
in Italy2 years ago


Hey, World

I am back after few crazy days, the war, or better said the invasion of #Ukraine by the #Russian troops, have scared all the world.

We located in Moldova have heard the bombs in the first day of Invasion, we have feared that Ukraine army will lose control, and we will be the next country to be Invaded by the Russian army.

After 11 days of continuing assault on Ukrainians, we have started to believe that the God has not forgot us, simple men and women, that need peace and nothing more here on Earth.

I don’t know where are you located. I know a thing, that the world will be a better place after the dictators will fall. We as citizens of Moldova, have tried to do all what was in our power to help the Ukrainian citizens.

The photo in made at the border between Moldova and Romania.


The Ukrainians citizens that escaped the Russian strikes are heading to the EU countries, where they will feel safe to live until the Dictator will sop breathing and the war will stop.

There is no other solution, Dictators must fall.

And if you ask is there a war?

There is definitely a #war, and it is 🌎 worlds war as it is #Ukrain’s war. When they hit the red ☢️ button, what would you say then?

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