Il nostro pianeta sta bruciando. / Our planet is burning. [ITA/ENG]

in Italy3 years ago


Il nostro pianeta sta bruciando, la situazione è drammatica come si può vedere dall'immagine rilevata dalla NASA e per avere i dati in tempo reale si può visitare la FIRE MAP NASA.

Secondo l'EFFIS, l'European Forest Fire Information System, il sistema informativo sugli incendi che fornisce alla commissione e al parlamento europei le informazioni aggiornate e affidabili sugli incendi attivi su tutto il territorio della UE, da gennaio 2021 sono bruciati 102.933 ettari di terreno, cioè un’area grande quanto 140mila campi da calcio.

Per avere un'idea della gravità della situazione basta guardare le statistiche che vanno dal 2008 al 2020, in questo arco di tempo sono stati persi ben 28.479 ettari, insomma sono quadruplicati in questi ultimi 7 mesi.

E in Italia come va?

L'Italia è prima in Europa per numero di incendi divampati.

Ad oggi abbiamo perso ben 30 ETTARI di territorio, siamo stati colpiti da 393 incendi di grandi dimensioni che hanno distrutto le nostre preziose riserve di ossigeno, le attività agricole, 20 milioni di animali bruciati vivi.
3 uomini sono morti nel tentativo di salvare il salvabile prima che venisse risucchiato dal fuoco. Ma non ce l'hanno fatta.

La media di incendi in Italia che va dal 2008 al 2020 è di 224 incendi.

Dopo l'Italia, occupano i primi posti della classifica per numero di incendi: Spagna, Francia, Portogallo; mentre in Grecia si registrano quasi un terzo dei roghi, in termini di estensione, parliamo di 103.699 ettari di terreno bruciati ben superiore alla media dei 9 mila ettari nel periodo dal 2008 al 2020.

L'incendio devastante del 2019 in Australia sembrava un'eccezione e poi era molto distante da casa nostra, per non parlare degli incendi in California colpita ogni anno, e quest'anno è a Jacuzia il più grande incendio del pianeta, stiamo parlando della SIBERIA, 1,5 MILIONI di ettari perduti.

Il WWF da anni denuncia queste situazioni, siamo davanti a catastrofi climatiche a causa del global warming, ancora oggi negato da molti scienziati e governi, eppure negli ultimi 40 anni soltanto negli Stati Uniti il numero degli incendi è aumentato del 1000%.


Cosa resterà del nostro Pianeta?
A questi ritmi anche gli obiettivi del GREEN DEAL di diventare il primo continente a impatto climatico zero entro il 2050 è davvero utopistico.

Non servono più parole ma fatti concreti.

Grazie per aver letto il mio post.


Our planet is burning, the situation is dramatic as you can see from the image taken by NASA and to get the real time data you can visit the FIRE MAP NASA.

According to EFFIS, the European Forest Fire Information System, the fire information system that provides the European Commission and Parliament with up-to-date and reliable information on active fires throughout the EU, 102,933 hectares of land have been burned since January 2021, which is an area the size of 140,000 football pitches.

To get an idea of the seriousness of the situation, just look at the statistics from 2008 to 2020, over this period of time, 28,479 hectares have been lost, which has quadrupled in the last seven months.

And how is it going in Italy?

Italy is first in Europe for the number of fires that have broken out.

To date, we have lost as much as 30 HECTARES of land, we have been hit by 393 large fires that have destroyed our precious oxygen reserves, agricultural activities, 20 million animals burned alive.
3 men died trying to save what could be saved before it was sucked into the fire. But they didn't make it.

The average number of fires in Italy between from 2008 to 2020 is 224.

After Italy, Spain, France and Portugal are at the top of the list in terms of number of fires, while Greece accounts for almost a third of the fires, in terms of extension, we are talking about 103,699 hectares of land burned, well above the average of 9,000 hectares in the period from 2008 to 2020.

The devastating fire of 2019 in Australia seemed to be an exception and then it was very far from our home, not to mention the fires in California hit every year, and this year is in Jacuzia the largest fire on the planet, we are talking about SIBERIA, 1.5 MILLION hectares lost.

