My initiative for WORLD OF XPILAR [EN-RU]steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

Surely you remember your first steps on the STEEM platform. I'm not talking about the difficulties of creating a quality post right now. I'm talking about the helplessness of the fry, which lacks energy. Your STEEM POWER is so small that it only lasts for one post per day. And God forbid you to edit your post. There is no talk about activity in the comments either. As a result, almost no one sees you. You are here, but you are not. And this can go on for quite a long time. Someone just waves at everything and leaves.

My initiative is to delegate a certain amount of STEEM POWER for a period of 2 weeks to three members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community. After this period, the next 3 people will become amateurs and so on.

Why members of WORLD OF XPILAR? I consider this community to be the most active, growing and interested in attracting new members. In addition, I feel real support from him and in return I also want to support him.


It so happened that one of the newcomers approached me with a request to support him in this way. I thought, why not and transferred 50 tokens to him in STEEM POWER. It happened 3 weeks ago and now his SP is over 500 tokens. This is his own achievement.
To continue, I reached out to @ sultan-aceh for help, who works hard to bring new members to the platform. He has a whole team - # aceh-team. And I asked him to name one of his team members. What was needed was a newbie who is active and is going to be active in the future. The name was announced and its SP increased by 100 tokens. Unfortunately, he is not as active as the first newbie. But I can understand the student, he does not have much time. But the time of the delegation will also end soon ... But this is his business.

So, the time of this delegation ends in a week. By this time, I intend to select 3 people to whom I delegate 50 SP for a period of 2 weeks. I understand, this is not a lot, but I am not a whale and not even a dolphin yet. For people who have received my delegation, it will serve more to motivate and increase the opportunity to be active on the platform. It is important for a person to feel supported.

At one time, I was supported in a similar way by @blacklux. I express my gratitude and gratitude to my crypto mom :) At that time I was very inspired by such support. In fact, I want to continue her work in the WORLD OF XPILAR community.

If the dear @sultan-aceh doesn't mind, I would like to personally recommend one of the candidates. Let this also be a small tradition.
The other two members must be recommended by someone from the permanent and active members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community, and the candidates themselves must be in this community.


So, if you squeeze out all the water and remove the lyrics, then the bottom line is the following:
-In early March, I will delegate 50 SP to 3 members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community who have their own SP less than 50.
-The candidate must be recommended by one of the active / well-known members of the WORLD OF XPILAR community.
-The candidate himself must be an active member of the community.
-In the event that after the delegation the program participant will not be active, I reserve the right to withdraw the delegation ahead of schedule, before the expiration of 2 weeks.
-The candidate cannot recommend himself.

** P.S. **
This initiative is not exclusive and not copyrighted :). Anyone can do exactly such an initiative or similar, changing something at their discretion. There is never much help.
In the future, as my SP grows, I will increase the size of the SP delegation.


Конечно, вы помните свои первые шаги на платформе STEEM. Я сейчас не говорю о трудностях создания качественного поста. Я говорю про беспомощность малька, которому не хватает энергии. Ваш STEEM POWER настолько мал, что его хватает лишь на один пост в сутки. И не дай вам бог сделать редактирование своего поста. Про активность в комментариях речи тоже нет. В результате вас никто практически не видит. Вы здесь есть, но вас нет. И это может продолжаться довольно долго. Кто-то просто машет на всё рукой и уходит.

Моя инициатива заключается в делегировании некоторой суммы STEEM POWER сроком на 2 недели троим членам сообщества WORLD OF XPILAR. После этого срока дилетантами станут следующие 3 человека и так далее.

Почему именно члены WORLD OF XPILAR? Я считаю это сообщество наиболее активным, растущим и заинтересованном в привлечении новых участников. Кроме того, я ощущаю реальную поддержку от него и в ответ тоже хочу его поддержать.

История вопроса

Так получилось, что ко мне обратился один из новичков с просьбой именно поддержать его таким образом. Я подумал, а почему бы и нет и перевёл 50 токенов ему в STEEM POWER. Это случилось 3 недели назад и сейчас его SP составляет более 500 токенов. Это его собственное достижение.
Чтобы продолжить, я обратился за помощью к @sultan-aceh, который много работает для привлечения новых участников на платформу. У него есть целая команда - #aceh-team. И я попросил его назвать имя одного из членов его команды. Нужен был новичок, который активен и собирается быть активным в дальнейшем. Имя было названо и его SP увеличилось на 100 токенов. К сожалению, он не так активен, как первый новичок. Но я могу понять студента, у него не так много времени. Но и время делегации тоже скоро закончится... Но это его дело.

