The Carnivorous plant and its dream of living in the Vivarium [ENG-ESP]

in Italy3 years ago (edited)


The Carnivorous plant and its dream of living in the Vivarium

One day Elisa, the carnivorous plant that inhabited the enchanted forest, had no friends and was so beautiful that everyone who approached was absolutely enchanted with color and beauty that was somewhat different from the others, this plant, although it was very friendly, could not have anyone around because he couldn't explain everyone was afraid of him.

After time Elisa had a dream and it was that one morning with sunlight the plant could walk and cautiously arrived at a nursery that was near the forest where she lived, in the vivarium, there were plants that were different from her, but they were not afraid of being near Elisa the little carnivorous plant, which made her spend a different day between fun and other species of the place.


In the vivarium, there were plants of all types and colors, which made the carnivorous plant feel good and among friends, when night came Elisa began to feel the desire to eat all the plants in the nursery and the roots that began to disappear They allowed him to walk, so he had to return very quickly to the enchanted forest.

In the forest everything returned to normal, Elisa fell in love with the insects that were enchanted with her beauty to go and die in her, as well as other plants around her. That is why every morning the carnivorous plant, she waited for the sun to come out so that her roots would sprout from the ground and she could walk to the nursery to play with her friends.


This dream kept the carnivorous plant happy until one day it stopped dreaming, the owners of the vivarium approached and took some plants from the enchanted forest, among them Elisa the carnivorous plant, and gave her a new home in the nursery, where it was happy forever.

Although it seems incredible, everything can be achieved, this is how The carnivorous plant was able to fulfill its dream of having friends and found them in the vivarium.


This is an original story created for the contest of theneverendingcontest

With love

La planta Carnívora y su sueño de vivir en el vivero

Un día Elisa la planta carnívora que habitaba el bosque encantado, no tenía amigos y era tan bella que todo el que se acercaba quedaba absolutamente encantado con color y belleza algo diferente de las demás, esta planta aunque era muy amigable no podía tener a nadie cerca porque no se podía explicar todos le tenían miedo.

Pasado el tiempo Elisa, tuvo un sueño y era que una mañana con la luz del sol la planta podía caminar y llegaba de forma cautelosa a un vivero que se encontraba cerca del bosque donde ella habitaba, en el vivero se encontraban plantas que era diferentes a ella, pero éstas no temían estar cerca de Elisa la pequeña planta carnívora, lo que hacía que pasara un día diferente entre diversión y otras especies del lugar.

En el vivero, se encontraban plantas de todos los tipos y colores lo que hacía que la planta carnívora se sintiera bien y entre amigos, llegada la noche Elisa comenzaba a sentir deseos de comerse a todas las plantas del vivero y comenzaban a desaparecer las raíces que le permitían caminar, por ello debía regresar de forma muy veloz al bosque encantado.

En el bosque todo volvía a la normalidad, Elisa enamoraba a los insectos que quedaban encantados con su belleza para ir a morir en ella, así como otras plantas a su alrededor. Por ello cada Mañana la planta carnívora, esperaba que saliera el sol para que sus raíces brotaran de la tierra y poder caminar hasta el vivero para jugar con sus amigos.

Este sueño, mantuvo feliz a la planta carnívora hasta que un día dejó de soñar, los dueños del vivero se acercaron y se llevaron del bosque encantado algunas plantas, entre ellas a Elisa la planta carnívora y le dieron un nuevo hogar en el vivero, donde fue feliz para siempre.

Aunque parezca increíble todo se puede lograr, es así como La planta carnívora pudo cumplir su sueño de tener amigos y los encontró en el vivero.

Esta es una historia original creada para el concurso de theneverendingcontest

With love

This story is an original creation for the contest organized by the Italian community, in which I invite you to participate, here you can read about it contest.

Buone vibrazioni per l'intera comunità italiana

Let no one turn off your inner light

Good Vibes: @angelica7

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