Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week #5". /Concurso Semanal, "Creando Historias Semana #5"| Behind the mask |@ calebsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


England, Manchester

She ran out of the door taking deep breaths, as she pulled out a cigar from her left ear and lit it. Jonathan came out of the door and said,"Are you okay, you scared me back there". She spoke as if she was about to burst into tears, "You said the last time was going to be our last". Jonathan came close to her now and cupped her face in his hands,"We need this one and I promise we can go wherever you want to". She nodded in approval and she kissed him. He took her hand and led her inside as she stepped on her cigarette. They walked into a room with a white board and a man with an eye patch held a marker, he was the master mind of all the operations, they don't even know his name, he has always been referred to as Mr. Q. Mr.Q looked up from his phone and stared at Abigail now, he said in a deep thick voice,"You good". She nodded and he proceeded to explain there next operation.

You see being in love is intoxicating, a person can show you different shades of yourself that you never knew before. Abigail met Jonathan in bar like every other normal date, but they were no normal couple. They both had a taste for danger, they could tell they were soul mates from the very first day. The system never did anything for Jonathan, he has been through different foster homes till he decided to runaway. Abigail was a town girl with a taste for bad boys, a match made heaven you could say. Living on the streets Jonathan learned how to take things, he started small from wallets to watches and fancy jewelry. Oneday he stole from the wrong person and that wrong person was "Mr. Q". He was caught and in exchange for his freedom, Mr.Q made us an offer to come work for him. We have traveled the world doing his beading and moving in plane sight. But, it's time for me and Jonathan to make something of ourselves, even maybe make a family. This our lifestyle is not one to welcome a child into, so we decided to quit. But Jonathan has dragged me back for one last job but I have a bad feeling about this.

Mr. Q puts on the projector and the Queen's palace land map was displayed. He strikes his pen on the board as he narrates. The palace is filled with guards at every corner but we are in luck the queen is having a royal gala and you are invited. It's a masked party so it would be easier for you to move under disguise. The throne room is on layer B in the next building, you would have to get to the roof top and go to the next building. On the door leading to the throne room has a fail safe lock and it can only be opened by a key card held by the Chief Commander of the Royal guard, we are in luck because he would be attending the gala. That's where you come in Abigail, your job is to get the key card off him at all means possible and get it back to Jonathan. Jonathan this where you come in, in the throne there is halothane vapour cannisters ready to release once they detect oxygen in the room guarding the crown. You have to hold your breath and walk fifteen steps from the door to the crown and back. We can't risk any leakage in any equipment so you would have to do this old school, Abigail raised her voice and said, "Are you crazy, that's impossible?". If it all goes as planned we will be waiting in the south east gate in a black van." This is a suicide mission if you ask me, how the fuck do you think we can steal queen Elizabeth crown and the world wouldn't notice", said Abigail. Mr. Q smiles and says, "I like you, your smart". He put his hand on a brief case and opens it as he brought out a clear replica of the Queen's crown, he says," The world wouldn't notice because crown won't be missing". Abigail and Jonathan exchange looks.

Abigail could feel the tension getting to her, because of this operation, something was not right she thought. On the day of the operation, Abigail wore a beautiful black gown to match the colour of her hair and a mask over her face as she walked down the stairs, Jonathan kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear,"you're beautiful". She could feel her fear melt as she took his hand. They walked in a hall full of political personalities and representative, the hall was full of life with a chandelier made of gold hung above the people in the middle of the room. This was paradise she thought as she walked down with Jonathan. At the end of the stairs Jonathan bowed and walked away, giving her chance to begin phase one of the plan.

She searched through a crowd full of people looking for the Commander, she spotted him at far end with friends surrounding him, he wore a bull mask . She took a glass of wine from the waiter , drank a little and moved in for the kill. On getting there, she lost her step close to where the Commander stood and fell on the floor. The Commander rushed to her aid and tried to raise her up saying, "Miss, are you okay?" She smiled as she leaned towards him, "your such a gentleman ". She put her hand into his coat and took the key card, she looked up and said to the Commander, "Do you know where I can find the
ladies bathroom dear sir". They stood up now, as she walked towards the bathroom. Jonathan waited at the door of the bathroom. He had a smile on his face as she passed him the key card, he said,"I always knew you were a great actress",he giggles and walks away with the key card.

All the equipment were on the rooftop as Jonathan changed his suit to a black turtle neck and black trouser. He picked up a grapple gun and shoot it to the next rooftop as he slid to get on the other roof. On the rooftop, he knocked out the two guards and headed straight for the throne room . He used the key card, and stood outside, he looked in and he could see the crown. He took deep breaths as he stepped forward and took the first step out of fifteen. Something fell from his backpack but he didn't turn to look what it was, he stepped forward and removed the glass shielding of the crown and replaced the crown with a decoy. He walked gently back slowly and let out and shout when he felt pain below his leg, the button of his bag has a sharp edge and had pierced his skin. The alarm sounded and the sleeping gas started to feel the room now, Jonathan coughed as he tired to reach the door but everything was blurry now. The party in the hall was stopped and everybody was told to leave the palace in an orderly manner. Abigail walked in the mist of the crowd as she searched for Jonathan, he was nowhere to be found. She had a voice over the intercom in her ear, it was Mr.Q. He said,"Abigail abort mission they have Jonathan, I repeat they have Jonathan". She felt her head become lighter as she slowly fell to the floor.



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 4 years ago 

Interesting story that shows an excellent strategy to steal the Queen's crown, the mask plays an important role to avoid being discovered.

Thank you for your entry to the contest

Participant #17

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