SEC-S13W3- "The Law of Attraction ".

Do you know that the way we think and behave affects our life's outcome?

Have a look at these 3 phrases...

Treat others the way you want to be treated.
You are your own thoughts.
Whether you think you can or can't, you are right

These 3 phrases have everything to do with our thoughts, and if we cannot think of a car and go out to purchase a book, it doesn't work that way. We are just what we think is true.

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Yes, I believe! "The law of attraction argues that positive thoughts and actions reap positive rewards. -Rhonda Bryan's book, "The Secret"

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The way we think has an impact on our lives, and our mindset is what shapes our thoughts, our behavior, and our actions. Our thoughts also shape our feelings about ourselves and the world in general.

Just last week, I let my thoughts control my actions. Yes, because I thought of something, and because the mind controls action, I acted based on my thoughts. What I thought of was so dangerous and was almost draining me of my balance.

Fueling the mind with self-criticism does not help your wellbeing, encourage happiness, or even help manifest something better.

There are some occasions when it's hard to look on the bright side, but a positive attitude helps a lot, although no one should expect to always be positive. You know that changing how you see yourself or think of yourself can also change the way people see and treat you.

Just in case you see yourself as low, poor, dull, or inferior, that is exactly how others see and address you. But seeing yourself as wise, smart, bold, confident, and wealthy, people see you as that too.

Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?

Just like I said earlier, if you are a bad person whose mind is full of evil, there is no way you can attract good things. All you possess is evil, so evil will keep coming to you.

And when you possess a positive attitude, you attract beautiful things. The Bible says in Prov. 23:7, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" Our thoughts are who we are, and we act what we think.

Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?

Yes, I have, and it happened recently. Just like I said earlier, it happened last week. I can share the story.


I traveled with my friend for a program, and we stayed together in a room. We leave every morning and return in the evening. One day, my thoughts were filled with how busy she was and am not, how she dresses so well and I don't, how people give her money and I don't get any of those. My thoughts were filled, and I started acting immediately.

I refused to attend one of the sessions during the program, and when she returned, she noticed I was not myself, but I refused to talk. My mind was filled with jealousy already, and I started displaying it to her. My mind controlled me for 3 days, until I told myself enough! That was when I realized it and talked to her about it. We prayed together and felt alright.

How would you describe a positive person?

I say a positive person is me, @ninapenda. I am generous, thoughtful, considerate, kind, accommodating, easy-going, humble, benevolent, empathetic, faithful, gallant, exquisite, and bold. I can go on and on because that is who I am.

A positive person is full of life and energy. There is no dull moment with her; she is always showing positivity through her actions, words, and feelings. I am that positive person, and I'm glad I am.

@ruthjoe @pandora2010 @chant come and tell us what you know about "the law of attraction"


Know more about me


Oh my dear friend, thank you for the invite..

Indeed you are a positive person and I know this for a fact .

Yes the mind is so powerful that anything we dwell to long thinking about definitely manifest..Am so glad you defeated those evil thoughts of jealousy.

Best wishes in your entry

Thank you so much.

You are welcome

Hey friend 👋,

I am glad you found out that jealousy is a part of negative attitude and it's precautions are bad and I am glad you quickly changed and started exhibiting good positive thinking.

Thanks for sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

Somos simplemente lo que creemos que es verdad.

Una frase que definitivamente puede resumir muy bien el tema que se trata en el concurso.

Es cierto que no pude pedir algo que no tienes la capacidad de dar. Que te valla bien mientras actúas mal no es la combinación perfecta para trabajar con la Ley de tracción.

Simplemente cosechas lo que siembras y si es con los pensamientos y deseos que son la base de la atracción.

Me agrado mucho tu publicación. Te felicito. Suerte en el concurso.

Hasta la próxima...

Oh! Thank you my friend for your great comment. I appreciate 🙏

 9 months ago 

Saludos @ninapenda.

Es cierto que los seres humanos tenemos todo el potencial para atraer lo que nos propongamos, todo depende de cuanto control tengamos sobre nuestros pensamientos y de esta manera lograremos alcanzar cualquier cosa, todo es cuestión de actitud y determinación.

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Thank you so much....

Your insight into the power of thoughts and the law of attraction is spot on. It's remarkable how our thoughts shape our actions and influence the world around us. Your personal experience with jealousy and how it affected your behavior is a valuable example of the mind's influence. Being aware of our thoughts is crucial for personal growth. Keep embracing your positive attitude—it's a powerful force for good! 👏🌟

Thank you so much my dear friend...


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

Thank you ma'am

Hey, reading your post, I confirm that you are the most positive person in the world. Keep up the good work, God bless you. Good luck in the competition.

 9 months ago 

Hola amiga.

Definitivamente con nuestra mente podemos lograr cualquier cosa que queramos, la mente tiene un poder increíble, todo es cuestión de ser positivos y llenarnos de mucho optimismo trabajando por cada una de esas cosas que queremos por supuesto.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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