Crea un'immagine: An Appetizing Dish / Un Piatto Appetitoso (EN/IT)

in Italy4 months ago (edited)

If it comes to appetizing AI's fine art is surprising. Burger King?

Kopie van Draak hot dip(1).jpg

An appetizing dish

It was late
Still awake
he tried to remember the last time he ate
One tomato
One scrabbled egg
It's a complete meal they said

Be humble
Though the grumble inside
Voices of the stomach
Empty intestines keep protesting
Denial, why? - it's a lie, huge lie -

Spicy chickens
Juicy sausages covered by gravy
Roasted beef winking
Turkeys and fish all calling, waiting
Plates and bowls, food for the soul

Don't cry
Stop thinking
Homemade apple pie with whipped cream
Tiramisu, semolina pudding
An appetizing plate of desserts
Delusions, illusions of unfulfilled dreams

Tearing apart
Killing healthy bodies and minds
Visions of food trucks
How he wished to have a bite
Food festivals, buffets celebrating life

One wish
The grumbling can no longer be ignored
Wishful thinking is mind-blowing
Finally, dinner is ready
The table is set

Being a pig is not bad at all


source 19-3-2024: lekker - sappig - varken - spit - eten - schaal

AI has strange ideas if it comes to 'an appetizing plate' or is AI brainwashing people just like commercials and mainstream media do not to mention the food pyramid which isn't about health but invented by the food industry to sell, sell and sell.
Food, appetizing food, was shown first as a boring dish, next a basic 'Greek' salad (lettuce tomato and 'cheese'), not healthy or complete meals.
As soon as 'pig' (meat) is added the food looks way better so do the pictures shown but I can't help thinking AI wants me to know that 'you are what you eat' and wants to stop people eating what is healthy or they like.
We have been facing this since theb70s and after the vegan tour (fruits and vegetables are pricey for too many) today farmers are forced to stop farming.
More and more houses are built on agricultural grounds, there are more mouths to feed.
Mouths of people who don't understand where healthy food comes from. No, it doesn't come from pills, liquids or out of tubes. And cocoa (chocolate milk) is not made by brown cows.

AI is not open-minded, discriminates, has tunnel vision and is the result of a certain stereotypical way of thinking.
Do not believe everything AI delivers on your plate since it is far from appetizing. The food AI serves will kill the brain, the free-thinking, which is the only thing that humans made different from all those animals some men like to kill. Ask yourself who will be distinct next. Will you be kept alive or the next one in line die?

Header: Canva
Pictures: AI-generated by me
Prompts: an appetizing dish - fine art 
Translation: google - free
I am a mobile phone user only


@germanbava @fadthalib @ibesso @sbamsoneu


source22-3-2024: appetizing dish - pig

Un piatto Appetitoso

Era tardi
Ancora sveglio
cercò di ricordare l'ultima volta che aveva mangiato
Un pomodoro
Un uovo raschiato
È un pasto completo, hanno detto

Sii umile
Anche se il brontolio dentro
Voci dello stomaco
Gli intestini vuoti continuano a protestare
Negazione, perché? - è una bugia, una bugia enorme -

Polli piccanti
Salsicce succose ricoperte di salsa
L'occhiolino di manzo arrosto
Tacchini e pesci chiamano e aspettano
Piatti e ciotole, cibo per l'anima

Non piangere
Basta pensare
Torta di mele fatta in casa con panna montata
Tiramisù, budino di semolino
Un appetitoso piatto di dolci
Deliri, illusioni di sogni irrealizzati

Facendo a pezzi
Uccidere corpi e menti sani
Visioni di food truck
Quanto desiderava mangiare un boccone
Sagre gastronomiche, buffet che celebrano la vita

Un desiderio
Le lamentele non possono più essere ignorate
Il pio desiderio è strabiliante
Finalmente la cena è pronta
La tavola è apparecchiata

