Curator Cat on Caturday: Famous Cats and... Wasn't it Just Winter?

in Fur-friends3 years ago

Greetings lovely Felines and Hoomans of Steemlandia!

It's the weekend, and it's the last weekend in March, and it's CATURDAY again! Caturday is definitely my favorite day of the week because we get to share cat and kitten photos with abandon... as people have now been doing on the Internet since "Caturday" first became a thing, in the early 2000's.

Taking the sun in the Mom-Hooman's office...

It's funny how much cats have become part of Internet lore... to the point where some people even feel that we have become the "official mascots" of the web.

<img src="" Source:

There have been quite a few "celebrity" cats along the way... from the early days of that chubby gray "Can Has Cheezburger" cat to the well known white cat who showed up in early memes and is only known as "Longcat."

Along the way, we've had "Grumpy Cat" who became one of the most famous of the celebrity cats.

And let's not forget Japanese star "Maru" who is always getting into — and out of — cardboard boxes, showing the world the truth of cat lore: any box is a good box!

Of course, some are just stunning and beautiful, like "Venus," a very rare type of Chimera cat.

And then there are those who are famous for their mad skillz, like "Didga" the skateboarding cat who also goes swimming.

Winter into Spring!

Meanwhile, the 1st quarter of 2021 has almost come to a close, and the days are getting longer and warmer.


As always, that means I am spending more time seeking out the house's "sunny spots" which are perfect for catnapping!

I do love that warm sun!

I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can... soon enough there will be leaves on the trees and the house will be in shade.

Meanwhile Steem had another strong uptick today, and we are getting ever closer to the $1.00 mark! Exciting times... soon I will be able to afford to buy a new "kitty tree" with my rewards!

Love that warm sunshine! But as you can see, my cat perch is getting frayed and I could use a new one!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Caturday, wherever you may be! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my post and pictures!


X-045/344 2021-03-27


Smudge cat has been sleeping in the sun all day...


 3 years ago 

That's some pretty amazing cattitude, right there!

Happy Caturday!

@curatorcat se nota que disfrutaste de tu caturday ojala pronto remplaces tu percha para que sigas disfrutando de ese cálido sol.

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