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RE: Chernobyl. Fra storia e attualità

in Italy2 years ago

Thanks for the post! I've never heard of this TV series nevertheless we all read Aleksiyevich...
Here's my post about me visiting Chornobyl, may be smb will want to read.
It's also Ukrainians' fault – this disaster... But those times it was forbidden to claim that you are Ukrainian – it was preferred if everyone called him/herself a Soviet person.

Ukrainians have learned a lesson from that disaster but russians haven't – they still don't value a single human's life...


Ho letto il tuo bellissimo post! Incredibile che ancora si voglia usare il nucleare...Ma sono d'accordo con te: per i russi la vita umana non conta nulla. Basti pensare anche ai migliaia di soldati russi morti in questo conflitto.( si parla di 200.000 vittime..)

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