Так вот, время этой делегации заканчивается через неделю. К этому сроку я намерен выбрать 3 человека, которым я делегирую по 50 SP сроком на 2 недели. Я понимаю, это не много, но я не кит и даже пока не дельфин. Для людей, получивших мою делегацию, она будет служить скорее целям мотивации и расширит возможность проявлять свою активность на платформе. Человеку важно чувствовать поддержку.

В своё время подобным образом я был поддержан @blacklux. Я выражаю свою признательность и благодарность моей крипто-мамочке :) В то время меня очень вдохновила такая поддержка. Фактически, я хочу продолжить её дело в сообществе WORLD OF XPILAR.

Если уважаемый @sultan-aceh не возражает, я бы хотел, чтобы одного из кандидатов рекомендовал лично он. Пусть это тоже будет маленькой традицией.
Два остальных участника должны быть рекомендованы кем-то из постоянных и активных участников сообщества WORLD OF XPILAR и сами кандидаты должны состоять в этом сообществе.


Итак, если отжать всю воду и убрать лирику, то в сухом остатке получаем следующее:
-В начале марта я делегирую 50 SP 3 участникам сообщества WORLD OF XPILAR у которых своя SP меньше 50.
-Кандидат должен быть рекомендован одним из активных/известных членов сообщества WORLD OF XPILAR.
-Кандидат сам должен быть активным участником сообщества.
-В случае, если после делегирования участник программы не будет проявлять активности, я оставляю за собой право отозвать делегацию досрочно, до истечения 2 недель.
-Кандидат не может рекомендовать себя сам.

**P.S. **
Эта инициатива не является эксклюзивной и не защищена авторским правом :). Любой желающий может сделать точно такую инициативу или подобную, изменив что-то по своему усмотрению. Помощи много не бывает.
В дальнейшем с ростом своей SP я буду наращивать размер делегации SP.


CameraSony A7М2
Post productionin LR & Ps

Manual processing in Lightroom & Ps

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

From Russia with Love



 4 years ago 

It's great what you want to do now and provide support with SP so they can take advantage of a greater RC Status and post more posts and comments every day and earn their SP in the 14 days to increase their RC staus.

If you are willing to lead a program for this, I am ready to support this, but I do not have the opportunity to do it myself. As you probably know, I spend many hours every day on Steem and almost do not have time to post my own blogs.

My Norwegian team will then be able to give 20 new users 50 SP for every 14 days.
Terms for users are of course to post #steemexclusive and full Power Up and rules that you want to include.

The 20 users + those you delegate SP to will also receive support from the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail.
Tell me what you think and we'll talk more about this :)

 4 years ago 

Thank you so much @xpilar for taking the time to give attention to my initiative.
It would be strange if I refused your proposal to expand this initiative. Not much can be done by one person, but if it is a real beginner support program, the benefits will be substantial.

So far, I've been more focused on my blog and personal posting. I don't have much experience in doing "social" activities. I'll have to spend more time on Steem, but I'm ready to try.

I think that supporting the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail is just as important for newbies as boosting their SP by 14 days. All together will be a good help and support at the start of new community members.

By the way, a question. Initially, my initiative was aimed at members of the World of Xpilar community. This is good for the growth of our community. What do you think about that?

 4 years ago 

Yes, the starting point is those who are supported that they post in the World of Xpilar Community. Are you at Discord?

 4 years ago (edited)

bambuka at Discord :)

 4 years ago 

I invite you to participate in the nomination of candidates:

Thanks in advance :)

 4 years ago (edited)

Кого ты хочешь поддержать? В принципе, инициатива интересная...
Если человек сделает адекватное ИНТРО, расскажет чего он будет постить - почему бы и нет...

 4 years ago 

Это да. Бывает и так, что кто-то приводит своего знакомого, он его знает и такой человек может порекомендовать кандидата на поддержку. Заодно почувствует ответственность за него, лишний раз пнёт, коли лень проявит))
Я пару-тройку своих просто поддерживал, но можно сделать некую инициативу.
Пока в рамках одного соо )

 4 years ago 

Если есть кандидатура, могу подсобить....

