My Scout Story. Steemit Participation Challenge, Week 1 by @miftahulrizky

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago

Hello friends in the Scout community, how are you! I hope you are always in good health and well. First of all I want to say thank you very much to friends who have read this post. Well, on this occasion I would like to take part in a contest supported by the STEEMIT TEAM @steemitblog namely Steemit Engagement Challenge Season two Week 1 | My Scout Story

The bonfire burning ceremony was carried out solemnly, the bonfire burning troops simultaneously said "we are not fire worshipers, fire is a symbol of our spirit."

When I talk to Scouts, I'm really good, hehehe. Moreover, I have been following the scouting organization since 2011. Of course, I have gone through many stories and experiences. Currently, I am also actively teaching scouts for high school students. In fact, I also often fill out invitations for scouting training in various schools. Of course with all that experience I don't want fairy tales here, these are important stories and facts that I will share with all readers about Scouting in Indonesia.

In our country Indonesia, every Scout member is obliged to carry out his promises and 10 good deeds. These promises and 10 good deeds are called the Tri Satya and Dasa Dharma Scouts. Many people wear Scout uniforms, but they cannot be called true Scouts if they do not keep their promises and good deeds. Wherever they are, people who have a Scout spirit always keep their promises and carry out 10 goodness.

This is the sound of Tri Satya, a promise that all Indonesian Scouts must obey: “For the sake of my honor, I promise to be serious in carrying out my obligations to God and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia, practice Pancasila, help others live and participate in building society, safeguarding the Dasa Dharma."

In the contents of the promise above, a Scout must keep the Dasa Dharma (10 Good Deeds), while the contents of the ten good deeds are as follows:

  1. Fear of God Almighty prayer
  2. Love of nature and love of fellow human beings
  3. Courteous and courteous patriot
  4. Obedient and likes deliberation
  5. Willing to help and steadfast
  6. Diligent, skilled, and happy
  7. Thrifty, careful, and unpretentious
  8. Discipline, brave and loyal
  9. Responsible and trustworthy
  10. Pure in thought, word and deed

In carrying out Scouting activities, such as camping, hiking activities, and ceremonial activities, a Scout must always maintain his attitude and behavior according to the contents contained in the 10 good deeds above. So in Indonesia, not everyone can be said to be a Scout even though he is already wearing a Scout uniform. But those who really keep their promises and practice all the good deeds are called true Scouts, people who have Scouting souls in their hearts.

In addition, the pattern of scouting education in Indonesia is very thick with semi-military activities, even each army and police unit has a scouting educational facility and container to teach young people scouting exercises according to certain skills. For example in the Navy, they train adult Boy Scouts in swimming, diving, and all other marine fields.

Nanda Sukma is socializing the scouting education program to prospective new students, Nanda is one of my students who is superior and has achievements.

Scout students and their groups are taking part in jungle cooking training

IMG_20220611_191101.jpgstudents are competing to send flour to hone the practice of cohesiveness in the team

So, that was a glimpse of how Scouting in Indonesia is, in essence I am very grateful to know Scouts, because in this organization I have received a lot of attitude and mental development, growing self-confidence, forming disciplined attitudes, learning various skills, fostering a sense of togetherness and brotherhood. For this reason, the Indonesian government also requires all youth to join Scouts.

I did many exciting moments during my scouting activities and all of them were very useful. I will describe what the benefits are one by one here.

  1. Camping: participating in camp activities is very useful to train our lives to be more independent, live as they are, and can also be used as recreation to understand the beauty of nature. There is a funny moment that I always remember when camping, one of the Scout members while sleeping let out a wind (fart), this made everyone in the camp have to get out because they couldn`t smell the aroma earlier. Hehehe.

  2. Bonfire: we always carry out the bonfire burning ceremony, we usually do this ceremony on the final night of the camp, this ceremony is carried out by directing 10 officers who carry torches that have not been lit, then the first torch is lit by reading the first point of good deeds. The second torch is lit by reading the next point until then all torches are lit. after all the fires are lit, the bonfire arsonists will say, "we are not fire worshipers, fire is a symbol of our spirit." the benefits of this activity as a farewell event and as an evening devotional activity.

