[ENG] SEC - S10W1 | "Mi logro más significativo" / "My most significant achievement" | June 7, 2023

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)

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Major or minor? Doesn't matter.
Every achievement is worth celebrating and sharing. But before delving into telling you about mine, I will love you to let me know in the comment section how you are doing. How's the weather at your end and could you accomplish your target goals today?

Now back to the main deal.

It is every young person's dream to attain notable career success. Nevertheless, the journey to accomplishing this dream comes with tons of challenges that need to be overcome.

Mine was no different.

As of August 2022 when I began making a conscious effort toward building my career, I had the following on my mind:

  • To pursue a career in marketing and communication
  • To improve my writing skills
  • To hone more skills relevant to my desired field.

With the little money I earned, I began enrolling in different courses to sharpen my verbal and written communication skills which alongside my English degree (in-view) are essential criteria for anyone desiring to pursue a career in marketing and communication.

Then I got stuck.
My savings could barely cover the cost of the marketing courses I needed. Due to financial constraints, this was put on hold.

A golden opportunity came towards the end of that year when a popular tech company in Uyo awarded me with a scholarship to enroll in any Google Professional Certificate Course of my choice. I chose Digital Marketing and E-commerce, of course.


Badge earned
And this is where the big challenge began.

First, the scholarship program was to last for 3 months. Next, the classes were completely virtual which meant burning data always. At this point, I had just a little savings left and school was still in session. If you have ever taken an online course, then you would understand how tasking it is to juggle school or work with studies online. Let alone, remain consistent.

Yet I was determined to complete both. Stayed up every night to study while attending lectures in the daytime. Had to spend most nights at school due to the epileptic light situation on my street. Got intercepted by some street louts one evening while heading to school and narrowly escaped being robbed of my possessions. That experience still shakes me to this day.

The most interesting of all was when both the scholarship's deadline and commencement of the semester's examinations were set to happen together. Still, I doubled up and never had an excuse when I showed up at the examination venue.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W2 (1).jpg

My Google professional course certificate
Looking back at it all now, I admire my resilience and determination to beat all odds in my attempt to reach this milestone. It taught me a valuable lesson that “If you strive hard, you can reach the mountain top because nothing is too small or big.”

My current goal is to complete my internship and begin earning full-time. Meanwhile, what has been your significant achievement, my friends? @basil20 @entity01 @okere-blessing
Send in your entries to the link below.

Link to contestAbout UkponoClub5050Nigeria
 last year 

You know what? People feel they got their success by chance or they were destined to get it but no one gets anything unless they go out fallout for that. You did that and I see no luck factor in that.

“If you strive hard, you can reach the mountain top because nothing is too small or big.”

My best wishes for whatever you do in your life.

I have read your comment thrice and each time i find myself nodding in agreement. Success is never by chance. It is never a matter of luck. Only you and I can make success happen.

Thank you for your kind words. Do have a blessed day.

 last year 

Saludos es larga la lista de logros que se pueden llegar a tener en la vida, y obviamente que así sean pequeños o grandes todo y cada unos de los logros alcanzados son dignos de celebrar y recordar porque son especiales.

Se que si sigue trabajando duro en su meta muy Pronto la alcanzará y al finalizar sus pasantías tendrá el trabajo que tato anhela.

Bendiciones y éxitos en el concurso

Thank you for your kind words, Adrian. I believe that every effort we all make will eventually pay out in the end.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Que logro tan fantástico lograste vale y te felicito por ello👏🏻🥳🎉. Me fascina el Marketing... De hecho, trabajo con ello como estratega digital y, es algo maravilloso así que, puedo ententender muy bien tu alegría por este fabuloso logro que cristalizaste.

Ten la certeza de que vas a seguir recibiendo muchas bendiciones amiga porque, aún puedes lograr muchísimas cosas.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

Another person into Marketing? This is amazing! I sincerely wish it was possible to connect with you via socials. I sincerely wish that I could.

 last year 

Hola amiga ukpono, te felicito por tu logro, estudiar siempre es bueno.

Amiga una acotación, la etiqueta es burnsteem25, debes corregirla y así tener más posibilidad de recibir una curación.

Oh my!
Thank you for pointing that out. I have corrected it now.

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