 4 years ago 

таки сам кандидатуру ищу:)
Давай искать вместе, дело-то вроде нужное

это то и вопрос, кого поддерживать. я тоже готов присоединиться и поддержать малька СП, но организационные трудности предпочту свалить на кого-то другого. если получится придумать механизм - соо предлагает новичков, мы помогает - я за.

count me in (and part of my SP, say, 50 steem) for this initiative.

Indeed, I see this user is always inactive .... And very difficult to develop .... But I see .... Of the other 20 can be active from the guidance of @sultan-aceh.

And always make posts.

@xpilar also gave delegaai before. To new users .... But because it is not active ... Revoked ...

Likewise @sultan-aceh
Giving the initial delegation ... To those he recruited ... Because he was not active, he was also revoked ....

In my opinion .... Maybe he is busy because of school ... Disturbed ... I know from this @aceh-team member post.

 4 years ago 

Aktivitas memengaruhi pertumbuhan Anda. Saya siap membantu anggota aktif, tetapi bagaimana memastikan aktivitas mereka.
Untuk melakukan ini, saya mencari orang yang siap menjamin orang yang telah dibantu. Dengan demikian, penjamin juga akan bertanggung jawab atas orang yang direkomendasikannya.

@sultan-aceh adalah orang yang telah mampu mempertahankan @aceh-team untuk komunitas world of xpilar...

20 orang lebih telah bertahan...dan dijamin aktif...Teguran dan saran..Delegasi dan pinjaman uang di dunia nyata. Kepada anggota @aceh-team.. Selalu diberikan...saya tahu itu selama saya menjadi anggota nya...

Namun selalu berujung.....berujung untuk tidak aktif. Disaat @sultan-aceh memberikan yg terbaik... Bagi angotanya.

Inilah yang tidak diketahui oleh orang lain.

Apakah @sultan-aceh tidak ada jaminan... Menurut anda.

Semoga anda mengerti yang saya sampaikan @bambuka.

 4 years ago 

"Namun selalu berujung.....berujung untuk tidak aktif."

Kelambanan hanya menunjukkan kurangnya keinginan untuk bertindak.
Dukungan @sultan-aceh ditujukan untuk menciptakan motivasi dan kondisi untuk aksi mandiri. Dukungan finansial tidak harus konstan, itu menciptakan kemalasan. Tapi terkadang kemalasan hidup dengan sendirinya.
Pekerjaan @sultan-aceh dan saya bukanlah memberi Anda ikan, tetapi memberi Anda alat pancing sehingga Anda bisa memancing sendiri.
Saat Anda hanya makan ikan, Anda tidak menjadi nelayan. Inilah intinya. Anda membutuhkan motivasi dan kondisi awal.

Terima kasih... Semoga yang bersangkutan. Yang telah anda berikan bantuan SP. membaca dan mengerti yang anda tulis ini.

Bahwa Sp yang anda berikan... Untuk mereka pancing sendiri. Agar mendapatkan ikan.


Terima kasih atas tanggapan baik anda..

 4 years ago 

Semoga beruntung teman saya! :)

yes, same thing. I tend to help new (Russian speaking) users of Steem, but this is very often the case: they flicker for a few times and then do not post, silently drift and the delegation is of no use, I stopped doing that. If @bambuka with the help of community would receive
list of nominations for support, I happily join in.

a little correction - maybe, 4 weeks would be simpler then 3 weeks?...

I feel very sad now. It is true, lean fried fish must be cooked with vegetables to be full when consumed. All new members are highly cared for in this community. New steemit users will receive delegations from @xpilar and @sultan-aceh after joining the community I know. It sounds unpleasant, but when I joined here 180 days ago, initially I was given 200 SP support by @xpilar and 100 SP from @sultan-aceh. Even so, @sultan-aceh continues to provide guidance. What strengths do new members have without guidance?

Regrettably, a skinny fish who has to swim on the banks of a river without strong preparation wants to swim in the deep waters ... Fish do not know the responsibility it will accept when swimming in the depths that it must avoid. ......

Unfortunately, the kindness of these two people was not seen by others, or by recipients of support.

