
in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Hello, my friends on Steem.

Привет, стимитяи и стимитяйки.

This post was written specifically for the Weekly challenge on Steem!!! Food photo / Week #90 contest by @mister-omortson

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From about the middle of July comes the time of raw food, i.e. you can forget for a while that there is a stove in the kitchen and that you need to cook and fry something on it. You can just go out into the garden and eat what is in it: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, peas, beans and something like that. As a child, I really liked to eat fresh green peas. We planted it a lot in our garden. Also, I and other children often looked for collective farm fields in the vicinity, on which it was possible to gather a little peas.Примерно с середины июля наступает время сыроедства, т.е. можно на некоторое время забыть, что на кухне имеется плита и что на ней надо что-то варить и жарить. Можно просто выйти в сад-огород и поесть то, что есть в нем: огурцы, помидоры, морковь, лук, горох, фасоль и что-то в этом роде. В детстве я очень любил есть свежий зеленый горох. Мы очень много садили его у себя в огороде и еще я и другие дети часто искали в окрестностях колхозные поля, на которых можно было немного насобирать горох.

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The love for peas has remained until now. We still plant peas in our garden. But the youngest daughter in this regard is completely different from the older children. It is clear that times are changing and our youngest daughter has more variety in terms of nutrition than the first children. I see the same thing in my grandchildren. Only the eldest granddaughter ate peas with great pleasure with us last weekend, and the rest of the grandchildren were not interested in it.Любовь к гороху осталась до сих пор. Мы по-прежнему садим горох у себя в саду. Но вот младшая дочь в этом плане совершенно отличается от старших детей. Понятно, что времена меняются и наша младшая дочь в плане питания имеет большее разнообразие, чем первые дети. Тоже самое я вижу и по внукам. Только старшая внучка с большим удовольствием ела вместе с нами горох в прошедшие выходные, а остальным внукам он был не интересен.

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Friends, if you like to eat peas in this form, then you are welcome to join. In 2017, in Finland, I was surprised to see how many peas they sell there right in beans. And the beans are big. But what do they do with it, how do they cook it? I don't know.Друзья, если вы любите есть горох в таком виде, то милости прошу присоединиться. В 2017 году в Финляндии я с удивлением наблюдал сколько гороха продается у них там прямо в бобах. И бобы большие. Но что они делают с ним, как готовят в пищу? Я не знаю.

I wish all of you good luck!

I will be glad to have your attention to my posts again.

 2 years ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

I like to eat those peas in salads, they are very tender, I hope you have a lot to collect, the habits of children, even if you want to give them everything, sometimes they let themselves be influenced by others, it's bad, oh I don't want to without having tried them, sometimes they change their minds !


Yes, the desire of children often does not coincide with ours. Children should have their own opinion.

We put only canned peas in the salad.

 2 years ago 

Прелесть какая! Даже вкус почувствовался.

я тоже сейчас с утречка его почувствовал :)

 2 years ago 

Nice peas! It has been an off year for peas in my garden. I do not understand why as it has been cool and the pea like it cool. I even planted a couple seeds in my greenhouse and they are not doing much.

Anyway, fresh peas are good raw, but also braised with a bit of butter. I also like dried peas and dried peas made into soup.

I know that they make pea soup in Finland, but do they make it in Russia too?

In Russia, of course, they make pea soup and also make pea puree as a side dish. Dried peas are used for this.

Peas love moisture. Peas are often planted to increase soil fertility.

 2 years ago 

yes, all legumes fix nitrogen in the soil. I am surprised my peas are sparse this year. There has been lots of rain.

How do you make your pea soup? I love mine with ham and potatoes and carrots in it.

How do you make your pea soup? I love mine with ham and potatoes and carrots in it.

We usually also just put potatoes, carrots, onions and meat.
Sometimes some people put smoked meat in such a soup.
I like it when there are whole or half peas in the soup. But you can often find pea soup-puree.

 2 years ago 

Sounds delicious.


 2 years ago 

Молодой горох очень вкусный - нежный, сладкий! Тоже люблю:)

Главное поймать момент, когда червячки в нем еще не завелись. :)

What beautiful photos, I had never seen peas so close

Have you never eaten peas?

Of course! but I was referring to photographs as clear as yours, I had never seen anything like that! good work 😄😂

😂😂😂 Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

 2 years ago 

Hermosas fotografías, me encantan los guisantes en todas las variedades de comida como arroz con pollo, ensalada y pollo guisado. Sus beneficios son grandiosos. Que bueno que su nieta si haya probado los guisantes con ustedes. 👍Saludos cordiales.

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