SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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Hello, steemians it's yet another great opportunity for me to be here participating in the season8 week4 of the steam it engagement contest in this noble community with a wonderful topic “It all ends with death?" As humans, we were all born and someday we will die when the time is right although Every one perception of death is different, someone cannot say when he will die because death is inevitable.

I believe in the fact that nothing will live forever, the only thing I know that leave forever is History and transferred memories or documentation, but beings definitely will die someday.

Do you believe in life after death?

The true justification of the fact to say I believe in life after death or not is complicated. I have never been dead before so I cannot say directly yes or no base on experience, but I can say based on faith. Based on my faith as a Christian, my Religion explains the fact that there is life after death, so as a Christian I believe in the word of the Scripture.

The Bible explains that there is a spirit in man which is who the man is, so when we die, the body/flesh is buried and the spirit raises To face judgment. So the being in humans is the sound and spirit there in nit the flesh.

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So after death, we raise again to continue with everlasting life with God as promised by the scripture. But the question is, are we going to feel the same being that we are in the other world of the soul? Are we going to have the same memories?🤔

Do you think of death as something natural? Or do you avoid everything related to this topic?

Death is natural, nothing exists and will stop existing. I see death as a count of time over the existence of being. I will believe the fact that death is not natural the day scientists will produce supplements or remedies that bring back the dead to life.

Over time, the human system gets weaker as he grows older till there is no energy left for his existence. Drugs, good food, or other major ways a man may take can only help sustain and give a healthy life but cannot make someone live forever. Death is natural and is an end destination for every man, we all will die someday.

Have you been in a situation that has put you at risk of death? What did you feel?

Yes. There was a time I felt so sick that I nearly lost my life in the process of the pain. When I leave my hometown for my current location in Ilorin Nigeria, I felt sick and was diagnosed with Malaria and typhoid, there was a night the sickness arose and hit me so pained that I felt life is going out of me and there was no one close to help.

I was lucky to see the following day and went to the hospital for proper medications and treatment, I letter got strong and healed. It was a very bad experience and never forgettable.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

I wish to be remembered as a great hero who has created an impact on many people's life. I try every day to make sure I help as many people as I can help who come my way.

As I said earlier the only thing that doesn't die is history, if you create a positive legacy in people's minds, you leave it forever in their hearts so always be positive.

I also want to be remembered as a great writer and Patriot of the steemit platform, I am always putting in my best to be influential and create impactfully and life changes contests and proposals for the steemit blog. If I am no more today, it will be a great honor for the blog to recognize my patriotism by creating a publication and sending it to every member of this platform as a count of my patriotism to this platform.


We all must die, there is no debate about the fact that we all shall die. But legacy is an abstract being of your past existence that stays former in people's hearts and keeps you alive even in the land of death. Always be positive and create a good legacy. I invite @josepha @bensam2040 @senehasa


Hello, @yakspeace You introduce the subject in a lovely way. Thank you for inviting me; I shall attend in due course. It is extremely lovely.

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Thank you for visiting my blog, cant wait to read through your entry.

Best regards.

It is on my to-do-list.

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 last year 

Thank you so much for inviting. I myself I also believe that there is life after death which I have been preparing for. You have talked well about the topic. Best of luck to you.

Thank you for the good comment sir, it's highly appreciated.

Thank you for the invite on the topic at hand. Well for me I strongly believed in life after death, it's a phase we all most embark on one.

You are said it all dear friend, thank you so much for your comment. It's highly appreciated.

 last year 

Saludos @yakspeace.

Científicamente no hay posibilidades o pruebas de la existencia de vida después de la muerte, sin embargo, tenemos la fe en que podremos experimentar una transición, y es que nuestro físico naturalmente se degrada pero nuestra alma puede continuar existiendo y experimentando una nueva forma de vida.

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Thank you for the review ma'am im grateful.

 last year 

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