SEC-S17W5 "Creative Photographer ”

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago

Greetings to you all!
My Viva and exams are going on now a days so due to visit to clean unfortunately I was unable to capture new creative photographs but I have some photographs in my gallery that I have not used before so I am sharing these photographs with all of you.


This is a collage of three pictures in which there is creative photography of ducks, there is one photograph of rainy day and cloudy day and last photograph is of sunset.


I am really a nature lover and once I go for a morning walk in early morning and there was no water in the nearby pool and ducks were enjoying with each other and playing with each other and these were looking very cute so I captured there beautiful photograph and they were bright white in their colour and with green grassy background these were just looking awesome so I captured their pictures.


This is another photograph of many days ago when whether was becoming rainy and cloudy as you can see that it was time around 4 to 5 pm and I was feeling at that time rain would start soon but wind was blowing and clouds were covering sun. I really love to enjoy rain but after rain stops I never like rainwater standing in streets but cloudy weather I love the most especially during too much hot season when suddenly clouds come on to the sky then it's really brings big smile at my face.


This is third picture in which you can see that there is a beautiful and natural view of evening time in which you can see that there is a time of sunset 🌇,and that was a day when I was at shopping with my family members and I was just returning back to my home and then I see at the sky this beautiful scene in which clouds were passing through beautiful sunset so I decide to capture the picture of this beautiful natural scene.

That was all about my creativity in this beautiful pictures and in this photography I have shared with all of you and I am hopefull that you all like this photography...

I want to invite

Have a blessed day

Hi @sahar78

How are you dear friend. I hope you will be fine. I have read your post and seen the pictures that you capture. All pictures are wonderful, but the second and the last picture are just beyond words.

Your angles and your sense of capturing is fabulous. You take all the pictures professionally. The second picture shows the beauty of clouds in the sky that I like the most. I also used to take pictures when there is cloudy weather.

Third picture shows the view of sunset and how the vibrant colours of sun is dominating everything and all the things are looking beautiful.
You did very well. Best wishes for this contest.

Best regards

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


I forgot the name of the fairy tale where geese stole children lol, apparently these are other geese, great photos! :)

 3 months ago 

Le invito a verificarse en nuestra comunidad, puede hacerlo siguiendo las sencillas instrucciones en el siguiente link 13° Edición | Verificación de nuevos miembros Scouts y sus Amigos de igual forma también le invitamos a apoyar a nuestra comunidad, puede hacerlo al delegar a nuestra cuenta curadora @hive-181136, de esta manera gana recompensas por curación, al mismo tiempo le invito a programar un 10% de las recompensas (a la misma cuenta curadora) para contribuir con el crecimiento de nuestra comunidad.

Gracias por su atención @sahar78

Saludos. SLPS

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Hi, Dear Engagement participant!!

I really love to see your three amazing photos. The ducks are enjoying near the dry pool, Beautiful sun set view at evening time looks so irresistible and the rainy cloudy weather also so pleasant. You have creative and beautiful natural beauty loving skills. I appreciate your selections. I have also dropped my Entry good to see your valuable views on it. Wishing you good luck.

Hi @sahar78, greetings from me.

You're pictures are really interesting and eye catching to view and trust me, I enjoy viewing them.
The last pictures in your post is really really nice and good looking, the evening sunset is always beautiful and i always realize God wonderful work by designing sunset with such a nice color. All your pictures are nice and they all shows something important, nature shows God wonderous work and that's exactly what your picture portray.

I hope to view more pictures in your upcoming post, I enjoy reading your post and I wish you all the best of luck.🤗

Saludos salir hacer compras o trotar en la tarde uno aprovecha el momento de tomar unas fotografías al atardecer o el paisajes. Éxito en tu entrada mi bendicion

 3 months ago 

Hola amigo, también me gusta la naturaleza y a veces al salir a dar un paseo y encontrarnos con una imagen como la que lograste fotografiar de esos gansos es hermosa.

La otra fotografía que nos compartes con ese efecto de sol irradiante es alucinante. Realmente este tipo de fotografías alegran la vista y traen gozo al alma.

Gracias por compartirla amigo.

@sahar78 This is a nice creative photograph and you have been able to show that to us in your own words and photographs. I admire ducks and I have few photos of them, I love to see them fly because they cover large meters and they can also swim such a creative creature.

Truly as you said in your words, sunset has a very nice which I am always happy to view and take photographs of. I wish you success in the engagement.
I also dropped my entry on creative photographer which I would love to see your comment

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