TacoCat’s Travels #110 (Japan 4.0: Fukuoka): Yummy Sushi and Chimken! 🍣

in TravelFeed3 years ago (edited)

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Hey Hive!

So if you didn't catch the last couple of posts, we're currently on a journey in Fukuoka that we went on back in May 2017! Neither of us had ever been to that part of Japan before and since there were some cheap flights we decided to go explore a new region together! Here we go!

Last week, we went on a foodie run at Ramen Stadium in Canal City Hakata and Marinoa City and enjoyed the ocean view there as well!

30 May 2017. Tuesday.

We decided to go visit a new place today - Kawabata! 

I actually don't remember why we decided to visit this place, but we were still pretty beat from our day-long journey through Huis Ten Bosch so we just wanted to chill out and relax for today.

But they had a shotengai here so we went to take a stroll through it.

I love taking shots like these! I don't know I just think they're so aesthetic-looking.

Just the symmetry of it looks so cool!

But just like most shotengais, they're filled with lots of small shops that we didn't really need anything from, so we just took a stroll through and ended up out here:

I was suddenly in the mood for sushi though, and we found this conveyor belt sushi place and decided to give it a try.

I think they had a special of 3 types of sushi here but I wasn't sure what fish it was.

I did get a plate of salmon sushi of course, and it tasted alright. Not as good as Sushi Zanmai but still decent.

We also got an unagi sushi, but it wasn't as charred as we would've liked that's for sure.

You could tell there was definitely a difference in quality between the conveyor belt sushi places and the fresh sushi in Sushi Zanmai.

I did try a couple more plates of different sushi though, but it was pretty meh.

This one was alright though I think it had a karaage in the middle so the crunchy texture was interesting.

It was kind of a disappointment though so we left after having those couple of plates. We passed by these buildings and they looked pretty cool and colourful!

We were pretty unsatisfied with that sushi so we decided to do a google search for Sushi Zanmai and turns out there was a branch not too far away. So we started making our way there!

I swear the canals in Japan are one of cleanest I've ever seen. Singapore canals are typically pretty dirty and sometimes even stink.

We even saw a Tendon Tenya on the way and it was so tempting!

But eventually we made it to the Sushi Zanmai we were tracking! If you're unfamiliar with Sushi Zanmai, I actually wrote about it in one my foodie posts!

And man, I think this outlet of Sushi Zanmai is the best we've ever seen because it has the cheapest salmon nigiri! Other outlets price the nigiri at 98yen but here it's only 68yen! What an awesome discount!

Watching these chefs skillfully preparing my nigiri sushi in front of me was so cool! You could just tell how dedicated they were to their craft from the way they were slicing the sashimi.

And of course we ordered some anago nigiri (freshwater eel) as well since it's Sean's favourite! 

My mouth was watering just looking at the anago being torched.

After about 15 minutes, our sushi was served! We ordered anago nigiri, tuna maki and salmon nigiri!

I think that was the first time I tried tuna maki and it was pretty alright but it still can't beat the salmon nigiri! Smooth and butter and it just melts in my mouth! Yummilicious!

After that much more satisfying meal, we went to do some shopping! And we found this schoolbag that a lot of Japanese kids bring to school. I thought it looked so cute and actually pretty cool compared to the schoolbags we've seen in Singapore.

BIC Camera even had these Nintendo themed playing cards so you just know what I had to do! I bought a couple of Mario playing cards but not this Link one and I totally should have! Dang!

Since we had a late lunch, we decided to get a light dinner in the form of KFC! I think this might've been the first time we ever tried Japan's KFC and wanted to see how it compared to Singapore's KFC.

We bought a 2 piece set meal which included a small fries and a drink, and Sean chose melon soda.

The chicken actually wasn't as good as Singapore's KFC, surprisingly. I thought we ordered the crispy version but it wasn't even that crispy. I mean the chicken seasoning was alright, but yeah it was kind of a letdown. Thankfully we only bought 2 pieces of chicken.

But I think that's gonna be it for now! Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

TacoCat’s Travels #109 (Japan 4.0: Fukuoka): Foodie Fun!

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