SEC-S17W5 "Creative Photographer ”


Good morning steemians
. Is very cold here and am contemplating if I will go out today or wait till evening. I got to see this particular engagement challenge from my friend and I didn't want to participate now but the captivating entries I saw, made me want to participate today instead of any other community engagement challenge. I love taking pictures and my weak point is currently my camera which has a low quality but it capture images clearly sometimes.

Looking Up To Me

This was a picture I took one year again and I was looking very small then. I went to church for Saturday clean up and rehearsals and immediately we closed all the boys began to play football while I decided to play in the next one hour because o want to take photos. I admire this image alot because it talks about my story as a young man. My parents are not financially stable so they look up to me for financial support every month.

Am the first child of my parents and all I do now is steemit and church activities and am always busy. I have no option but to support my parents financially whenever they need support and this has made my journey to my second dolphin achievement to be very slow.


I don't mind anyway, as long as I will get there before this year August. I work hard day and night to ensure that I give my parents the support they need but is a painful experience I have to manage till when the economy of Nigeria gets better. I took this picture by keeping my phone on the floor while it rests on the fence facing me and I set the timer to 3 seconds.

My Shadow Below

Earlier this year when I was standing outside I did something I never knew I will do. I was just taking selfies and pictures of things I can post in a diary game post and I saw my shadow on the ground looking short. I decided to snap my shadow as well, though I have done this in our church compound one day but my shadow was at the wall not on the ground.



I took different styles while taking pictures ofy shadow on the ground and it was really a very wonderful moment. The pictures are so bright and each time I look at it I always laugh at myself because it made me look short. Our shadows are unique and I always wonder why we have shadows, I guess I will make research.

Shoes Wearing Eyeglass

The next creative picture I have for today is a picture of my shoes and my eyeglass. I took this picture on the 25th of December 2023. That day I took so many pictures with my siblings and parents and I had a very wonderful moment. Immediately we finished taking these pictures I decided to try something new. I kept my eye glass on the entrance of the shoe and it looked very funny.


I captured the image and imagined a shoe wearing an eyeglass 🤣. Sometimes I use to imagine if every non-living things use to wear eyeglass all the time. Is a very wonderful imagination. Image our phones has eyeglass OMG 😂. After capturing the image I just left it on my phone since that day hoping I will post in steemit someday and here I am today posting it in this engagement challenge 💃💃. Thanks for reading.

I invite @wakeupkitty.pal, @subooohi, @katherine012 and @josepha to participate in this contest.

All Images legally belongs to me!



Hi @saintkelvin17! Your creative approaches, from capturing important personal moments to playful experiments like photographing silhouettes and wearing glasses, highlight your unique perspective and ability to find joy in creativity. Although using a camera has limitations, you effectively use what you have to capture and share meaningful stories, demonstrating that passion and creativity can triumph over resource limitations. Keep up the great work and we wish you good luck with your entry into the contest!

Greetings sir, hope you had a great day and how's your family doing? The images I shared I really creative and amazing and I love them alot. Yh the pictures are both Living and nonliving things photography. Have a nice day

I love skinny you and I love those shoes wearing glasses. You could have made a closeup or cut off the pic a bit.

Altogether you are growing faster than I do. Perhaps you are doing too much hosting contests and so on. It's all extra work. The weather here is kind of tragic too (and cold)

I wish you luck with the contest. I haven't figured out yet what to do. I just joined wix black and white - such a struggle


Oh you love how i was 🤣🤣. Yh am trying my best to even grow faster, I look small. I only host two contests and I host one every week while I skip one week for the other. Sharing rewards isn't easy at all.

I try my best to survive in steemit till I begin to get weekly supports from steemcurator01 and 02. Next time I will crop that image.

I wish you good luck as you search for creative pictures.

Why are you hosting those contests? Doesn't the community pay for the rewards?

I hosted contests for many years and it only did cost me a lot of Steem and I did not make one single friend.

Lately I do not make muvh photos unless I am travelling but I do not focus on funmy or creativity. If it comes to creative photography I find it hard to understand what is meant.

I join the photochain hosted by italy, just took part in their story-chain (50 words each entry) and will create a picture with AI with the prompt they gave. They say that community is supportive perhaps you should join too.

The community only pay with booming support, which is just one. I create contests because I love doing it and have been dreaming of creating contests in steemit when I wasn't a moderator.

Ok as for me I take pictures alot, almost every day. Please why did you end your comment with Do not.

The 'do not' is most likely pasted out of the memory of my phone by clicking a button. At times it happens no idea why (also in the middle of words).

It means nothing. I deleted it.

Hi, Dear Friend Greetings!!

What a brilliant idea to capture the creative and amazing shots. The shadow of your own personality seems to be wonderful experienced you had especially. The last one picture also seems to be orginal reflect and really funny as well. I appreciate your effort to meet be requirements of winning contest. All the best.

Hello ma how are you doing today? Am so excited to see your comment on my post today. I totally enjoy taking creative pictures. The last one is incredible. I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Greetings sir @saintkelvin17, you have shared a nice photography moments with us and I am happy to view this. From your first picture you've been able to give us details about the picture, as a first child you have huge responsibilities to take on and you will succeed with it. The journey to your second dolphin might look slow but you will achieve it soon.

A funny of a show wearing an eyeglass
I wish you success and I also made my entry increative photographer which I would love to see your comment

Thanks so much for the comment bro

Hi @saintkelvin17, greeting from me.

Let me start a compliment to your picture, you was still a fine and handsome guy one years ago, i believe your height match your age right. This your shadow pictures really look intriguing and I'll like to know more about the steps you used to capture them. I laugh when I scroll your post to the third photo, I mean wearing your shoe a eyeclass, it's really a nice imagination from you and the picture looks good.

My overall view in your post is that you've share a nice post with us and I wish you all the best of luck.🤗

Number one rule bro make your post unique That shoe and eyeglass really made this post unique. I just wanted to try something new that day I took that photo.

Thanks for the wonderful comment, I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 25 days ago 

Saludos @saintkelvin17.

Gracias por participar en este concurso y compartir estas fotografías en las cuales has puesto a prueba tu creatividad e ingenio.

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Fecha de verificación08/05/2024

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Thanks for the review

Greetings Friend,
I love your creative thoughtfulness on photography. You have created creative images using shadows which are really commendable.
Also, the picture of the glasses on the shoes is also great.
Thank you for sharing nice publication with us. Wish you all the best. stay well

Yh the last photo is very unique. I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

Thanks friend for giving me feedback and your best wishes. I pray you become more creative. I wish you success in the competition.

First of all greetings. I hope you are well I am very happy to know that you support your family financially and are using steemit for this work and you are active in church.
It is a very good thing that we should also support our families. It is a big responsibility on you and I hope that you are getting this responsibility well.

You have shown us this through your photographs. You have done a great job by giving a message, so now we will also think of doing something for our family. Your last picture is very artistic and funny as well. I hope you enjoyed that day with your siblings and family.

Best regards,

Thanks for the wonderful comment my friend, good to see you as this is the first time am seeing you in steemit.

Yh my last image is very funny and unique.

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