SIZ Contest | Share Your Biggest Fantasy (Dream World) | 50 Steem Prize Pool

in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago (edited)

Good morning everyone and to all wonderful and active members of this community.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thank you to the initiator of these contest @suboohi for making a great and exemplary contest.

Before anything else I would like to invite my friends @hae-ra and @fruityapple00 to send in their entries too.

What's my biggest fantasy?

[See image below]

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When we say fantasy, it is something that you imagined to be or you imagined the things that you wanted to happen in the near future right?
Well for me it's not so fancy though.. Hahaahaa lol 😁 but my biggest fantasy at these moment of my life is to meet the famous #SC01 or steemcurator01 or just to know who really rather be #SC01? Is he or she or group of people? That keeps on boggling my mind since he/she has been helping a lot of people and is very active in the platform. Infact there are so many communities in the platform but still she/he can even checked it all and made upvotes too he/she is relentless in helping a lot of minnows like me and that is why I fantasize seeing her/him in the future.

See image below

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Another thing is, I'd fantasize also that the Steem Dollar will reach to it's highest peak. At the moment #SBD value in the Philippines is amounting the value of $6 and I am fantasizing that it will reach to more or less $20 per sbd that would surely do a lot to all especially to all potential writers who do a lot of hardworks and make a lot of good content write ups will it's just a fantasy though but who knows in the near future right?
Fantasy or not still it will matters most, every decision we make can affect us all so right now what I should do I guess is to make a lot of good content articles inorder that our #SC01 will notice me and in the near future maybe the sbd value will reach on it's highest peak that I would surely benefit of course.

Thank you so much for reading and dropping by.
Good day, God bless and keep safe everyone.

Lala @jenny018


ayyy grabee ate, bet pud nako nah,, 😂

Ahahahaaa... Dalia nkakita oy😁 who knows in the near future dae, will see or you'll see steemcurator01 in the near future.

ahahahaa,, dali kaayu imung notif naabot 😂,,, nice story ate, wa pako kahuna2x sa ako sa kadaghan ahaha

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

My pleasure being a part of your contest.😍

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

Same tag fantasy te SBD haha

Yeah that's what everbody's dream of gyud dae😁.

Hello, @jenny018

Nice participation.

Do you know 100+ contests are active on Steemit at this moment ? You can get all the contest alert in one place arranged by @ disconnect. He is updating it everyday.

If you are looking for more contests you can try these as well.

🌟Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 07th July 2021 – Win 2250+ STEEM

For more update follow and resteem. Thank you. Steem on!!

Thanks for the info, I'll check them out once I am free of my workload.


 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest and trusting in SIZ Community. We are giving you a 100% upvote from our official community account @siz-official.

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