The WWF has been denouncing these situations for years, we are facing climate catastrophes due to global warming, still denied by many scientists and governments, yet in the last 40 years in the United States alone the number of fires has increased by 1000%.


What will be left of our Planet?
At this rate, even the GREEN DEAL goals of becoming the first zero climate impact continent by 2050 is utopian.

We don't need more words but concrete actions.

Thank you for reading my post.

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Mi domando se le persone si stiano veramente rendendo conto della gravità della situazione, mi sembrano tutte assuefatte.
Il Green Deal servirà a poco se non iniziano immediatamente, altro che 2050!

E già.. prima della pandemia i movimenti ambientalisti internazionali come Fridays for Future capeggiato dalla Thunberg o Stop Global Warming nato dall'unione dei cittadine europei, non erano presi sul serio anzi venivano derisi e attaccati anche dai media. Adesso sembrano tutti preoccupati.. sembrano..

The fire is burning all around. The sky is red. Flame of fire are flying in the air. Panic is playing in the helpless eyes of the people. The roar of millions of animals is swallowing the flames of fire. Another region is burning again to take control of the situation. Wildlife, birds, plants are burning in the fire, agricultural land is being destroyed. A few days ago, the Amazon was ignited like a flame. The depravity of nature is going on all over the world. If this continues, nature will be endangered one day.

Unfortunately, my friend, nature is already in danger, as are all living species, including us humans. It's sad but climate change is irreversible and we can only try to slow it down as much as possible..

The damage that for decades was done to the planet no longer has a turn back, unfortunately the planet is taking its toll. Many years ago I saw a scientific program where they said that this damage is irreversible, and that there would come a time when the stay on the planet would be unbearable. Sadly I see that that moment, little by little, is coming. Excelent topic. Greetings.

Unfortunately climate change is irreversible and we can only try to slow it down. But in practice our governments are not doing anything and, as you say, the moment when living on the planet becomes unbearable is getting closer and closer, perhaps we're already living it.

Hi @mikitaly ,The most unfortunate thing about all this is that we are the ones who have caused all this, the news says that we are still on time, but what is being done is very slow, and now with the issue of the virus, the vaccines that seem not to work To control the variants, by the way, we have also helped the virus to mutate, the lack of solidarity and corruption are ending with what we will inherit to future generations, as I see they will have a very bad time.

It's just as you say, unfortunately, we are the cause of everything that is happening to us and we don't act promptly, we give ourselves deadlines to comply but there is no more time. I think it's a bad future for all generations.

Luckily there has not been any wildfire in Ghana lately... just the domestic ones. We still have a lot of green vegetation so I think that helps.

My country is also rich in vegetation but unfortunately we have lost hectares of forest... and the problem is that every year it will get hotter and hotter. It will be difficult...

It is quite unfortunate what is happening on planet earth due to overheating and all due to lack of awareness. The number of forest fires is alarming.
we are paying bills,-cause and effect -Thank you for exposing.

You're right, sooner or later the time would come to pay the bill.
We're living in a way that is no longer sustainable and the consequences are there for all to see. I don't know what we can expect in the future..

@ mikitaly,I understand your concern friend, but in the Holy Scriptures everything is prophesied. In the book of Revelation in chapter 11 verse 18 among other things it says that God is going to destroy those who are destroying the earth, and another encouraging prophecy is this in the book of Psalms, there it says: "The righteous will inherit the earth and it will live in it forever.In JW.ORG you can find more information.
The Creator bless you greatly.

Nature is on the verge of extinction today as a result of this terrible fire.

Unfortunately, our whole planet is at risk..

This post has been upvoted by @steemcurator06, the account that curates The European Communities with the support of the Steem Community Curation Project.

Italy Country Representative 🇮🇹

Caspita, grazie per la notizia... è bellissimo il tuo BLOG! D'ora in poi non mi voglio più perdere un tuo post. Io in questi giorni ho notato una cosa che non avevo mai notato prima durante gli altri anni. La casa di notte è un "forno", anche se di notte le temperature si abbassano notevolmente. Questo vuol dire che i raggi del sole arrivano diretti sul cemento che lo cuoce per gran parte del giorno e prima di raffreddarsi ci vogliono quasi tutte le ore della notte.

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