The World of XPILAR - CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #085: Tiny Planet, Newgate, Chester

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Tiny Planet, Newgate, Chester

Hello Steemians! This is my entry for The World of XPILAR - CITYSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #085. It is a tiny planet photo taken with my 360 degree camera. Thanks to @xpilar, @axeman, and to the other members and moderators in the World of Xpilar Community. Cheers 👍

Tiny Planet, Newgate, Chester

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

I took this image when we went to the historical city of Chester, on the border between England and Wales. It is a very old city, originally a Roman fort, called DEVA VICTRIX founded in 79 AD. It is one of my favourite cities or places to visit in England. 😲

This image was taken at Newgate on the Roman city walls as you walk south towards the river from the Eastgate Clock. I have submitted another image in the past for another competition taken from this interesting location:

Here are some more tiny planet images taken in Chester. The first one is a sepia variation of the above image, while the others were taken in the city centre. 😊:

A sepia version of the above image taken on the city walls, Chester

An inverted image taken at the city centre

A tiny planet image taken in the centre of Chester

I hope you like the images. Which one do you like or is your favourite? Be sure to check out my other photography, including more tiny planet photos and videos in the link below. See you soon. 🌐

To view my other posts, images and videos, go to my page, here:

Thanks For Reading.


wow these are so cool and unique! love them

 3 years ago 

Thanks for resteeming/sharing :)

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