Essere un maiale non è affatto male


source 19-3-2024: lekker - sappig - varken - spit - eten - schaal

L'intelligenza artificiale ha idee strane se si tratta di "un piatto appetitoso" o sta facendo il lavaggio del cervello alle persone proprio come fanno le pubblicità e i media mainstream, per non parlare della piramide alimentare che non riguarda la salute ma è inventata dall'industria alimentare per vendere, vendere e vendere.
Il cibo, il cibo appetitoso, veniva mostrato prima come un piatto noioso, poi come un'insalata "greca" di base (lattuga, pomodoro e "formaggio"), pasti non salutari o completi.
Non appena viene aggiunto il "maiale" (carne), il cibo sembra molto migliore, così come le immagini mostrate, ma non posso fare a meno di pensare che l'intelligenza artificiale vuole farmi sapere che "tu sei quello che mangi" e vuole impedire alle persone di mangiare ciò che è sano o gli piace.
Ci troviamo di fronte a questo problema dagli anni ’70 e dopo il tour vegano (frutta e verdura costano per troppi) oggi gli agricoltori sono costretti a smettere di coltivare.
Sempre più case vengono costruite su terreni agricoli, ci sono più bocche da sfamare
Bocche di persone che non capiscono da dove provenga il cibo sano. No, non proviene da pillole, liquidi o tubetti. E il cacao (cioccolato al latte) non è prodotto da mucche marroni.

L’intelligenza artificiale non ha una mentalità aperta, discrimina, ha una visione ristretta ed è il risultato di un certo modo di pensare stereotipato.
Non credere a tutto ciò che l'intelligenza artificiale ti offre nel piatto perché è tutt'altro che appetitoso. Il cibo servito dall’intelligenza artificiale ucciderà il cervello, il libero pensiero, che è l’unica cosa che gli esseri umani hanno reso diverso da tutti quegli animali che ad alcuni uomini piace uccidere. Chiediti chi sarà il prossimo a distinguersi. Rimarrai in vita o il prossimo in linea morirà?

#steemexclusive #italygame #poem #kittywu #freewrite


I hope your reflection raises critical awareness among readers regarding the power of multinationals who, with their marketing strategies and today even more so with AI, are eroding typical and traditional cuisines. I share your disappointment about how these entities manage to shape the tastes and culinary desires of young people, standardizing and packaging flavors in such a way as to sell an illusion of diversity. It is disconcerting to observe how this process not only impoverishes our global gastronomic heritage but also profoundly limits our ability to appreciate and enhance the true essence and variety of foods.
It is clear that the standardization of tastes, promoted for commercial purposes, undermines the richness of our culinary cultures and the possibility of fully appreciating the true essence of flavors.
Only the right information and a stance will be able to help our children read between the lines what is behind these persuasive messages in order to make an informed choice.

The only way to see what you have in mind is to add more words, write the same words in a different order, if you use synonyms, a different language, mix languages and so on.

I doubt most people, let alone the youth/children will notice this. All they want is a quick picture, answer without too much thinking.

Those children who notice this, like mine, have parents like me 😁 always saying this is not real.

We do not watch tv, we discuss each word a teacher said, rediculous warnings and remarks blowing our minds, we search for info and not just one book or side and all agree with you that we want culture, diversity and the cuisine each country has. Fast food restaurants are not our kind of food nor is the frozen 'American pizza' sold by Oetker 😕 I rather eat nothing.

Fingers crossed for the future.

P.s. A plus may be AI will die because the lack of energy and the endless blackout (homeschooling?).


What did you watch?

I will try to enrich my vocabulary, I accept criticism as a stimulus to improvement. 👍

I approve of your philosophy to face the challenges of the cultural change underway, we too apply it and our daughter today has the weapons to face the new challenges that will arise.

Yesterday, I saw Blackadder, too bad it's only in English, I'm struggling to understand all the nuances of the dialogues, I didn't know about this very original series, the idea of ​​experiencing historical moments in different social positions. I like black satire.

