4 Strategic Ways To Overcome Emotional Trading As A Crypto Trader.

in Tron Fan Club3 months ago

Over the past few days, I been on the series of Emotional trading and so much has been covered in regards to trading emotionally. In the first part, we actually look into understanding emotional trading where I talked extensively what emotional trading is really and not only that but also mention the different types of emotions we actually have which ranges from fear, greed and many more.

Not only that, in the second part I also talked about the consequences of Emotional Trading. There is always a consequence whenever you are engaging in the act of emotional trading and the consequences can really be devastating. I make mention of it in my few last post. If you will like to check them out, the link are down below the end of this post. Today we will be talking about how you can Overcome emotional trading. It is two outlines in one and so I promise you that it will really be a whole lot of fun. So stay tune and read down below.

How To Overcome Emotional Trading.


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You will agree with me that it is always difficult for you to stop doing what you have been used to doing right at one point. Well that is actually how it is, when you start learning something, might actually looks so difficult for you to understand that which you are learning but the moment you understand it, it now becomes difficult for you to actually stop doing it. That is the same way for a trader who has been so much used to emotional trading.

Probably you are here today and you have been engaging in emotional trading for so long, I am here to tell you that you can actually overcome it and today I have come to give you some strategies that you can use to actually overcome emotional trading.

  • Create a Trading Plan.

I have actually come to discover that a lot of traders who actually suffer from emotional trading is because they actually lack what I called trading plan. When you have a rigid and concrete solid trading plan that actually contains both your trading strategies, your risk management strategies, your daily profit and loss tagret, all this things will help you to stay disciplined and not only stay disciplined but also helps ylu to guide your emotions because you will know when enter market and also know when to get out of market. At the end of the day, it will help you to actually avoid emotional trading.

  • Cultivate The Habit Of Been Patient.

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I was at first thinking whether I should ignore this particular point or not but I actually come to discover that it is needed. In fact lack of patience is one of the strong signal of everyone who is practicing emotional trading because most of the time, they are control by their emotions and since emotions lack patience, they tend to make rush decisions.
As a trader, you need to actually come to a point where by you understand that successful trading that you actually targets takes a long period of time and that requires patience. Like they always say, Rome is not built in a day. Make sure you avoid making rush decisions when It comes to trading or making panic sell which can be influenced by FOMO.

  • Make Use Of Stop-Loss Orders.

I will like to say this from experience in fact that is what at first affected my trading journey earlier in life. I was not actually making use of stop loss and at the end of the day, I either make wrong decisions or make decisions that are just influenced by emotions thereby leading me to make a whole lot of loss that I still regret till today. No matter how sure your trading entry and exit is, try to make use of stop-loss so that it can help you to prevent emotions from actually influencing your decisions making.

  • Practice Self-Control.

Above everything that I have actually mentioned today, if you actually lack self control, in fact all the strategies I have put up for you to learn how to makt use of it will be difficult. If you learn how to practice self control, you will be able to control your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you and that is just the way it is. Always learn to actually control your emotions when trading instead of the other way round. Instead of being rushed to make decisions be controlled or influenced by emotions, control it and discipline yourself that you can control your emotions.


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As I actually conclude, if you can actually put into practice all this things that I have mentioned below, trust me in no matter you will be able to avoid and overcome emotional trading and at the end of the day, you will make better options than you can every imagine of. That is the secret cheat code and that is what will sustain you thereof.

Check out my Previous Post in the Tron-fan-club Community Below/div>

-Master Your Mind, Master the Market: Understanding Emotional Trading

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❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

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I have read your post and you have discussed the poison here in great detail and explained it to us very nicely. It was very nice

 2 months ago 

Wow thank you so much and glad you are able to find it quite helpful

Trading plan is really a crucial key in surviving, you need an ironclad plan that you are willing to follow faithfully down to the end, to me that's the only way to excel coupled with patience and trust in your strategy, thanks for sharing.

 2 months ago 

Yes trading plan is really key and should not be joked with. Thank you so much for stopping by

Nice to see these four strategic ways of yours.Overcome Emotional Trading As A Crypto Trader. But I had no idea about it. But I understood it very well from this post of yours. thank you

 2 months ago 

Yea. Glad you are able to learn about it today. Thank you so much for stopping by

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