SIZ Approved Course | SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION COURSE | Lecture 04 | Technical SEO | 20% to @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago (edited)


I feel blessed to be a member of the SIZ community. I have noticed from the beginning that the SIZ community is helping users in skill development through various lessons. Many mentors create lessons on various topics here. Newcomers can learn a lot from this community. I thank all the mentors of this community. I am really happy to see that SIZ is fully rested IT courses that will encourage the community members to show their skills and ideas and learn other skills and get more knowledge about Technology. Thanks, @cryptokraze for giving me the opportunity to become a mentor of the community.

#LECTURE - 4.png

In today's lecture I will teach you Technical SEO?


Table of ContentTopic
1What is Technical SEO??
2Structure and design (design and structure)
3Adding an SSL certificate to the site
4Using a mobile-friendly theme
5Delete broken link
6Robot txt file
7404-page error
8Webpage loading speed
9Add Google analytics


SIZ Approved Course | SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION COURSE | Lecture 01 | What Is SEO

SIZ Approved Course | SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION COURSE | Lecture 02 | ON Page & OFF Page SEO

SSIZ Approved Course | SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION COURSE | Lecture 03 | How To Submit a Website to Google Search?

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a process that helps a website rank in Google. Most of us know that it is possible to rank a website only by doing off-page SEO and on-page SEO but if you do technical SEO well on your site then the site will rank faster. The technical work that is done on the site to rank a website in search engines is called technical SEO.

The first thing to do in the case of technical SEO is the structure and design of the site.

Structure and design (design and structure)

The structure and design of the website are the external infrastructures. Which we see directly in reality. The design of the website should always be simple and white so that the visitors do not get annoyed with the site. If the website is not nice to see then the traffic will not be on the site. So first the philosopher than the judge. If the website's menu bar, navigation bar, social media icons are all right, a visitor will feel good to doing anything on the site. So always try to make the design of the site beautiful.

Adding an SSL certificate to the site

SSL means security socket layer. If you install this certificate on the site, the site will always be secure. Hackers cannot hack. The site address will be http: // www. After adding this kind of RSS, the site address will be If you do not add this certificate, you will never get a rank in Google. There will also be many problems at the site.




Using a mobile-friendly theme

If you do not add a mobile-friendly theme to your site, then the whole site will not be mobile-friendly. So you can buy a paid mobile-friendly theme. You can contact me to buy a mobile-friendly paid blogger or WordPress theme. Currently, there are more mobile users than computer and laptop users. So if your site is not mobile-friendly then traffic will not be fun to visit with mobile. Will feel annoyed. With a tool, you can check whether your site is mobile-friendly. Google mobile-friendly check with these tools.

Delete broken link

If there are extra broken links on the site, then there is a lot of problems to ranking the site. Broken links are very harmful and dangerous for the site. Also, Google AdSense Approve and Broken Links cause a lot of problems. So check with Broken Link Checker.



Robot txt file

Robot text files are a very important issue for a site. If you do not set this file correctly on your site, your site will never be found on Google. Because the robot instructs Google to index the text file. Regularly check if Google bot is crawling your site.

404-page error

Many times this type of error is shown on some pages of the site because if the page deleted on the site is in the Google index then these problems occur. If there is nothing to see in the traffic site from Google, then they are back disappointed. So you have to check and delete each page.

Webpage loading speed

The importance of page loading speed is no less. If it takes more time to load the page, then the visitor will leave the site annoyed. The bounce rate will go out. This can lead to an AdSense account ad limit. Then you can understand the importance of loading speed. Google does not look at a news site and such a site with one eye. Because news sites always have traffic and lots of articles. So always try to give content and keep up to date on the site. If you get more traffic, Google will give you a rank first.


Add Google analytics

Google Analytics is a service of Google. Through which you can see how the traffic is visiting the site. Visiting the site using any device. You can even know the age of the traffic. So use Google Analytics on your site to know all the information starting from the nuts and bolts of the site.


Thanks for reading my post. I hope you got a clear concept about SEO. This is the end of the SEO course. I know it is not possible to explain complete SEO in just 4 lectures . But I will come back soon with an advanced SEO course. Stay well, stay healthy.Thank You

SPECIAL THANKS TO: @cryptokraze @siz-official @vvarishayy @suboohi



 3 years ago 

You're not eligible to be the part of #club5050. Kindly remove the tag

 3 years ago 

Tag removed.

Kindly review my post again.

Thank you 🙂

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