For new members, a little motivation from me, "But all that requires a process with" Patience ". Fattening the body is not as easy as turning your palms"

 4 years ago 

Hai @ grisaia-steem!
Anda memahami semuanya dengan benar. Untuk tumbuh dan mencapai kedalaman yang luar biasa, Anda perlu menggunakan energi pribadi Anda. Bantuan itu penting, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah motivasi Anda, perjuangan Anda untuk mencapai tujuan. Jika tidak, setiap gerakan kehilangan setengah dari artinya.
Anda hebat, dalam 180 hari Anda berhasil menjadi ikan mandiri. Biar bukan ikan yang sangat mengesankan beratnya, tapi mandiri. Ini adalah contoh yang bagus untuk orang lain :)

 4 years ago (edited)

New steemit users will receive delegations from @xpilar and @sultan-aceh after joining the community I know.

when I joined Steemit, I had only 20 SP help from a friend, till I grow up my SP to 100 SP. I may sound "unpleasant" but delegation is not a thing that one should receive 'automatically' just joining to the community, like a turn on /off handle. Delegation is a thing (in my opinion) that should be given to the users who proved they have serious intentions about Steemit, who want to invest their time and efforts into the blockchain, i.e. original authors, who want to bring stuff ahere and stay here. It is not the case when 'I earned 200 steem, sold them, and said good buy Steemit' :) This means they should be active for some time, and their blog should be an evidence of their good content and serious intentions.

I convinced so.
@adeljose, @stef1, @leveuf, @sultan-aceh, @mister-omortson
If @bambuka with the help of community would receive a list of nominations for support, and agree to run / handle this initiative, I happily join in.

ps. a little correction - maybe, 4 weeks instead of 3 weeks, would be simpler ?...

Hi @bambuka, thank you for such wonderful post and for your warm words in regards to our community. There are many people joined recently and your offer to support the users on your way deserves only appreciation and respect.

I was thinking about maybe some new comers, who recently started posting, I would probably suggest those users:

@drephillip, who is from from the Azores Islands, that was his reply to my comment:

"Photography is one of my hobbies, professionally I'm a graphic designer but I also aim to do photography professionally, since it's one of my passions ever since I was child and at my teen years I started to learn theory and play around with my father's camera, then I invested on books about composition, editing, got my own camera, lens and that's how I got now the work that I have and want to share with the community while growing simultaneously on my work and creativity :)"

@eiafp is another wonderful user with such beautiful photography, but I noticed that you also noticed her already :)

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

More info: visit @steemitblog post

 4 years ago 

Hi @stef1!
Good to see you and thank you for your kind words!
@eiafp & @drephillip yes, good choice, I totally agree with it. I have already seen @eiafp's posts and even invited her to the Macro contest from @sultan-aceh. She has very good posts.
@drephillip's work is familiar to me too. They are both enthusiastic and I would love to help them with SP.
Thank you for helping me select these worthy candidates. Now I'm waiting for suggestions from @sultan-aceh and the beginning of next month :)

Appreciate your support! :)

@bambuka @stef1 I am highly honored with you both mentioning me. I am interested and always down to help out fellow photographers!

However, I am completely new to blockchain social media. I am still trying to figure out how all the post/voting/credit stuff works.

My basic assumption of this post is that @bambuka is going to give 50 SP to 3 people, who, then in turn give out the 50 SP to other new photographers in the WORLD OF XPILAR community. Is this correct?

 4 years ago 

@eiafp If you have questions, do not hesitate and just ask them. I am ready to answer everything that is within my knowledge.
As for this post of mine, I give an explanation.
I'm going to delegate 50 SP to you so you can be more active. For example, 2 posts per day, comments, voting, etc. You just use this SP for two weeks to improve your own SP.
You don't need to delegate anything to anyone, it's just support for you.
I like your activity and your posts :)

@bambuka Thank you for the explanation. The gesture is so gracious of you. I just finished a post on how SP works. Your sponsorship would definitely motivate me to start working on learning how to code my post better ;) and be more active.

And thank you for the support of my photography! I really like your work too. I love the image you chose for this post too! Great color, shape, and line.

 4 years ago 

I have good news for you @eiafp
The founder of the WORLD OF XPILAR community suggested expanding this initiative to the number of participants and promised to help in supervising the participants. Good posts will be further supported in this case. We have now started discussing this program. You and @drephillip are already on this list. I hope we succeed :)

@bambuka That is awesome to hear, not just for me, but for @drephillip and all the other new members.

Sending positive vibes and intention towards everyone's success in this endevor. :)

 4 years ago 

I wish you success on the platform and in life :)

 4 years ago 

Thank you @stef1 for suggesting me, I'm very grateful for the attention and support I got for the past few days, this community is very kind and I love to see people helping each other grow :)
Also started following @eiafp, her work is interesting and I'm definitely curious to see some more of her vision on photography

@bambuka I want to also thank you for the support you want to give to new members, this really incentives us to grow, you diserve alot of respect and appreciation :)


 4 years ago 

Hi @drephillip
I'm glad you are ready to be active on the platform. I would like to see more of these participants. The future of the platform is in our hands :)

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @bambuka.

