SIZ Education || What are Computer Viruses || Signs Of Computer Virus || Types Of Computer virses || 09/10/2021 || 20% beneficairy to @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago


Hello my dear friends how are you all i hope that by the grace of allah you will all be well. My today's post is about Computer viruses its signs and Types.



A computer virus is a programme that can destroy our computer and files by infecting them and rendering them useless. When a viral programme is run, it replicates itself by altering other computer programmes and replacing them with its own code. This code infects a file or software, and if it spreads widely enough, it can cause the device to crash.


Computer viruses are a major source of concern around the world, as they can cost the economy billions of dollars each year.
The computer virus is undetectable since it only affects the device's code. However, there are some indicators that might assist you in determining whether or not a device has been infected with a virus.


🟣 Some Signs That identify viruses

💠 System Speed :-
If a virus is fully run on your device, the time it takes to open applications may increase, and the overall system functioning may begin to slow down.

💠 Windows pop up:-
One may begin to receive an excessive number of pop-up windows on their screen, which may be virus-infected and further destroy the device.

💠 Self-Execution of Programs :-
Files or applications may begin to open in the background of the system without your knowledge, and you may be unaware of it.


💠 Log out of Accounts:-
In the event of a virus attack, the likelihood of accounts being hacked rises, and password-protected sites may be attacked as well, leaving you logged out of all of them.

💠 Crashing of the Device:-
In most circumstances, if the virus infects a large number of files and apps, the entire device will crash and stop working.

🟢 Types of Computers Viruses

🔷️ Boot Sector

A virus that damage the boot sector of floppy discs or the Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard discs is known as the Boot Sector Virus. The virus either overwrites or transfers itself to a different location on the disc.

🔷️ Direct Action Virus

This Virus is one that attaches itself direct to an.exe file and enters the device while it is being executed. It keeps itself concealed if it is put in the memory.

🔷️ Overwrite Virus

By overwriting an existing programme, the overwrite virus can entirely erase it and replace it with harmful code. It can gradually replace the host's programming code with the malicious code.


🔷️ Polymorphic Virus

Spread by spam and infected websites, polymorphic viruses are complicated file infectors that are difficult to detect. They infect the system with a modified or mutated version of the existing programme while keeping the original code.

🔷️ File Infector

This Virus damage a single file before spreading to other executable files and applications, as the name implies. Games and word processors are the main sources of this malware.


🔷️ Spacefiller Virus

This is an unusual sort of virus that employs viruses to fill in the gaps in a file. Cavity virus is another name of it. It has no effect on the file's size and is not clearly detectable.

🔷️ Macro Virus

A virus that infects a computer when a word processor file is opened and is written in the same macro language as the software programme. Emails are the most common source of such malware.

🔷️ Resident Virus

A virus that saves itself in the computer's memory before infecting additional files and programmes after the original software stops working. Because it is concealed in the memory and difficult to remove, this virus can readily infect other files.

🔷️ Multipartite Virus

A virus that attack both the boot sector and the executable files of an already infected machine. If a multipartite virus damage your computer, you are vulnerable to a cyber attack.

Other Details:-

TopicWhat are Computer Virus its signs and Types
COMMUNITYSteem Infinity Zone
AURTHOR@malikusman1 ME
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 3 years ago 

Good one Post dear friend you make a very good post thanks for sharing a good information with us my best wishes for you.

Regards, Faran Nabeel

 3 years ago 

Thanks bhai jan for always appriciating me .

 3 years ago 

Your write up reminds me of my days in high school when we were taught about computer viruses

 3 years ago 

Hahah Yes of Course I also.

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