- THE DIARY GAME - 18 Settembre. E se fosse la Congiunzione tra Giove e la Luna? / What if it is the Conjunction between Jupiter and the Moon? [ITA/ENG]

in Italy3 years ago


Che rabbia!!😠
Ma perché quando serve non ho mai appresso la mia macchina fotografica.
Certo è una fortuna avere il cellulare sempre a portata di mano e poter immortalare in qualsiasi momento le cose che ci colpiscono di più, ma almeno per quanto riguarda la fotocamera del mio telefono, la qualità delle foto non è fantastica.

Allora ti ritrovi a fare una passeggiata di sera, alzi gli occhi al cielo e vedi uno spettacolo meraviglioso in cui tante piccole nuvole grigie cariche di acqua cercano di sovrastare una luna imponente, tondeggiante e più brillante che mai.

Avrò scattato una trentina di foto per riuscire a farne qualcuna decente, non solo perché usando lo zoom qualcuna veniva troppo sgranata, ma anche perché c'era un leggero movimento di queste nuvole che coprivano la luna e poi si allontanavano di nuovo.


Poco più in alto della luna, verso sinistra, c'era quello che ad occhio nudo sembrerebbe una stella, che appariva e spariva in base al movimento delle nuvole.

Chissà se invece si trattava di Giove? Il 18 settembre si sarebbe verificata la congiunzione planetaria tra Giove e la Luna.

Giove è il secondo pianeta più luminoso dopo Venere, per cercarlo bisogna rivolgere lo sguardo verso la costellazione del Capricorno, io forse sono stata fortunata e l'ho trovato casualmente, là alto in cielo intento a non farsi coprire totalmente dai nuvoloni grigi e a continuare a splendere.



Comunque di qualsiasi cosa si è trattato, è stato uno spettacolo per occhi, cuore e anima.

Grazie per aver letto il mio post.

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- ENG -


So angry!!! 😠
But why is it that when needed I never have my camera with me.
Of course it's a fortune to have your cell phone always at hand and be able to capture the things that strike you most at any time, but, at least as far as my phone's camera is concerned, the quality of the photos is not fantastic.

Then you find yourself going for a walk in the evening, you look up at the sky and see a wonderful spectacle in which many small gray clouds full of water try to overlook an imposing moon, round and brighter than ever.

I must have taken about 30 pictures to get any decent ones, not only because using the zoom some of them were too grainy, but also because there was a slight movement of these clouds covering the moon and then moving away again.


Just above the moon, to the left, there was what to the naked eye would look like a star, that appeared and disappeared based on the movement of the clouds.

I wonder if it was Jupiter instead? On September 18, the planetary conjunction between Jupiter and the Moon would occur.

Jupiter is the second brightest planet after Venus, to look for it you have to look towards the constellation of Capricorn, maybe I was lucky and I found it by chance, there high in the sky intent not to be totally covered by gray clouds and to continue to shine.



However whatever it was, it was a sight for eyes, heart and soul.

Thanks for reading my post.

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 3 years ago 

Le tue foto non saranno da professionista ma fanno capire bene la Luna di queste ultime sere, confermo quel puntino luminoso a sinistra era Giove, ed è stato bellissimo vederlo nitidamente ad occhio nudo! Una grande emozione che riempie il cuore!

Grazie mille per il tuo commento. ;-)

Hello, To know if that little star is Jupiter, you have to observe, if the light is blinking it is a star, if it is fixed it is a planet. Good photos, Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your explanation, I didn't know that. However, it wasn't blinking so I was able to see a planet. WoW. Many thanks for your comment. :-)

It’s not possible to carry camera everywhere. The photo would much better if it was taken with physical camera. Really bad luck! This photo is not bad also.

It's true unfortunately it's not possible to take the camera with us all the time and it always happens when it's needed.. :-D

hai fatto molte foto e sei riuscito a catturare la luna avvolta da nuvole grigie, vedo la luce, ma penso che non sia una stella, forse è Giove, mi sembra qualcosa di più fattibile

Si penso anch'io che era Giove. Grazie per il tuo commento. :-)

Hi @mikitaly today in my country i saw the same i mean an spectacular scene in the sky, I could see the glow of the moon behind the clouds, there were beautiful colors that's something magic

about the phone jajaja my phone it's a shit i mean the quality to take something like that

Thanks a lot for your comment. :-)

I can understand your fury. I can see significant noise in the photo. Still a good shot by the way.

Thanks a lot my friend. ;-)

Is there anything related both the Jupiter and the moon.?

A conjunction is when the moon and planets are visible very close to each other. A beautiful sight.

That's pretty cool to know thanks.

Thanks for your comment. :-)

Though you were late to capture this photo perfect but still the photo is amazing. Thank you.

Thanks a lot for your comment. :-)

It was an odyssey to be able to capture celestial bodies with the camera while the clouds moved. Congratulations.

Thanks for your comment. :-)

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