The Diary Game | 30th of June 2024 | A Relaxing Sunday

Hello dear Friends...!
I hope you are doing well...

It was Sunday, 30th of June.

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Visting our construction site in the morning.

I love to spend my Sundays slow and relaxing with my family. I had a good eight-hour sleep and woke up a little later than usual. I started by refreshing myself and doing my morning skincare routine as I have noticed a few breakouts on my skin. I felt happy starting my day with some self-love. It was great to have a relaxed morning, enjoying our time together, having our morning coffee, and planning our day.

I made a quick breakfast with Sri Lankan cereal and took it in a box to eat while we drove to our construction site. The day was hot and sunny, which made me happy. I feel more energetic and excited to carry on my daily tasks when it is warm and sunny.

Little Vihan started playing with his toys when we visited the construction site so we spent a bit more time there watching him play.

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Vihan started playing with his toys.

It was already noon when we returned home. We love to enjoy homemade food when all of us are relaxing at home. Therefore, I made a simple menu for lunch. I prepared Moringa drumstick curry and a spicy chicken curry for both lunch and dinner. My husband helped look after Vihan while I made our meals.

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Today's menu for Lunch and Dinner.

I fed little Vihan his lunch and put him down for a nap. Meanwhile, I completed the house chores and updated my contest post in the evening.


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Later in the evening, when Vihan woke up, I got ready to go on a small drive to get some groceries and vegetables. I enjoy these short drives in this area very much. I bought some fresh vegetables and returned home.

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Short drives with family watching the beautiful evening sky.

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Us! enjoying our time together.

It was around 7:30 p.m. when we reached home, and it was already dinner time. We had our dinner, and then I did all the dishes. By then, little Vihan was yawning and ready to sleep. I tucked him into bed. Then, I enjoyed my free time reading a book - Better than the Movies by Lynn painter.

It was a fun and relaxing Sunday for me; I felt grateful for having a lovely, slow-paced day with my family. I hope you enjoyed reading about my day... Thanks for being with me and supporting me with your upvotes.

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Pictures captured fromIphone 8


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