Eyes, Nose & Lips In Bad Times

in Inspire People3 years ago


Aditya Gollamudi


After the Pearl Harbour, the US army came out with the pamphlet "How To Spot A Jap". Its outrageous stereotypes include the shape of the eyes, stating that Chinese allies have eyes set like any white person's, but have a marked squint. While the Jap foes possess eyes slanted toward his nose.


After Hitler rose to power, the Nazis invented a head-measuring device to spot the Jews. If you had a hooked nose, you would have had been measured on the head using the new invention.


After losing love for one another, the people (in bad times; from the Nazis to North Korea and others) snitch on their neighbors: the lack of love takes the society from trust and solidarity to distrust and snitching.

Denouncer (Most People Will Tell A Lie To Denounce Their Neighbors, In Bad Times)

After the Gestapo, the Nazi "Secret State Police," understood that ‘The denouncer is the biggest scoundrel in the whole country,’ they wrote that conclusion down in a letter dated August 1st, 1943. Most of the informers simply told a lie to the Gestapo against their neighbors.

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