"Do you believe in prayers?"

in Steem For Lifestyle28 days ago

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Greeting my dear Steemian friends. Today I came to participate in a contest organized by one of our Steemian friends @okere-blessing. She organized a wonderful contest on the subject of prayer which I really enjoyed. So out of my pleasure I came to participate in this contest today and I am presenting it to you in my post along with the answers to the contest questions.

What is the meaning of prayer to you?


Prayer is an attempt to communicate with or ask for something from the Supreme Creator or some other natural or supernatural being. All of us who believe in different religions offer prayers to their Lord. Basically asking God for something good and obeying him or obeying him in the hope of getting rid of various dangers is called prayer. All of us who pray believe that it is very efficacious which leads us to God and goodness comes to us from God.


Do you think it's necessary to pray, and how many times should one pray.

As a Muslim I firmly believe that it is important for us to pray. Because when we pray, we do so in obedience to Allah and we humbly take our problems to Him and pray for our well-being. In this case we all know that our Creator is the Most Gracious and Merciful that He will surely answer our prayers if we live a righteous life.

It is in our scriptures that the great creator is more pleased when we pray to him for anything. He told His servants that you ask Me because My mercy is infinite. So if we do not pray to the great Lord, we will be deprived of our beautiful life. We cannot even go to the Supreme Creator because the Supreme Creator himself has asked him for anything.

Also, we constantly see many instances where we are saved from danger by remembering our Creator in various situations. Therefore, I think that we should always perform good worship full of virtues like prayer so that our Lord is pleased with us and we can attain His nearness.


Are there some supernatural things prayers can do ?

There is nothing miraculous or direct that prayer cannot do. Because prayer is a force before which all evils are removed and mankind moves towards goodness. The Great Creator Himself is with the supplicants. So we are all aware of the power of the great creator that nothing is impossible for him and he is the owner of this entire world and the creator of all visible and invisible things. So where the Creator himself is with us I think there is no invisible work that prayer cannot do.


As a Muslim I believe in black magic or witchcraft and I think many religions do. Black magic is mainly done to harm people and this black magic brings bad luck in human life. Since it is the spell of an invisible power, to break the spell of this power, one must remember the power of the great creator. And remember that nothing is impossible for Him because He owns everything. So the only way to seek help from the great creator is to pray and by this prayer it is possible to suppress all kinds of invisible evil forces and bring goodness in human life.


Do you believe that unanswered prayer is caused by sin? If yes prove your answers, If otherwise back your answers up.

In answer to this question I would say that there is no person in the world who has never sinned. But that does not mean that you should pray to Allah only when you commit a sin. The main mantra of the prayer is to abstain from sinful acts and to attain nearness to the Supreme Lord. I believe as a Muslim that prayer protects a believer from all sinful acts. But here comes a question that if a believer does not commit a sin then does he need to pray? I would say yes to this answer. Because the great creator has created us in this world to worship and to ask for prayers to him in various dangers. Good or bad all can repent to the Supreme Lord and hope for mercy from the Supreme Lord.


Since prayer keeps us from all sinful acts, I think that prayer is very important. Allah Ta'ala is the creator of this world, so if we can keep our creator happy then we can be happy in this life and hereafter. So I think that a believer and a bad person who wants to be a believer should pray to the great creator and always seek his help. Because the mercy of the great Lord is infinite and He can do whatever He wills so we always pray to attain the nearness of the great Lord.

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I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @hotspotitaly and @fombae to participate in this contest.


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Prayer bring us more closer to him and through which we take our problem to him and with his infinity mercy answer us.
Best luck in your entry.❤️

 23 days ago 

Madam your writing was very nice.

We all pray more or less. No matter what religion he belongs to. I am a person of the Islamic faith, I know that prayer changes my livelihood. Also, we ask Allah for something in distress or for someone else through prayer.

Prayer is one of the 5 pillars of our religion. Allah created us for His worship. When we stand in prayer we are very close to Allah. Praying brings peace to our minds as it pleases Allah.

I also agree about your black magic and I also accept black magic, it is a terrible thing and Allah has called severe punishment for those who practice this magic. However, this black magic was also done to our best Prophet but when the verses of Allah were revealed to him, he was freed from this magic after praying accordingly, and that prayer is for us too. I want to say that Allah's supplication and worship never fail, and if you observe it, peace in this world and freedom in the hereafter.

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