Club100 👍 THE WORLD IN 2030 #1 || 582 words that describe the year 2030. ♟️

in Steem Infinity Zone2 years ago (edited)


582 words that describe the year 2030. ♟️

History is always repetitive. In fact, I think that there is another community that has experienced the events we have experienced before. Because fundamentally, the human mentality does not change.

Therefore, in order to see ahead, we must actually look at the road behind us. If we think about it this way, the answer to the question is actually very simple.

I mean, to know what's going to happen in 2030, one can look at how things have changed between 2010 and 2020.

This is no ordinary matter. Considered in depth, it is an endless subject.

To tell you a little more about my own thoughts. I can say that we are in a game in this world. But there are many pawns in this game, including us. In other words, as a pawn, we will not have a chance to move to another square from the next square. We are in 2022 and actually the technology of 2030 is now known. But giving them to people all of a sudden causes great destruction. That's why technology is given to people by being digested, that is, slowly. They will have already celebrated the technological developments that we will see in 2030.

Another issue is that my happiness level was higher in 2010 than in 2020. 10 years passed and I became more and more unhappy. In 2030, I think it will become an unlivable world. I am not pessimistic.

People on different continents and who do not know each other can find the same ideas and inventions at the same time. But here it is important which person will develop it and for what service it will be used. Technology has developed a lot compared to the past years and is constantly evolving. In this way, our comfort in life increases. But advanced technology is used in weapons. And if that gun is killing an innocent baby and family, it's not good for me. 2030 will be a path from light to dark. But the only funny thing is that we choose to go into the dark with a flashlight.

For this reason, the states that are in the first place in the world in terms of war will try to strengthen their position. There will be no great wars, but we will see them through diplomatic means. We will not see major military wars with cyberattacks in the background. But we can feel its effect in enrichment and impoverishment.

Between 2010 and 2020, the rates of enrichment and impoverishment in the world increased to a great extent. In 2030, rich people will be even richer. Poor people will be poorer. The gap between these two will increase even more. We can remember what the previous system of slavery was like.

Artificial intelligence, Big data, Blochain, Augmented Reality, Organ Microchips, Nano Devices, Drone Technology, Wearable Technology, Cloud Computing, 3D Printer.

The titles I have mentioned above are among the latest technology products of today. I would like to tell you how these products will become in 2030. But I don't want to bore you with a very long article. These products, which we call cutting-edge technology, will become ordinary in 2030.

Our acquaintance with every technology creates a short surprise, but then it quickly becomes commonplace.

Finally, I listed many things to change. I would like to say one thing that will not change from 2022 to 2030.

The plastic water bottle thrown into the nature will remain the same in 2030.

Stay Healthy. Goodbye.


 2 years ago 


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Thanks for the review and report.

Wow friend, the truth is that I expected a post a little more hopeful, without a doubt even in the bible it is written that the end times will be terrible, although it does not indicate the date but signs and many are seen today!

You are very right with the conclusion of the water in a plastic bottle, perhaps there can be very radical changes as there were with covid, but we don't know!

Thanks for such an interesting article!

I always have better thoughts going forward. But in this article, I wanted to include some more negative thoughts.

I thought that readers should read different articles, since many people participating in the competition will probably talk about many developments.

We can't get used to radical change quickly. It is a little difficult to apply.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

You looked at it from a different point of view, but I think there are some positive aspects. yes, life is very expensive and this makes us pessimistic, but I think this is due to us humans. Maybe life would be better if we knew the value of what we have a little more.
I agree with you about plastic waste 👍

Of course it has a lot of good things. I know that these are innumerable. But we always miss the past times.

Honestly, I think I've been happier in recent times. Because there are many changes in the world and most of these changes affect us negatively.

PS: Of course, we shouldn't be too pessimistic. 👍

Thank for your entry in the World in 2030 contest.

Thank you for making us think about these issues. It was a pleasure for me.

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