It has been a strange winter.

In the nearby mountains (up at around 800m) at the main motorway pass, they had about 250 inches (that's 635cm!) of snow between December 8th and January 6th. That's insane!

Between January 7th and right now, they have not had a single solitary snowflake!

Climate change? Whatever it is, it makes little sense...


I generally like the month of February. The days start to get a little longer, and we start to see signs that spring is not so far away, after all.

I'm thinking this will be a good month... since we have so much of the "rubbish" already out of the way in January! Hopefully it will also be a better month for Steem and the broader cryptosphere. I'm a little weary of waking up most days to see red ink flowing everywhere.

All we can do is go forward, because we can't go back..."


Anyway, it's almost Steem Power Up Day #spud for me, but that'll be for tomorrow's post here... although I know it's already underway for most of you! If you're not familiar with SPUD, it's a great way to support the community by keeping your Steem in the system!

Read more about it in this post from @kiwiscanfly!

And with that, welcome to a new month! Let's make it a good one!

How about YOU? How was the month of January in your world? Are you glad to see the end of it? Or was it a good month for you? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220131 23:56 PST

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