Photo contest: post processing #8 - High key - Snowfall.steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Hi all!

Got to work overtime today lol, but if someone doesn't like the post-production of the photos and they don't see what I see, then I won't argue with that and I will add my own photo, which, again, in my opinion, complies with the requirements of the competition.

I took this photo during a heavy snowfall.

It didn't need any editing, but I decided to add a reverse vignette filter to brighten up the edges of the photo.

It was possible to remove, or illuminate the center of the photograph, but I like it so much.

I did not change the title of the post, since both works have snowfall.


This is my post-processing variation of the photo provided on the photo contest post processing-8 organized by the Dear @bambuka.

This is probably the fastest post-production I've done, I don't have the luxury of time, because the power outage schedule will come into effect very soon and I won't be able to do anything.

I rely on the principle - strike while the iron is hot, and therefore I present my version of the work.

A little bit of contrast, a little sharpness of adding two layers of snow, that's all I wanted to do in this case.

Oh, also, I used the "stamp" retouching function to transfer the tree and create the perspective of a snowy alley.


This was the photograph from the beginning, a pleasant New Year's Eve atmosphere.


The first layer of falling snow was supposed to add volume to the photo.


The second layer of snow is in color, it will be necessary to translate all this into a monochrome version.

On this, perhaps, I will stop.


Author @barski.


Nice - but I'm not sure if you really have read the task ;-))

 2 years ago 

I can't disagree more :-)

I read them too carefully and only squeezed between two birches.

 2 years ago 

The alley and the snowfall are good, but I didn't see exactly your photo :-)

Аллея и снегопад это хорошо, но я не увидел именно вашей фотографии :-)

I love this photo that has kept the style but changed.

 2 years ago 

That's right, but this is not the completion of a competitive task :)
Всё так, но это не выполнение задания конкурса :)

I think you rushed, or late with the answer.

 2 years ago 

I was only responding to the comment under the first option :)
Я лишь отвечал на комментарий под первым вариантом :)

 2 years ago 

Purely technical aspect: the high key assumes the intensity of gray is not higher than the 2nd stage. There are clearly darker elements in the photo.

I like the vignetted edges more than the center of the frame, which looks unnecessarily dark and even gloomy. I do not know which program you used when processing, but if we talk about LR, there is a vignette shape and blurriness in the vignetting settings. I would make the blur border smoother, not as sharp. But this is just my approach, perhaps such a vignetting boundary was required to express the idea of photography.


Чисто технический аспект: высокий ключ предполагает интенсивность серого не выше 2-й ступени. На фото явно есть более тёмные элементы.

Виньетированные края мне нравятся больше, чем центр кадра, который выглядит излишне тёмным и даже мрачноватым. Я не знаю, какой программой вы пользовались при обработке, но если говорить о ЛР, то там в настройках виньетирования есть форма и размытость виньетки. Я бы сделал границу размытия более плавной, не такой резкой. Но это лишь мой подход, возможно такая граница виньетирования требовалась для выражения идеи фотографии.

As a feedback:
I have a feeling that this guy is not doing well in life. Around him is a light winter with fresh snow, but his life is quite gray, with a load of problems and sad thoughts ...
... perhaps he is ready to get out of this gray zone, there are steps ahead... but they end at the edge. What's next... the choice is his.

These are just my impressions of watching as a spectator. Of course, everyone will have their own thoughts :)

В качестве обратной связи:
у меня возникает ощущение, что у этого парня не всё хорошо в жизни. Вокруг него лёгкая зима со свежим снегом, но его жизнь довольно серая, с грузом проблем и невесёлых мыслей...
...возможно, он готов выйти из этой серой зоны, впереди есть ступени... но они заканчиваются на краю. Что дальше... выбор за ним.

Это только мои впечатления от просмотра в качестве зрителя. Конечно, у каждого мысли возникнут свои :)

I see the winner of the competition :), for the next competition I will take a loan and buy myself a spectroscope, a microscope, a kaleidoscope, a filmoscope, a kinescope and a stethoscope, just in case, all of a sudden, the rules will change again. Just kidding, cool and informative comment, will need to take this into account in the future, but not this time.
As for this guy, I don't care what he felt at that moment, the gray area around him speaks of it.

 2 years ago 

Я думаю, что в списке необходимых приборов очень не хватает телескопа...ну, может быть добавить эндоскоп... :))

Your idea was to do something with @bambuka's picture. Something - which it didn't really need. When you realised that it was about one of your own pictures, you tried to stay in the subject and offer something very similar...

Trying to change something for the sake of winning the competition and changing something as an act of respect for the organizer of the competition due to the fact that I did not take into account some points are two different things. You will not be able to count all the contests in which I participated in the entire history of Steem and it is difficult for you to understand my attitude towards contests. I only do what I want to do, and it's not related to winning a competition, for me, winning is just a bonus to the pleasure that I get when I work on photographs. And my photo archive will last for several hundred years of daily contests. I wish you success and victories in competitions.

Good morning! Of course I didn't mean to harm you. Just as you don't need to explain yourself - we are all different. For example, I'm not the type to compete - I'm interested in my own limits, not in comparing myself with others. But I do compete: when topics or people arouse my curiosity. And then, if possible, I don't build an obstacle course on a dressage arena ;-))

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