Lifestyle Diary Game, May 12 2024. Enjoying the Beach Atmosphere.

in Steem For Lifestyle2 months ago

beach atmosphere

Hello steemian friends, how are you today? Well, I hope your days are filled with abundant fortune and good health.

This morning the weather looked sunny, and it has become my habit to always carry out activities full of enthusiasm. Even though sometimes I have to face challenges that involve feelings of the heart, perhaps some people will not understand or believe, today we can fall but tomorrow we will stand tall of course with every effort we make. We as women, our job is not just to wash dishes, sweep the yard, mop the floor and so on and so on.

with @qhadafi and @elcebe at the meatball stall

We as women also have an important role in life, both in the family and in whatever problems we face. At noon I approached the shop where my business had been maintained for dozens of years. Even though it's sometimes lonely and lonely, thank God I'm still surviving and now I want to enjoy lunch first in the company of two of my employees, he is my nephew @qadhafi and my son @elcebe , they are my spirit who are always ready to support me in my activities.


beach view in the afternoon

This wasn't my plan from the start, but I didn't want to spend all my time just in the shop. I also want to relax and enjoy a different atmosphere, enjoy the beauty of the universe with views that seem to fascinate me, the beach is one of the places that I like, which can relieve my complaints and can relieve fatigue from activities. In every corner of my eye, I saw them playing happily and spending time with their families. By creating an atmosphere that may be unforgettable and become a memorable memory in one's life.

beach atmosphere before dusk

The day is getting late, the sun is starting to set on the western horizon, the sky is no longer smiling with brightness and only shows red clouds and I end my story, maybe there is still time for tomorrow and may God be pleased with what I do next.

That's it for today's diary post, I hope you don't get bored with my next story, thank you very much for visiting and see you. I invite friends @rumaisha @pecintabunga and @etii hope you will participate in the 8th week of the Contest.



About me

 2 months ago 

Ya benar kak sesekali kita memang harus menyenangkan diri sendiri dan pantai adalah pilihan terbaik, berada di pantai membuat pikiran dan hati tenang.

Semangat dan sukses terus kaka.

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya.

 2 months ago 

You have shared a fantastic diary with us. Through reading your diary I come to learn that you enjoyed at the sea beach. You took there many picture. Through the picture you saw the weather of the sea beach. Wishing all the best.

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih atas kunjungannya.
Saya juga senang bisa berbagi cerita disini.

Terimakasih juga atas dukungannya.
Do'a terbaik untuk mu
Semoga hari mu menyenangkan kawan.

Laut salah satu tempat yang sangat cocok untuk menghilangkan penat. Ditambah dengan angin sepoi sepoi, seakan akan semua beban terlepas.. hehe

 2 months ago 

Terimakasih atas kunjungannya.

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