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RE: SEC - S8W3: "What is your favorite children's story and why?"

The first story is Islamic like you have quoted your favourite Story of hazrat yousaf basically this is a story that is present in my holy book Quran. This story is very interesting as well as sorrowfull also but basically the moral behind this story is to have patience in every situation of your life. Whatever the situation is present in your life you should just ask for help from Allah.

Good to knowledge from you about your children and obviously you have children then you know that how much good to tell them stories and you know well that what is the nature of kids and how much interest they have in stories and how much they can learn by the stories so stories are essential for creativity and understanding of kids.

Nice to know from you that you have a book in which there are stories written and all stories have a lot of moral lessons in them also. If you have written stories then you don't need to remember them you just need to remember the lessons of these stories.


Dalam Quran disebutkan bahwa cerita Nabi Yusuf merupakan salah satu cerita terbaik yang memiliki nilai pendidikan dan nilai kebaikan lainnya yang layak kita teladani dan kita tanamkan untuk anak-anak sejak dini

salam hormat saya untuk Saudaraku @sahar78

Thank you for replying me and I am a sister not brother 😂

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