Excellent initiative, I think it is very good to support new users, in particular, I can support you in the selection of users, as well as the follow-up to them.

Undoubtedly, this will attract more participation in the community.

 4 years ago 

Great @adeljose!
Your participation is highly appreciated. Yes, it is important not only to increase the SP of a new user, but also to support him, to support his posts by voting.
Thank you for your willingness to help, I really appreciate it:)

Hello dear friend, excellent initiative towards our community and our members, I have always loved your posts, I think you are an excellent member and now moderator of our community. Thanks for the support, we are here to support each other as a team. Greetings!!!

 4 years ago 

Hi @franyeligonzalez!
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
I think together we will cope with any tasks :)


Excelente propuesta amigo @bambuka, mientras leía la historia de lo que relató como el inicio o noviciado de un Steemian, me vi sumamente reflejado en él.

A pesar de haber incursionado en noviembre del 2018, no fue sino hasta noviembre o diciembre del 2020 que @randulakoralage me explicó exactamente como era que se publicaba en las comunidades, sí, aunque no lo crean, yo publicaba sin seleccionar en la comunidad donde debería haber subidos mis post. me explico mejor.

Al principio, muy tímido, yo, profesor universitario, me dijeron de una página que paga por publicar y por supuesto te muestran las publicaciones más productivas pero no te explican bien el camino, sin embargo, yo inicié, a ver que tal me va.

Me topé con una comunidad donde un miembro (por razones éticas no voy a mencionar a la persona, ni siquiera su género) vio una de mis publicaciones, las cuales eran artículos casi científicos con un poco de flexibilidad, esa persona me propuso que yo le pasara las publicaciones (el contenido) y ella publicaría, dándome el crédito por al autoría, lo cual me pareció bien, y como mis publicaciones eran de muy baja cantidad de votos, decidí hacerlo, ya pasados casi tres meses, decidí analizar la situación, evalué los post que ella publicaba y noté que eran productivos, al momento de volver a estar en contacto, le pregunté al respecto, y ella simplemente me dijo que mi recompensa era darme a conocer, la publicidad, que la gente me conociera, sin embargo, todos los SBD, STEEM y STEEM POWER eran de ella, al sumarlos, observé que se estaba aprovechando de mí, por lo que en la siguiente publicación, decidí publicar yo en mi blog, así lo hice y no resultó tan bien como esperaba pero si fue mejor que los anteriores.
En total le facilité material como para unas 20 publicaciones entre artículos y temas de gerencia, 2 concursos, los cuales fueron un éxito.
Por supuesto no volví a enviarle nada y así mismo su ascenso se vino abajo, me salió cara esa "Ayuda".
Hoy en día tengo a mis hijas y unos amigos muy cercanos a los cuales apoyo y a veces nos reunimos y publicamos en el mismo concurso casi al mismo tiempo, hacemos competencias de historias, entre otros.
Ya mucho más claro el panorama, ahora ya entendí como funciona, incluso voy para mi segunda participación en el #spud4steem del año. (el primero apenas encendí 40 Steem) y cuando vi la cantidad que encendieron los demás, bueno, me puse a correr. jajaja

Quería contarle mi historia a alguien que escuchara y que al menos sintiera lo que es ser nuevo en esta plataforma, sin un guía o mentor que te lleve de la mano.

Bueno, ahora ya encaminado, estoy con mi equipo (@turituri, @alejartist y @sagecarlos) creciendo juntos.

Saludos amigo @bambuka.

 4 years ago 

Sí ... no es una historia muy divertida. Pero ahora tienes experiencia y fue una lección importante en el camino.
Esto es importante cuando puede hacer una pregunta y obtener una respuesta. Recuerdo mis primeras publicaciones aquí y mi confusión. Ni siquiera podía entender por qué puedo escribir una publicación, un comentario y todo, entonces la plataforma simplemente se quedó en silencio. Resulta que no tenía suficiente energía.
La energía a través de SP es el principal objetivo de este proyecto de apoyo. Y, por supuesto, algunos consejos y respuestas a preguntas.
En mi época, sería muy deseable al principio.
Deseo éxito a tu equipo :)

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