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RE: Aggiornamento stato salute per due/Update health facts concerning my couple

in Italylast month

Dear friend what does:

The driver's license cost
Your new lenses (You need both. Without lenses you will not be able to work.)
What about your hospital check?

I understand you are worried about your husband but I am worried about you. Ask yourself what your husband will do without you, if you are no longer able to write, make an income.

So make a list of what is needed lrices in Steem, dollars, euros or what you need.

Don't forget a person needs to eat too.

If you have a bankaccount (BIC and swift number), cryptowallets, paypal or? Mention it too.

I assume the driver's license is your ID as well.

Strenght and love to you.
I hope to hear soon from you.


Good news, my dear: the public clinic called me for the ultrasound for free, thanks God! My new lenses: I'm paying them into 3 instalments with a credit card (it's a zero cost credit card in my country), so it won't be heavy. My driver's license renewal/update will cost about 340 reais (more or less 65 dollars, depending on the exchange rate oscillations), but don't worry dear, I yet received enough donations in my steemit account and it should cover this expense❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh, dear friend I am so happy for you. Get your glasses and enjoy a better vision.

I hope everything will work out fine with your driver's license and everything you need to have a better life.

Blessings to you dear friend!
Please, take good care of yourself and help your husband to use steemit.

He can join photography or other contests with not too much text.


Thank you, dear friend! 💕I answer here at all your previous comments for comfort reasons:

  1. my husband is taking his prescribed syrup. A very kind and nice old sister of my Methodist church, the musicians chief, purchased the syrup for him

  2. It's very hard to convince him to join steemit, as now he can't stay too much time sitting using a PC or notebook cause his health. I'll try to see if he could do with steemit app for mobiles, even I know it's very hard to work here with no big screen and big keyboard. He is doing all his best with the earning apps he yet has

  3. the hospital were my friend died is too obsolete (a dilapidated building in a small town in the north of Italy, practically the worst Italian region where to live). Can compared to a third or fourth world hospital in bad conditions

  4. I also use the oldest clothes not good as towels and handkerchiefs as kitchen towels

Hoping I didn't forget any answer 💕

Thanks for answering all questions. Know there's no hurry to do so.

I started on Steemit in bed, laying on my left side for the biggest part of the day/night.
If I can write he can too.
Let him join the freewriters and boylikegirl...a photo, a few limes, no justifying is a good start.


I'll try again, dear friend, I'll try, even I know it's not an easy task and his mobile is yet overwhelmed by his earning apps😂😂😂😂. But I'll try, I promise...

Earning apps... is it possible to earn with them? Two of mine no longer work. Perhaps it's lousy Ssmsung. gave up on me too. I tried 5x to log in but it says it can't verify blah blah..
It will take time to read your text.

Happy day dear, when can you expect your license and glasses?


I have yet the glasses, since Wednesday🙂🧡.I only must go to the optician this afternoon to make some adjustments. The license renewal is between July and September.
My husband uses cryptos earning games, but I don't know the name of all of them (he uses several per day). But I know well the BITCOIN BLING apps because I use them also (word of breeze, solitaire bitcoin, sudoku bitcoin). In the play store. He is also a kwai influencer, even if it's years he struggle to win a contract with the company (at least a million followers are needed).

Wow, they deliver fast with you. Hapoy vision.

I use 2 apps for BCH and two for LTC since... Those two who didm't work yesterday do so today.

What is Kwai?

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