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RE: Sei nella mia lista - FANbases? - You are On my List (IT/EN)

in Italylast month

Dear friend, I understand. Since the first appearance of chatGPT, various paying program got jeopardised cause users too lazy to rack their brains to publish quality posts. Google searches become hindered and the owner of a PTP loses money.


Well, I see a contrary view when it comes to chatGPT.

Let me use myself as an example.

I can’t say I’m a good writer.

If I want to tell a story now, I’ve the idea on what to write and all of them come in different pieces. Sometimes I go as far as writing them down on a piece of paper, in case it escapes my memory.

But the challenge is now putting all this pieces together to make it look beautiful for someone to read and that’s where ChatGPT comes in. It puts the whole story into perspective.

Then looking at what chatgpt has created from my many ideas, I can now form my full story and it use to be so long, that’s why I tried to avoid the stories because when it gets too long, it becomes too boring!

I understand. But what do you do when it comes to publish into steemit? Supposing you face difficulties to post. How do you solve when you need to publish something here in steemit?

I understand your point of view, but we must be aware texts written by an AI (despite the ideas are our own property) are forbidden in paid to post socials like steemit and paid to post financial forums. These forums lost revenue cause users that preferred let chatGPT to post at their place instead of racking their brain to write down 3 or 4 lines. Google SEO showed. All these forums owners were forced to drastically reduce the rewards and honest users paid the piper together with the dishonest. You can use chatGPT in all places it fits, but when the rule is AI forbidden (as it is in steemit), it means the owner of the site faces losses cause its use. Here we mostly can use graphic AIs to enhance our own text, when a specific context specify or there is no rule forbidding AIs generate images.

These forums lost revenue cause users that preferred let chatGPT to post at their place instead of racking their brain to write down 3 or 4 lines. Google SEO showed.

But we do have ChatGPT checkers that are put in place to flag off post that use GPT write up. So, why will they reduce their “rewards”?

Because they see their revenues from the ads plummeting. When an AI text is posted in a forum, they check, yes, but meanwhile Google SEO shows a decreasing of the forum's reputation. And consequently, the webmasters reduce the rewards.

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