The program "14 days of DIVING" - COMMUNITY WORLD OF XPILAR

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hola, everyone!

We continue

There is an important change to the conditions for participation in the support program.

If earlier it was planned to launch new members in waves (a group of candidates was recruited and after that SP was delegated), now a new member will be included in the program as soon as his candidacy is approved by the community moderators.

In addition, changes were made to the conditions for the nomination of candidates.

The main idea behind all the changes is to support truly active community members who can benefit not only themselves, but the community and Steemit as a whole. Quality takes precedence over quantity.


Let me briefly recall the essence and rules of the project.

Thats the idea

  • The program participant (member of the WORLD of XPILAR community) receives 50SP delegations for a period of 14 days. After that, the delegation is withdrawn and transferred to the next participant.

  • During this time, an interesting creative post of each participant will be supported from the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail (no more than 1 time per day).


  1. A candidate for participation in the program (from active community members) must be nominated by one of the members of the WORLD of XPILAR community.
    Thus, he is responsible for his candidate.

  2. As an exception, self-nomination of a candidate for participation in this program is allowed. To do this, during the week the candidate must be an active member of the WORLD OF XPILAR community. This will be a probationary period for the candidate. You must show your value to the community.

  3. In order for a candidate to be approved and included in the support program, the candidate must be active in the community prior to being included in the program.

  4. STEEM POWER of a candidate must not exceed 50SP

  5. Candidate must be a member of the WORLD of XPILAR community


  1. a program participant creates at least 1 post per day in the WORLD of XPILAR community using the #steemexclusive and full Power Up (100% SP).

  2. at the end of the post title, in parentheses, indicate full Power Up. For instance:Frida Kahlo - Retrato Realista (PowerUp 100%)

  3. Mandatory participation in contests, comments, voting within the community WORLD OF XPILAR. Any activity is greatly appreciated.



I will clarify again. This support program is for members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community only. In order for a candidate to be approved and included in the support program, the candidate must be active in the community prior to being included in the program.Being active in the community means that a community member should publish his posts in the community, comment on the posts of other members, respond to comments under his posts, vote for the likes of the posts of other members of the community. Of course, the activity of the program participant is not limited to the community. It is advisable to apply the same activity wherever you participate. But being active in the WORLD OF XPILAR community is a prerequisite for the program.

As you can see, the rules for the participant are as simple as possible. All you need is your activity and creativity. This will help strengthen your own STEEM POWER to further thrive on the platform.

With the end of the delegation period, the attention to the former participants of the program from the side of the WORLD of XPILAR community does not end.

As the project develops, the terms and conditions may be changed, which will be announced later. Follow the project news.

To date, the following persons are the participants of the "14 days of DIVING" program
@eiafp, @drephillip - members of the first wave who have been extended their participation. They were creative and active during the first phase.
@kikenexum, @maelichb, @shuvobd1, @josertalaverag, @chacaraca are participants in the second wave of the program. Unfortunately, @mkodeking retired early for low activity.
@skywaystelios, @alexandergudino and @thomblanco25 have been included in the program under the new terms of admission.

I am grateful to @qwerrie for joining the support program as a sponsor who delegated one of our contributors.

Congratulations to the new members and welcome aboard!


So, at the moment, the participants of the "14 days of DIVING" program are:


I am waiting for your applications for participation of additional candidates.
Leave applications in the comments to this post.

NOTE: The application will be reviewed by the community moderators and may be rejected without explanation.

Recommendations for program participants

  • To receive support from the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail (no more than 1 time per day), your posts do not have to be formal
  • It is encouraged to post at least 3 photos and a small informative story. Preferably 50 words or more.
  • Show interest and creativity, create striking posts and you will definitely be noticed and supported.
  • Don't forget that the post must be published in the World of Xpilar community, using the ** # steemexclusive ** and ** full Power Up ** (100% SP).
  • The #steemexclusive tag means that this content is published by you only on the Steemit platform. This is not a tag to draw the attention of curators to your post. This tag is your commitment not to duplicate this content on other blockchain platforms. By the way, about attracting curators. I don't think it's good practice to overuse a long list of curator names.
  • Be active in the comments of other members, be a friendly team.

I wish you success and speedy growth.

P.S. Based on the results of your activity during these 14 days, the most active and creative participant will be selected. As a reward for his activity, the delegation period will be extended for one more week. Go for it!


С уважением, @bambuka


Gracias amigo @bambuka, he aprendido bastante en este tiempo y me ha ayudado mucho durante este programa. Éxitos a todos los participantes.

 3 years ago 

Gracias amigo @chacaraca

Nice initiative, I will try to do my part. Thanks for setting this up!
X Elena&Ale

 3 years ago 

I will be glad for any help :)

Muchas gracias por haberme seleccionado y también quiero darle las gracias al amigo @adeljose quien me incentivo a participar.

 3 years ago 

Ahora todo depende de ti :)

great project

 3 years ago 

Thanks :)

welcome sir♥

Que bueno es leer las noticias de la comunidad ❤️ ya me pondré las pilas.

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias :)

 3 years ago 

Amigo @bambuka, agradecido por seleccionarme para a participar en tu proyecto, espero poder cumplir con él y la comunidad..

 3 years ago 

Hm extraño ...
No eliminé la delegación por ti, tu billetera la tiene, pero por alguna razón no se refleja aquí
Todavía estás en el programa y no entiendo qué está pasando))

 3 years ago 

Oh, estoy completamente confundido, 50SP fue delegado por tu amigo @qwerrie.
Está bien :)

 3 years ago 

Hola @bambuka, amigo si tu estás confundido, imagínate yo.. para ser sincero no estoy bien claro en algunos puntos del funcionamiento del proyecto, lo que si te puedo garantizar es que seguiré publicando, en apoyo a ti, a la comunidad y a Steemit.. Creo mi participación de los 14 días continuos del programa finaliza el 03/04/21. Ya veremos que pasa :)

Pero obviamente seguiré activo en la comunidad por que me encanta y estoy en lo que me gusta.. :) :) :)

 3 years ago 

Hola amigo @josertalaverag
Tus 14 días terminan un poco antes :)


Pero me encanta su disposición a participar activamente en nuestra comunidad. Y es correcto. Después de todo, esta comunidad está destinada a fotógrafos y artistas en primer lugar :)

 3 years ago 

Entendido amigo @bambuka, por lo consiguiente culmino entonces mañana 22/03/21..

Excelente, gracias por corregir mi error, producto de la confusión que hablamos anteriormente.

 3 years ago 

Creo que el final del programa no significa el final de todo lo demás :)
Creo que tus maravillosas fotos inspiran a muchos a ser creativos.

 3 years ago 

En eso estoy claro mi amigo, cuando me refería a el final era solo a los 14 dáas del proyecto. Por supuesto que seguiré compartiendo en esta maravillosa comunidad, de eso puedes estar seguro @bambuka y gracias de nuevo por valorar mi trabajo..

 3 years ago 

Solo estaré contento de continuar nuestro conocido amigo @josertalaverag :)

Great project you have here.foe sure your hospitality is assured

 3 years ago 

My Pleasure :)

Thanks sir for give me chance to this project. lot of Love♥♥♥Sir

 3 years ago 

Express your love in beautiful art posts in the WORLD OF XPILAR community :-)

yes sir i am trying to share my creativity with this community.. thanks sir staying with us as a shadow.

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