Understanding How Crypto Market Works

in Tron Fan Club2 months ago (edited)

Like they always say, there is so much power in ignorance that causes a gery devastating effect to our live and that is actually what we must always avoid. Like they always say, every man is a victim of his or her ignorance. Looking back at the years ago and actually what I have done, I have come to discover that I made some wrong decisions which actually affected me so much negatively. I really wish I should not have actually engaged in it but it was actually due to ignorance.

A lot of people who trade or operate in the crypto world actually didn't understand how the crypto market works. Some just blindly joined and at the end of the day, they are actually so forced to deal with the effect that comes with it. There is a need that anything you are doing, you must have a very well detailed understanding about it. That was actually some of the mistakes I made in my early journey in the crypto world. But well I know much better now.

Alright enough of what I am saying, let's dive into the main topic for today. What actually comes to your mind when you actually hear the world crypto market? For many of us actually it is, it means the trading of crypto tokens. But don't you actually think it is far much more than that. Well you will know shortly.


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Cryptocurrency as many of us is aware is a digital or let me use virtual form of assets or currency that is been used for buyinh and selling and much more. It is not regulated by the central banks. The world of cryptocurrency is Decentralised making it to maintain a transparent form of transaction. The history of cryptocurrency can really be dated back to 2009 which many people referred to as the birth of bitcoin but actually I see it as the birth of cryptocurrency.

As we all know, bitcoin was created in 2009 by an unknown person which many people referred as satoshi nakamoto. According to records, I discovered that bitcoin was actually the first Decentralised cryptocurrency and which gives the way for other cryptocurrencies to develop. The word Blockchain actually comes into display in 2009 when the first cryptocurrency which was Bitcoin was created. Blockchain is the technology that runs to sustain the movement and on which the transaction of cryptocurrency is actually built on.

The creation of bitcoin even though it was actually doubted by a lot of people then gives birth to the Expansion of the Crypto Market. A lot of other cryptocurrencies which we always referred as altcoins begin to get created and coming up with their own different features and projects guiding them and upon which they are build. Examples like the Ethereum, ripples, litecoin and many more. They have their different applications and uses in the blockchain technology thereby sustaining their relevancy beyond the digital currency we are all familiar with actually.


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As time goes on and as the crypto world and market begins to move forward and new projects begin to come up, we begin to have Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). ICOs actually work in a way whereby it is a fundraising method in the crypto world. Most of the projects coming up have challenges getting the necessary funds to start their project or to launch their token. This is where ICOs came to the picture allowing the startup to be able to raise up funds by issuing their native digital tokens to investors. Those investors will purchase those digital tokens and then will give in return yield for the projects to succeed and move forward.

I am quite optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency and believe that this is just the starting point. The world of crypto is definitely here to stay for decades and decades to actually come. It is just a matter of time before crypto becomes a world wide use coin. The future of crypto is really bright and I am happy that I am part of the early adopters.

Check out my Previous Post in the Tron-fan-club Community Below

-Master Your Mind, Master the Market: Understanding Emotional Trading

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 2 months ago 

I am available in Crypto and I believe that the education in Crypto is important. Let's learn and finance over knowledge which is the key in this market I believe.

 2 months ago 

You are right. The education of crypto is really important as a lot of many people are ignorant of it. Thank you so much for stopping by

Understanding how the Crypto Market works is very important for all investors to profit from the market. Thank you for writing about you.

 2 months ago 

The crypto market is really quite dynamic and that is why it must be thoroughly studied. Thank you for stopping by

Crypto Market But you have written very nicely. People who have trouble understanding can learn a lot from your post. I didn't have much idea about it but I got to know something from your post.

 2 months ago 

Yea glad to see that you enjoyed reading my post and glad to see that you were able to learn something new

Explained very nicely and simply how the crypto market works. We always learn something from your posts. Thanks for sharing such a helpful post.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much and glad to see that you learn something from my post

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