I like black humour too (English humour). Did you watch Monty Python - The meaning of Life

I don't think Black Adder was very famous, Mr Bean wasn't either as Rowan Atkinson started with it. There are streaming sites with subtitling I believe certain youtube videos have it too.

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Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.” 😎 Hey Kitty, how nice that you like Monty Python! I saw "Brian of Nazareth" and it made me die of laughter, as well as making me think a lot. Now that you've told me about "The Meaning of Life", now that I've found his insight, I really have to find the time to see it, since you recommend it to me. What can I say, the fact that you like Monty Python makes me understand that you are really important to me, and this makes me appreciate chatting with you even more. I can't wait to watch the movie and then tell you what I think!

Brian of Nazareth? It sounds a lot like "The mea ing of life".
What is life worth if we can't have a good laugh? It's hard these days, less humour plus people are easy insulted. Recently I understood why that is... I chat with a young guy from Morocco ... He doesn't understand humour, the most basic things said. He reminds me a lot of the average AI bot ...
He's kind but it doesn't help to have him around daily, each talk of 5 minutes is exhausting.
According to 'the internet' the average morrocan has an IQ of 85 which explains a lot. Thinking, acting is a big deal as well. My children could and did ten times more at the age of 6.

Yes,you guessed it right I do have issues if it comes to dealing with 'stupid people' (stupid as in lack of will, motivation, those leaning back waiting and praying ... Not those without (enough) school eduction since school says by far nothing about intelligence).

It seems we have more and more in common. Soon we can stop talking since we already know but a plus is you can be my ghostwriter 😁 it saves me a lot of time. 👍🍀❤️

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Yes, " Brian di Nazareth“ (original title "Monty Python's Life of Brian") is a 1979 film.

Kitty, your writings have truly impressed me, enriching not only my inner world but also stimulating me to continue with greater fervor on my writing journey. I am deeply flattered by your invitation to become your ghostwriter; 🥹although I harbor some doubts about my adequacy for such a significant role, the idea instills in me a mix of joy and new sensations.☺️

Regarding the issue of communication in an era of accelerated population movements driven by senseless conflicts, I fully share your vision. These rapid migrations, further complicated by the pervasive use of social media and ultra-personalized marketing strategies, make integration an even more arduous process, sometimes unattainable.

I find the idea of drawing on the Monty Python approach to explore these themes with a light-hearted and humorous spirit absolutely brilliant. At this point, I feel that you have my creativity in your grasp, capturing my imagination completely; it seems that you can guide me wherever you wish. Your influence on me is so strong that I feel ready to explore any creative horizon you have in mind.😃

Most important is you like to write again and since you are good at it you should write and figure out what your niche is. Whatever you write it's good if yoy weave some humour into it (one word or sentence can be enough).

You know as I started here I joined with a partner writer. We wrote a story in turn just like the story chain but with more words. I miss that.

It could also be fun to write a review about The Meaning Of Life through the eyes of Brian while the other uses ?

It's getting late, I didn't write much yet so I eon't comment today.

It's hard to find good writers, people with (black) humour so stick around. Yesterday I mainly read and most articles are dissapointing.

Let's brainstorm about what to write next or write, tag me and I see if I can write the opposite. 🤣 The freewriters commumity is good for everything.

Happy writing!

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P.s. We should write about movies like these... Perhaps we can explain why it's funny, good to laugh about?

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You have presented a great article in a very beautiful way. Although I couldn't read it completely, I liked the introduction a lot.
I wish you good health. Looking forward to your next interesting article.

It's hard to translate in the right way. I am not an English native speaker either.
Thank you for trying and leaving a comment. Know it's appreciated.

I have no idea with what next I come up. It's always a surprise to me too. I start writing and the words come by themselves.

All the best to you 👋🍀

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Thank you friend.

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