Game of Games Vs. Its Subset: Where Do You Want To Win?

in Inspire People3 years ago

Game of Games Vs. Its Subset: Where Do You Want To Win?


Nikita Kachanovsky

Smart people chose their battles wisely. They'd deliberately lose in a small battle if that gave them a better chance of winning in a bigger battle which can be termed as the "game of games". The light-headed people would however do the opposite and decrease their own chances of a victory at the level where winning counts the most: because they'd lost sight of the bigger picture and sacrificed their chess pieces, all of it, in a small battle, in a mere subset of the larger game.

Christ, for example, died and rose up again: for Christ, the body could be killed but the soul couldn't be lost.

You'll also lose, here and there, and then rise and shine somewhere. Be kind to yourself and double-check to see to it that you're doing the "rising" and the "shining" in places where you can't afford to lose.

Rich Man Vs. Wise Man

Daoudi Aissa

A story is told about a rich man and a wise man. The two men competed in a battle of statuses: the crowd gathered around them to see who's the boss between the two of them.

Firstly, the rich man puts down all his pieces of gold and silver to a carpet before the crowd. He smiled, and then the crowd smiled back at him.

The rich man and the crowd then turn their eyes to look at the wise man who brought nothing on his body other than a stringed musical instrument that he holds in his hands. He started playing the instrument. He started singing about his treasure of gold in the morning sun. His song talks about the moon and the stars above and the mountains and the valleys below. About his neighbors, about his children, about the strangers he met, about his opportunities of helping the strangers in distress, he goes on singing about a life well-lived.

The wise man made the invisible visible: he may not have the gold and the silver on his body but he has everything that can't be bought with gold and silver. The contrast between the rich man and the wise man becomes clear:

The rich man takes from everybody; he also makes his followers blind and narrow-minded. Whereas the wise man is giving; he, unlike his light-headed rival, makes the invisible visible through his song.


Choose your battles wisely so that you'd win in the "game of games". Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves so that don't lose your soul while chasing something that doesn't mean anything in the final analysis.


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Smart people chose their battles wisely.

A nice way to start! I think this sentence summarized everything you had to say. And this is true in every aspect although we're still influence with our differences and choices in life.

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