SEC - S10W2 |My Languages

Assalamu alikum

Hello everyone. I am @nasir04
From #Bangladesh

A new week has come again and with it a new engagement challenge post has appeared among us. And today I am here to participate in the engagement challenge post in the scouts y sus amigos community.

And at the beginning of the competition, I would like to thank all the admins and moderators of this community for organizing the competition on such a beautiful topic.


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In this contest I will write about my mother tongue Bengali. So you can understand how important this contest is for me. I feel very happy that I can express my mother tongue in front of you through this contest.

How many languages ​​do you speak? Which of them are your native languages ​​and which ones have you studied?

I can speak Bengali, English and Hindi very well. Through these three languages, Bengali is my mother tongue and the other two languages ​​I have mastered as I grow older. Since Bengali is my mother tongue, I am most comfortable speaking Bengali. and love I can express my feelings fluently and fully in Bengali than in any other language.

English is the second national language of our country. In addition, English language is the national language in more than 60 countries around the world and the second national language in many other countries. Also, those who are experts in English have a better chance of getting a job. For this reason, I have mastered the English language.

What methods have you used to learn other languages?

There are many ways and means of learning a foreign language. However, the most popular method among them is to gain knowledge about the basic elements of the language. It means that you need to master the alphabets of the language you want to learn. Then you need to get some idea about the words. Then you have to make sentences with those words. Must have power.


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Finally you have to learn some simple grammar of that language and watch some movies, cartoons, web series of that language regularly. If you go through these steps, inshallah you will be able to learn another language in just a few days.

I myself mastered Hindi language by following these methods. But English language is emphasized in our country from very early age. So you can learn English from school, college and university. I mastered English language from school.

In addition to the ones you already speak, what other languages ​​would you like to learn?

The foreign language I am most drawn to is Spanish and Japanese. First, let's share the attraction to the language one by one. First, let's talk about the Japanese language. Currently, the work ambassador of Japan who is assigned to Japan for our country has a house next to my house. So I came to know that many workers are recruited from Bangladesh to Japan. Totally free but one condition is to know Japanese language well, understand it and be an expert in speaking Japanese language. This is the main reason why I want to learn Japanese language.

And there is a very good reason behind wanting to learn Spanish, that is, my hobby is traveling to countries where Spanish is spoken, including Venezuela. Because I have seen many videos about Venezuela on the Internet and television, which show the wonderful beauty of Venezuela. Especially. I find the beaches of Venezuela very attractive, so I want to learn Spanish.

What do you consider to be the most difficult thing about learning another language?

The biggest barrier to learning another language is the regionality of the language and the grammar of that language.

Without knowing the grammar of a language, you will never be able to learn, understand and apply it properly. At every stage you will admit mistakes and will be insulted by others. And another big obstacle is the regionalism of the language. All languages ​​have regionalism. Because a country consists of a large area and in this large area people live in different communities who all have differences in their languages.

Why do you think it is important to master several languages?

The present era is the digitized era. Now we do not only sit within the borders of the country to work. Otherwise, it will be seen that I or the people we are working with need to tell us something but because of the language difference we don't understand what he said.


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Besides, sometimes we go to different beautiful places outside the country. If we don't know the language of the country we are going to, then you can understand how bad conditions we can get into.

There are many people among us who love to read books, watch movies or web series. If they hear from someone that a book or movie in a foreign country has become very popular, then they have a different feeling to read the book or watch the movie. But if we do not know the language of the foreign country, then we will not be able to read books and we will not enjoy watching movies.

So I think, if we review all the above reasons, we can all understand that learning foreign languages ​​is very important for us####


We should learn as many languages ​​as possible according to our ability. Because there is no telling, when a language can be useful to us. Maybe our fate can change as a result of learning the language of another country. If we learn that language, we have nothing to lose but gain. And now you don't have to spend any money to learn the language. You can learn the language by watching videos online.

I would like to invite @rezaul-420 @memamun @baizid123 to this contest. Hope you will also participate in this contest.

Hear is the contest link

My Achievement 1 post link

Thanks to read my post



Saludos amiga

Te felicito por manejar tres idiomas la verdad que ser bilingüe en los actuales momentos es una ventaja que no todos tenemos, y de la cual debe sacar el mayor provecho.

Además de tu nativo bengalí manejas el inglés es uno de los idiomas más importantes porque nos conecta con muchas personas alrededor del mundo logrando así comunicaciones más efectivas Y tienes mucha razón creo que una de las cosas más difíciles de los idiomas es la gramática pero cuando se tiene ganas todo es posible de lograrlo

Te deseo buena suerte y éxitos en este concurso

Thank you very much for reading my entire post carefully.

I think English language education is important for everyone because now a days all jobs including jobs depend on English education.

 last year 

Hola amigo. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Te felicito amigo porque puedes hablar bengalí, inglés e hindi muy bien, sobre todo el inglés es muy importante aprenderlo. Tienes razón viendo películas, dibujos animados, series web con regularidad podemos aprender hablar el idioma que queramos. Espero que puedas aprender a hablar español y japonés.

Amigo la fuente que colocaste de tus dos últimas imágenes no son las correctas, el link no me lleva a ninguna imagen. Recuerda no bajar tu poder de voto a menos de 80%

Éxitos en el concurso.

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Muchas gracias señora por dedicar su valioso tiempo para verificar mi publicación y dar una respuesta tan agradable.

La verdad señora, puede que tenga problemas para poner el enlace de las dos últimas fotos, ¿puedo editar la publicación de nuevo y poner el enlace correcto?

One of the best ways to learn a language is to find someone who speaks it. With whom you can talk regularly In Western society there are 'tandem partners' who help each other learn the language.iw ish you my best

ধন্যবাদ @jannatmou ম্যাম,,

"টান্ডেম পার্টনার " নামক নতুন একটি শব্দের সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেবার জন্য।

আর আপনার কথায় যথেষ্ট যুক্তি রয়েছে।আমরা যদি আশেপাশের মানুষের সাথে কোনো ভাষায় রেগুলার যেগাযোগ করি, তাহলে সেই ভাষাটি আমাদের আয়ত্বে আনা অনেকটা সহজ হয়ে যায়।

ধন্যবাদ ম্যাম আমার পোষ্টটি পড়ে সে অনুযায়ী এতো সুন্দর একটা মতামত উপস্থাপন করার জন্য।

many thanks for your good comment

Hello @nasir04 this post on Steemit is a gem in terms of its helpfulness and informativeness. It not only educates the readers but also empowers them with practical knowledge and actionable advice. I would highly recommend this post to anyone seeking valuable information on the topic discussed. Kudos to the author for their outstanding work!

Dear @qasim78,
Dear brother, thank you very much for spending your valuable time to read the post carefully and then leave such an encouraging comment.

 last year 

Muy bien que puedas hablar Bengalí, hindi y porsupuesto inglés que como mencionaste, es el segundo idioma de muchos países y de gran auge a nivel mundial; además, si abre muchas puertas a nivel laboral y eso ni que negarlo. Éxito en tu entrada, saludos!

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