SEC: S8-W4 | "It All Ends With Death?"

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago (edited)

THIS is my second time participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge initiated by Scouts y sus Amigos Community Of course there is a feeling of joy in me. For that, I invite steemit colleagues to take part in this contest @syukranj92, @sohel57, and @dergleo.


Photo by Brett Sayles

do you believe in life after death?

Human life and death are natural processes that cannot be avoided. I believe humans live in three realms. When the baby lives in the mother's womb, then after birth in the world. When he died, he was in the grave.

After rising from the grave, then headed to Alam Barzah. That is the belief that is taught in our beliefs as Muslims. Therefore, I believe that humans are different from other creatures. As for animals, after death, everything ends. God created humans with different conditions compared to other creatures.

Do you think of death as something natural, or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

Death is something natural in life. When the time comes, death will definitely come. It's sad for those who are still alive, let alone have not had time to say goodbye. While they are 'going', they cannot do anything else in the world because they have transmigrated.

Since this death is certain, only now we are just waiting for our turn. Then there is no way to avoid something like death. Before death arrives, we must prepare 'provision' in this world. Worship and do good with others.

If anything, what I hope for, when it comes time to die, is to be in a comfortable atmosphere, where the children I left behind can live independently.

pexels-brett-sayles-3608427.jpgPhoto by Brett Sayles

Have you ever been in a situation that put you at risk of death, what did you feel?

There were two life experiences that almost made me die. The first was when I was in junior high school or junior high school (SMP). Currently, I bathe in the river which is being visited by people. The water is quite clear and very tempting to throw yourself into it.

I can not swim. Climb onto the rock, then jump from a great height. At first, I thought I would get past this. Turns out my guess was wrong. As soon as I jumped, he fell into the deepest side of the river. Instantly my body went to the bottom of the river.

Then someone else immediately held my body, so as not to drown. After being pulled ashore, I am grateful to be able to breathe free air again.

The second incident, was when I was delivering school fees for my family. Going there, I took public transport. When it stopped in front of the entrance, I wanted to cross. But suddenly it felt like a force was pushing me back and I couldn't cross.

After my body turned around, suddenly a bus passed before my eyes leaving a strong gust of wind and stomping my chest. I am grateful again, for escaping death.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

Photo by Ansari Kotb

There is a saying like this; Tigers die leaving their stripes, elephants die leaving their tusks, humans die leaving their names. Good people will leave a good name and bad people will leave a tainted bad name.

Well, because of that I just want to be a person who is meritorious or useful for others. I don't want to be remembered, I just hope that when I die, I don't haunt anyone else.

Honestly, the only opinion that mattered to me the day I left this world was that of my children, who were the most important thing to me and whom I loved more than my own life. What is truly valuable to me is the legacy I left them.

I left them the values I instilled in them and the faith I instilled in their hearts. That's what matters to me. I want them to remember me, that their father always wanted and did everything for their good so they could be good people.


Thanks to Steemian friends and the Steemit Team who always support me. I really appreciate it.

Kind regards @Munaa

Sin duda fueron momentos bastante fuertes de vivir y experimentar también viví un posible ahogamiento y no se siente muy bien, no es la mejor manera de morir me atrevería a decir y esos incidentes en la calle cuando de repente sentimos ráfagas estando tan cerca de un vehículo o algo similar nos deja en shock y como que se nos atraviesa una película en la cabeza, yo imagino que debe ser algo así y qué bonita tu manera de referirte a dejar una huella comparándote con esas grandes especies creo que el ser humano a través de su nombre puede dejar muchos conocimientos y riquezas no solo en material sino espiritual y en sentimientos. saludos

Looks like we're having pretty much the same experience.

True, I agree before we die that we must be able to pass on a lot of knowledge and wealth not only materially but also spiritually and emotionally to our children as a provision for life in the future. regards


Guao que situación mas aterradora viviste en el Río, debe ser súper agobiante sentir que te ahogas y no puede hacer nada, gracias a Dios que pudiste salir con ayuda de esa situación y estar hoy compartiendo tus pensamientos sobre lo que piensa de la muerte.

Es cierto debemos llevar una vida buena, bonita y no bondadosa para ser recordados así.

Éxitos y buena suerte

It is true that we have to live a good, beautiful and unkind life to be remembered like this.

success and success for you

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