47th STORY WRITING CONTEST - Running away!

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

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Mariangel is a business woman, she has cryptocurrency accounts, she works trading for several clients. She buys shares of companies when they are down and then sells them when they are up. It is a risky game as the stock market is very unstable. Her partner, Boris, sees her very confident, asks her what operations she is going to do in the stock market, to which she replies nothing, that she is not going to do anything that day since the market is low.

The next day, Mariangel speaks to her boss on the phone, she was on her way to the office when she received 2 threatening calls asking for information about the market, she tells Boris that she is afraid, that at that moment some motorcycles are following her, the boss He tells her to try to lose them on the highway, that he is going to send his men to protect her, but not for the world to let himself be captured. At that moment, Mariangel realizes that a motorcycle is dangerously close to her door...


My Side of the Story


Mariangel's heart raced as the motorcycle's menacing presence loomed dangerously close to her car door. Her palms were clammy, and she searched frantically for an escape route. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, she caught a glimpse of salvation.

A police car, sirens blaring, sped up behind the motorcycle. The biker, realizing he was being pursued, swerved to evade capture, but it was too late - the police were on his tail.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Mariangel watched as the motorcycle disappeared into the distance. She knew she could trust the police to handle the situation now. Pulling her car to the side of the road, she waited for the officer to approach.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" the officer inquired.



Still shaken, Mariangel nodded. After sharing her harrowing experience, the officer reassured her that they would take it from here and encouraged her to carry on with her day.

Though rattled, Mariangel knew she couldn't let this incident derail her. She had a job to do and clients to serve, so she took a deep breath and drove on, ready to tackle whatever lay ahead.

Mariangel felt uneasy as she made her way to work. She couldn’t figure out why anyone would care about her trading activities, let alone harass her over it. She decided to call her boss back and ask for more information about what was happening.

“Hi, Mariangel, how are you holding up?” her boss answered.

“I’m holding up, but I’m still a bit nervous after those phone calls yesterday,” Mariangel replied.

“Okay, I understand. But I’m glad you’re okay,” her boss said. “Listen, we have some clues that this could be more than just random threats. There’s a chance that there might be a link to one of our clients who’s been mixed up in some shady business.”

Mariangel was shocked. She had always been honest and fair in the stock market, and she couldn’t believe that her boss was implying otherwise.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “What kind of shady business?”


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“I don’t want to give away too much on the call, but let’s just say that our client might be mixed up in some dirty money operations,” her boss said.
Mariangel was stunned. She didn’t know how to handle this kind of situation. She knew that she had to protect herself and her reputation, but she also didn’t want to get mixed up in anything illegal.

“I’m confused,” she said.

“Don’t panic, Mariangel. We’ll sort everything out. Just keep doing your job and let us deal with the rest,” her boss said.

Mariangel ended the call, still feeling unsure about what to do. She decided to take some time to think things over and went to a nearby coffee shop. As she sat there drinking her latte, she noticed a man looking at her from across the room. She tried to avoid him, but he kept looking at her.

Feeling nervous, she quickly finished her coffee and left the shop. As she walked down the street, she noticed the same man following her. She sped up, but he kept following her. She decided to hide in a nearby alleyway, hoping to shake him off.



As she turned the corner, she came face to face with the man. He had a menacing expression on his face and Mariangel felt a surge of fear. At that moment, she heard a voice she recognized shouting her name.

“Mariangel! Are you alright?”

It was Boris. Mariangel felt relieved as Boris came to her aid. Boris had always been a loyal friend and colleague, and Mariangel was thankful for his help.

Boris quickly evaluated the situation and called the police. They arrived swiftly and the man was arrested. It turned out that he was a paid assassin, sent to kill Mariangel and stop her from testifying against her client.


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Mariangel was shocked to learn the truth about her client’s schemes, but she was glad that she had survived unharmed. She knew that she had to make some changes in her life and focus on trading honestly and openly. She was resolved to move on and forget this whole ordeal.

I would like to invite @paholags, @leonciocast, @sur-riti, @senehasa and @dove11 to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 08-May-2023 | Achievement 1
 last year (edited)

Es sorprendente como hay personas que siempre tratan de lucrarse del trabajo de otros.

Personas que sin escrúpulos tratan de ensuciar la reputación de otros solo por la ambición de tener más y más dinero.

Qué bueno que Boris es leal y buen amigo de Mariángel, logró protegerla y hacer capturar a quienes pretendían hacerle daño.

Participante # 10

Hay 3 imágenes que no nos llevan a su verdadera fuente sino a imágenes de google, por favor revisar los enlaces que lleven directo a la imagen en la página de imágenes libres de derechos de autor.

Saludos. SLPS


Greetings appreciated @waqarahmadshah.

In life, there are many Mariangels, but there are not many Boris.
We don't always have that selfless helping hand that is capable of doing anything and even risking her life to help another.

Mariangel is lucky to have Boris, I hope they spend a lot of time together from now on.

Thanks for sharing, God bless you.

In another order of ideas, I would like to invite you to learn about the SP delegation program that we offer at Project Hope. We have just surpassed 250K SP, thanks to our delegator friends. This voting power allows us to distribute 100% of the manual curation rewards we make among our delegators. Our current voting power offers an 11% APR, which we hope to increase if more people like you join our program in the coming months.


Good day, friend. Your story is really lovely, and you left us with some thoughts. That narrative is very well written. I wish you well as you write.

 last year 

Thank you for taking the time to read it and I'm glad you liked it. 😊

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Boris sabe lo que significa ser amigo y, esto quedó demostrado en la protección que tuvo con Mariángel.

Lo sorprendente de esto es que en realidad sucede en la vida real... Existen personas que solo buscan lastimarnos pero, siempre hay un Boris dispuesto a protegernos.

Un fuerte abrazo amigo💚

 last year 

Thank you for your nice comment. 😊

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