SEC - S8W4. "¿It All Ends With Death?"


Hello dear friends, welcome to my entry to the season 8, week 4 engagement challenge in Scout y sus Amigos community. In this week's challenge we've got a very vital topic as regards to life, to discuss here. The topic centers around "death", if you missed the contest post you can get it here.

Below are a couple of question we are to discuss.

  • Do you believe in life after death?

  • Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

  • Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

  • How do you want to be remembered after death?


Death is an inevitable experience that everyone on earth will have to face someday. Death to the best of my understanding is not a total extinction, rather it's a transition into another life entirely. As long as this world is concerned, we are pilgrims here, we are passers by. Each and everyone of us are in this planet earth for a purpose, once our purpose is fulfilled, we've got to leave and we leave through death. Though it's quite unfortunate that some persons don't get to fulfill their purpose before leaving.

Do you believe in life after death?


Yes I believe 100% in life after death. Just as I said before, we are all pilgrims in this world, we are like people that came for shopping, once we are done we've got to get going. And how do we leave, it's through death.

Death is a transition into another life called eternity. And what qualifies each and everyone of us in that eternity is the way we lived our lives in this temporary life. That is why we have to live our lives purposefully. We've got to let everyday of our lives to count here on earth.

The bible said that after death comes judgement, and the judgement is based on how you lived your life here on earth. And when you are judged, you are either going to be rewarded or purnished. Which means that we are accountable for everything we do here on earth, the life we have right now is not our own, we all will definitely give account of it.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death is something natural that everyone under the surface of the sun will definitely experience some day. I don't avoid discussions related to death, this is because death is inevitable. Whether you avoid the discussion or not, that doesn't change the fact that you will experience it some day. So instead of avoiding the subject, I think of how to fulfill the purpose for which I am here on earth. So I don't live my life carelessly knowing that I will be accountable to someone someday over my life here on earth.

Majority of people that had died never wished to die, but they still died. This is because death is natural, once it takes over a life, nothing can be done about it. I could remember when I lost my dad, he never wanted to die because he wasn't old. But because it's a natural thing, you can't cheat nature once it comes knocking, the person just have to open the door.

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?


Yes I have found myself in that situation some time in 2021. I was seriously sick then, and I had visited a pharmacist for treatment, at some point it wasn't working, I was referred to a hospital, they tried it didn't work, I was admitted in another hospital, it didn't still work and I was admitted in a third hospital now and it tried subsiding, but when I was discharged and got home, the illness started again.

The illness was so bad that nobody could tell what was wrong with me. The doctors was giving different kinds of prescriptions which wasn't working. The people around me almost gave up, though we kept on praying and praying non stop. Some times I would feel I want to die, I would feel some presence around me, I was so helpless. But I didn't stop praying and confessing God's word to myself. And at the end, God came through for me and I was back to my feet after 2 months.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

Definitely each and everyone of us would have to be remembered for something after this life. That is why we all should strive to live a legacy. As for me I would love to be remembered for some things as I outline below:

  • I would love to be remembered as one who has impacted lots of lives positively.

  • I would love to be remembered as a destiny helper to many.

  • I would love to be remembered as a philanthropist.

  • Most importantly, I would love to be remembered as someone who contributed to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God in my sphere.


Death is real, death is natural, death is inevitable. Death is a transition to another life called eternity, so everyone should live their lives purposefully as one who is accountable for the life.

Thank you friends for visiting my post, don't forget to leave a reasonable comment afterwards.

I also invite my @simonwigwe, @ruegue22 and @sahmie to come participate and tell us their view on this important topic.

Best regards


Hi friend,

I agree with you, everyone should live their lives purposefully as one who is accountable for the life.

About your near death, it was a terrible experience I must confess. But thank God you were brought back to life by God. Its a testimony.

Best wishes!

Yes, it's a big testimony for me.
Every action we take on daily basis counts, so we have to live purposefully.
Thanks for visiting.

 2 years ago 

Saludos @talktofaith.

Ciertamente la muerte es algo que nadie puede evitar, es algo que tenemos garantizado, pero no necesariamente significa que sea el fin ya que tenemos la esperanza en que luego de morir nuestra alma transcienda y podamos experimentar una nueva forma de vida que sea mas placentera y libre de dolor y enfermedades.

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Thanks for the review.

What an amazing and inspiring article you have here. Truly, after this life, there will be transition into eternity.

Yes eternity is the end of it all, not death.

 2 years ago 

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