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RE: Going with the flow today

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

Stress itself is the basis of human adaptation to changing conditions. It is mobilization.
But if you're mobilized for a long time or constantly. mobilization takes a lot of energy and body resources. Gradually the reserves are depleted and the person gets health problems. It's the body signaling. stop. rest. and puts him to bed )

If you're not sleeping well, it's the effects of stress. You need to replenish your resources.

There was a time when I was engaged in psychological rehabilitation of people and conducted audio sessions. I can do it now, but in Russian.
I can write a text, translate it into English with the help of a translator. But I won't be able to voice it properly.
Besides, not everyone understands English speech by ear. :)

Сам по себе стресс является основой адаптации человека к меняющимся условиям. Это мобилизация.
Но если быть мобилизованным долгое время или постоянно... на мобилизацию уходит много сил и ресурсов организма. Постепенно запасы истощаются и человек получает проблемы со здоровьем. Это организм сигнализирует... остановись... отдохни... и укладывает его в кровать )

Если ты плохо засыпаешь, то это последствия стрессов. Тебе надо пополнять свои ресурсы.

Было время, когда я занимался психологической реабилитацией людей и проводил аудио сеансы. Я могу делать это и сейчас, но на русском языке.
Я могу написать текст, перевести его на английский с помощью переводчика. Но я не смогу его правильно озвучить.
кроме того, не все понимают английскую речь на слух. :)

 7 months ago 

It's the body signaling. stop. rest. and puts him to bed )

Could not agree more. True 💯

I I won't say I'm stressed, but there are moments when I prefer not to handle the multitude of energies around me. I don't wish to shoulder the responsibility for everything occurring within my household, yet everyone seems to approach me to discuss or complain about various matters. Despite my efforts to convey that I can't be accountable for everything, particularly concerning the adults, the dependency on me persists. For instance, if a grocery item is missing, perhaps someone else could make an effort to replenish it.

You won't understand the cultural dynamics of our country. Lol

I have stopped worrying too much, and I do get a good amount of sleep.

But yes, please grace this platform with your texts about rehabilitation or I would say restoration of attitude. I don't worry about it being in Russian. I think its a good idea.

 7 months ago 

You're in a difficult situation :-))))

Try to make everyone responsible for a part of some household chores. Start experimenting by going up to them and asking them for their responsibilities )))

Yes, it's hard for me to understand the peculiarities of your culture. Russia probably has a different way of life. But everyone should be equally responsible)

Rehabilitation... here you need to think hard... :)

 7 months ago 


But I'm waiting for those "audio turned into texts" posts though.

Any chance?

 7 months ago 

Audio sessions have a slightly different interaction format.
We still need to figure out how to adapt this into readable text :)

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