BETTERLIFE || Diet is just reducing your portion and cutting down on junk food, sugary things.

in Italy3 years ago

Hello my dear friends, lets talk about something very healthy . I am not a Nutritionist nor a Dietician but I am writing here just for helping others.

So I have a very good friend here, she gained some weight around 10-12 kgs and she was desparate to loose weight and get back to her body.

She searched about an instructor He is quite famous and many of you have seen the videos floating in front of your eyes. He takes 15k per person and gives you a 6 weeks diet plan with no workout etc just diet and said you will loose your inches Blah Blah...

But he charges 25k from my friend as she lives in abroad. So she paid that 25k to him and she showed me the Diet plan which was according to him is the Best and you can't even think of any cravings etc.

He omitted every kind of fruits except strawberries and an apple. NO Dairy at all but he told her to take these Multi vitamins Calcium, Magnesium, Vit C , Multi Vitamins. According to him Diary and fruits are so bad for your health. You only get calcium from dairy That you can take this from any form or any supplement. Fruits are here to make you fat and don't eat any fruit after 2pm. No excerise but always excerise in ramzan.

Anyhow she followed His plan and it didn't worked for her like he guarantee instead she much weakness and dullness. And she had a major craving attack which according to him it shouldn't. The point of writing this whole story is here Diet Doesn't means to cut all the things from your list and remain with veges & protein. These kind of Diet plan are only valid till short term.

Don't loose your Health for getting slim. Diet is adapting a lifestyle which you can follow in longer run. Everything is important and beneficial unless you are taking all this within required range. We girls needs to be healthy and strong rather than skinny and slim.

Balanced Diet is where you can have all healthy food which your body needs. My friend had severe kind of weakness due to not taking balanced diet which consist of dairy, fruits, good carbs , proteins.

These fad diets are just timely the minute you are out of track you will gain weight. Enjoy every Naimat Allah has blessed you with. When you don't provide required nutrition to your body it starts taking the reserve one which cause malnutrition.

Stay healthy and happy.

I make this yummy salsa for myself. You can see the Beauty in a bowl.
Healthy, Nutritious and yummy Mango Salsa.
I can have this everyday and never get bored of it.









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