Memories of my School Days. Iniciative @steemitblog

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


When I wrote my tasks, I used to underline the heading with red or blue, I remember that I didn't have crayons, I only had a two-coloured pencil, with that pencil I did all the underlining of my tasks, if the notebook had been a man's one they would have surely thought it was Spider-Man's, blue and red all over.

Another of my favorite parts was the recess, it was crazy at the time of ringing the doorbell, we would run to the canteen to buy a couple of cakes and a soda, nothing more exciting than that for those days, I remember how we would link the soda of various flavors among friends, at the end it gave a special flavor, a taste of schoolboy mischief.

The homework, well I don't remember if I liked to do it or if I was good at studying, but I never repeated the year, I used to pass every year without any problem, I used to attend without fail, unless I was sick, I liked to go to school to have fun with my friends, close to home live two of them, Veronica and Maria, great friends. Those are times that won't come back but I remember them as if I were still living them.

This is one of the notebooks I used in school


This is my participation in the initiative promoted by @steemitblog in its publication

Cuando escribía mis tareas, solía subrayar el encabezado con color rojo o azul, recuerdo que no tenía créyones, solo poseía un lápiz bicolor, con ese lápiz de color hacía todos los subrayados de mis tareas, si el cuaderno hubiese sido de varón seguro hubiesen creído que era del Hombre Araña, azul y rojo por todas partes.

Otra de mis partes favoritas era el recreo, era una locura a la hora de sonar el timbre, salíamos corriendo a la cantina para comprar un par de pasteles y un refresco, nada más emocionante que eso para esos días, recuerdo como ligábamos los refrescos de varios sabores entre los amigos, a la final daba un sabor especial, un sabor a travesura colegial.

Las tareas, bueno no recuerdo si me gustaba hacerlas o si era buena en el estudio, pero nunca repetí el año, solía pasar cada año sin ningún problema, solía asistir sin falta, al menos que estuviese enferma, me gustaba ir al colegio para divertirme con mis amigos, cerca de casa viven dos de ellos, Verónica y María, grandes amigas. Esos son tiempos que no volverán pero recuerdo como si los estuviese viviendo aún.

Este es uno de los cuadernos que usaba en el colegio


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