SIZ Education || 08-04-2022 || History of information technology || By @aktrazee || 10% pay out to @siz-official

in Steem Infinity Zone2 years ago

Hi Everyone!


I hope everyone well and living beautiful life in this blessing month of Ramadan. In today's world everyone seems to be talking about technology and technology has had many positive effects on our lives. But have we ever wondered when information technology started and how it got to today's modern age? So today I will tell you when information technology was started and how it is available to us in its present form.


History and Introduction of Information technology

If we talk about the existence of information technology, it has been in existence in the world since the time when human beings started living in the world because in every age human beings have tried to communicate with each other in one way or another. And that's what shows us that information technology started as soon as man landed on Earth. The information technology that has come to us has come about four ages and has reached here. and there is no doubt that today's information technology has greatly affected human life but we have to learn that How it took on its current form.

Four ages of Information technology

1. Premechanical age

This was the age of technology which took place on this earth between 13000 B.C to 1450 B.C. It means that the beginning of information technology was started at that time and this era is known as Premechnical time of information technology. That is, we are talking about a time when people used a variety of languages to communicate with each other, and trying to communicate Through the pictures that were made on the rocks.



The pictures that were drawn on the rocks were known as Petroglyph's. It was the language of pictures that helped to create the alphabet. Due to the popularity of Petroglyph , many people turned their attention to these pictures and started making pictures because of these pictures the pen was invented and then paper came into existence. People started saving a lot of their written work and this become a reason of libraries development.


2. The Mechanical age

We can call the time from 1450 to 1840 the time of Mechanical Information Technology. This was an era in which a lot of technologies came into being. Many technologies were invented. As a human being moved forward, a new technology was formed at every step. A technology was invented known as slide rule It was a very important invention, the invention of the Analog Computer. This computer perform task of multiplying and dividing. Remember that this was the first computer of that time, that was performing this operations.


Difference Engine

Difference Engine was also take place in this era and the Founded by Charles Babbage. This difference engine tabulates the polynomial equation and for this purpose the best method was started that known as finite differences. and at the end of this era the modern-day calculators also take place.


3. The Electromechanical age

If we talk from 1840 to 1940, this is the period in which our present day modern technologies beings. That is, the era in which telecommunications began, The telegraph was made in the very early eighteenth century. And if there's one invention in 1835, it was the Morse code that made by Samuel Morse. One of the most powerful communication devices invented in 1876 that a telephone of Alexander Graham bell. An after that in 1994 the radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi. It was an emerging technologies that would take humanity to a whole new level in the coming days.


Harvard Mark 1

At United States in 1940 Harvard University built first ever Large-scale automatic digital computer. And this digital computer is named Mark 1. It was a very large computer that weighed 5tons it was 2ft wide, 5ft long and its Hight was 8ft. If we compare our personal computer with this computer, we will be amazed because we can see the difference between this computer and our computer.


4. The Electronic age of Information Technology

The life we have been living since 1940 is the life of electronic information technology. This is an era in which many electronics technologies have come into existence. These are the technologies that have made human life so much easier and if we Analyze these technologies so there is no aspect of human life within which these technologies are not being used. This journey has not stopped here but is moving towards greater heights.

ENIC was a first high-speed computer that not only solve computing problems, but also have ability to reprogramed a full range computing problems.


Apple 2

This was the era in which rotating marantic drums were used for storage. Then came the second generation of computers in which used vacuum tube with transistors. Magnetic tape replaced by the place of punch card and for internal storage the rotating magnetic drums converted into magnetic cores. Integrated circuits have replaced by transistors in third generation computers. And that's when high-level programming languages were invented that changed the world of computers. The fourth generation of computers, which came in the form of a CPU, in which memory, logic are used in a single chip control circuit. Apple 2 was the world's first personal computer


Digital computers, which came after these computers, are considered to be the model of today, and in many cases, these computers have changed their shape in modern era.

So beautiful people this was my post today I hope you guys liked it a lot and you guys must have got something out of it I always try to put the best post that something Share the information to everyone. May you and your family be happy and worship this blessed month. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading my post.



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Regards: @aktrazee

 2 years ago 


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