Nuevo concurso: Los caminos de la envidia

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast month (edited)

Hello and Namste my steemian Family,

This is my participation in the contest”New contest: The paths of envyhosted by @cruzamilcar63 in Scouts and Friends

I also want to invite here ::

@drhira, @lhorgic, @josepha and @radjasalman

1.- Do you know of any real or imaginary case in which jealousy has caused harm?

Jealousy is a human trait, it is a natural process, it can happen to anyone at any time for any reason, I have seen many cases in which someone's progress, someone's successes, someone's beauty, someone's talent, someone's abilities, someone's smartness, someone's wealth, forces others to be jealous.



I have also seen that by being jealous a person only harms himself, he goes towards depression, becomes angry, his thinking power starts decreasing. His intelligence gets frustrated. He gets angry at every small thing.

He starts hating others first and then himself. He becomes an enemy of himself, his family, his society, and even others whom he is jealous of.

2-Do you agree that there is positive jealousy, which can promote success and progress?

If we treat our jealousy with a balanced mind and heart, then it takes the form of competition, and if we compete in a healthy way, then it will definitely become a thing of our benefit, it will become the reason for our progress.

And many people are doing this on this platform itself. We all have become competitors of each other.

Instead of jealousy, we should think only about our progress and ourselves. We should not see why the other person is ahead of us, but we should see how he has reached this position. How much hard work and effort he has put in to reach here.

3.- Have you ever felt that they are jealous of you or you have been jealous of any other person?

To be honest, I have never been jealous of anyone, rather I have helped people to move ahead with their body, mind, and money. But many people were jealous of my progress, my ways of working, my promotions, even before and even today.

But I never paid any attention to such people because there is a saying in our country "Dogs keep barking and elephants keep walking without caring". The message given by this saying is that you should not pay any attention to anyone's jealousy, you should keep doing your duty. Everything becomes normal in a few days.



4.- If we all had the same things, if we lived in a world where no one lacked anything, would jealousy exist?

First of all, it is impossible to imagine such equality, secondly, even if this happens, then there are many other reasons due to which jealousy will remain.

There can be only one way to end this, that the God who has created us, should delete this quality or defect of jealousy from our heart, mind, and heart forever.

And after this happens, more than half of the fights, quarrels, discrimination, feelings, and crimes will end from the world.


Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians

With Great love and honour,



Envy is very similar to jealousy. Nice write up

Thanks .

 last month 

Saludos @sur-riti.

Es muy cierto que en la mayoria de los casos la envidia tiene un efecto mas negativo en quien lo siente, por lo que siempre experimentan un sentimiento de insatisfacción, amargura y molestia que los va consumiendo lentamente.

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Thanks friend for your wonderful review and comment.

 last month 

Hola amigo la envidia llega a hacer que una persona se aísle de todo sentimiento y bondad en su corazón, al igual que se aísla de sus amigos y como los ve por la envidia.

Si se pudiera tener todos lo que otros tuvieran por igual tal vez dejaría de haber conflicto con todos.


Hello friend,

There is no doubt that jealousy is a very dangerous human trait.

Thanks for the comment.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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thank you

Nice entry my friend, I wish you the very best...thanks for the invite.

Thank You very much , @lhorgic

 last month 

Es interesante lo que señala en cuanto el que envidia comienza odiando a otro y termina despreciándose a sí mismo. La verdad es que si este sentimiento se transforma en una obsesión, lo cual sucede muchas veces, puede desembocar en situaciones extremas como esa. No había pensado en la envidia aquí en Steemit porque jamás he tomado nuestras actividades en este universo desde una forma tan competitiva. Lo que sí hago es eso de estudiar cómo son algunos tan exitosos para aplicar sus estrategias... Muchas gracias, amigo, por traernos sus perspectivas sobre este tema. Un gran saludo.

Hello friend,
Thanks for reading my post so carefully and commenting, it was my personal opinion about competitive jealousy on steemit, I may be wrong. But I wrote what I think in my own words. I hope it is not taken personally.
Thanks with respect.

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