Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week #2". /Concurso Semanal, "Creando Historias Semana #2".
My Dear Friend's,
This is @ashik333 from #Bangladesh.🇧🇩
♠My Dream story♠
Hello my friends how are you all I'm fine. I hope you're all well. First of all, I want to thank you for organizing such a beautiful contest and for giving me the opportunity to tell a story here. Friends, I've shared many stories with you before. Different. Today I will tell the story of my "dream".
On the night of August 20, 2020, I had a nightmare. I sometimes have nightmares, but that day was more of a nightmare than before. And I don't know if it's my fault that some of the dreams I have come true. After seeing this dream I was very scared that if the event really happened to me.
On the night of August 20, 2020, I dreamed that some people had taken me away, including my parents and younger sister. They did not know who was wearing black clothes on their faces. Takes you to an empty place. After that, they started torturing us a lot. At one point, my parents killed a small forest and when I saw all this, I started crying loudly. They started torturing me a lot. At one point I tore my bound rope and ran away.
One of them saw me running away and told everyone and then they all started to tell me that they can go a long way, ponds, rivers, jungles, etc., but they do not leave behind. Turning around, I said in my mind that I will leave this world today. When one of the bandits goes to stab me in the chest with a big knife, I get up screaming. I called him and told him what happened. I told him I had a dream.
I really had a very bad dream that I sometimes go up and down the car and scream, but it was even more horrible that day. Anyway, everyone will pray that it doesn't happen to me. I hope you like this story of mine. Although this is a story, I had a fever that morning and it lasted for 5 days. It will be good if everyone sees me from afar.
Greetings friend @ashik333
Sometimes the dreams tend to be chilling, no matter how hard you try you never escape and they end up taking you, and that's when, out of desperation, we "wake up".
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Participant #16
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