  3. Jungle Cooking : At Scouts we also learn how to cook with minimal tools and materials, using all available natural resources. here we can learn to think critically and also learn how to cook.

  4. First aid: activities in the wild will certainly face many challenges, therefore the science of first aid for oneself and to help others must be learned.

  5. Hiking: It's important to learn to understand the signs of nature, that's why at Scouts we also learn how to use a compass to know the cardinal directions, and to make travel maps.

  6. Survival in the wild: nature and the wild are very dangerous, therefore this knowledge also needs to be learned to save yourself both when getting attacked by wild animals and how to deal with emergency conditions that may occur.




Thus this short post, I hope friends like reading this article, thank you to all readers who come here.
Cc. @radjasalman, @fantvwiki, @moer

Regards @miftahulrizky


In this kind of organization, many young people are born who are independent and resilient, an activity that is mandatory in every school.

The Indonesian government has made this activity mandatory at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. However, the lack of socialization made many leaders in every school not understand about this, so this activity was considered unimportant.

Mantap nih mulai berkarya lagi ikutan kontes steemit challange season 2.semoga beruntung ya brother.. bsk saya mo ikutan juga 1 aja 😁

saya seminggu cuma satu kontes, hana ek takarat le, tim steemit jarang datang lagi kecewa karena harga murah...

Semangat brother.. 😁. Kalau saya selalu nulis msh sprti biasa. Sehari 2 atau 3 post. Cuma untuk season 2 ini tema kontesnya kurang menarik jadi kurang semangat ikutan😅

Tidak ada yg tidak menarik bagi seorang @sailawana.. semua kontes ada namamu 🤭😃

Eh ada pak @moer pu haba di sinan?? Kirain ga sempat lagi main steemit sejak naik jabatan di tempat yang baru. Selamat ya.. semoga makin sukses di dunia nyata maupun dunia maya

Meri that hantom piyoh bak lon 😃🤭
Makasih ya ucapan dan doanya

Na hai lon piyoh..nyan kan komen lon mayang 🤭🤭

Haha betul itu, kita kasi julukan pemburu steem aja beliau

That na teuh 🤣😅🤭🤭


Betul, season dua tidak seseru season satu ya

Lengkap semua kegiatannya...
Permainan tepung sebagai ganti main di salju. Yang hitam jadi putih.

Semoga sukses, kak @miftahulrizky

Betul sekali, salju nya orang Indonesia ya main tepung tepungan..

Kapan Indonesia turun salju....

 2 years ago 

Hello friend your scouting experience is very interesting as it has cultivated in you values from a very young age.
I am very glad that in Indonesia there are schools where scout doctrine and scouting is inculcated.
And thus realize the 10 promises full of kindness and discipline.
I consider that the scout movement is one of the best in the world.
Thank you for explaining the activities you do at the camps and the school.

Friend to the last images I recommend you place the legend as the first 4.
Have a nice day, excellent post.

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I totally agree with you that Scouting is the biggest and best organization in the world, from here I learned many things so that I grew into a young man who has attitude, mentality, self-confidence and courage. Thank you for visiting and for rating this post.

It is visible that you are a scout teacher, you have highlighted a lot of unknown events when it comes to scouting, the 10 good deeds are just like the 10 commandment we must obey when it comes to biblical study
What a publication you have produced

10 Good deeds are things that must be practiced for a Scout, those who are able to practice it are they have the soul and spirit of scouting.

I used to be a student too, but it was time for me to become a teacher. thanks buddy for visiting here.

Good, you have done well as a student, the task of teaching is on another level, am glad you are using your leadership useful
Thanks for your reply

Thanks you, nice to meet you

It is a matter of great pleasure that Scout is taught in your country and there are such schools. Thank you for sharing such beautiful moments with us. You have made a very beautiful entry, I wish your competition success.

In my country all schools are required to carry out scouting education, so it's not just my school. Thank you for visiting, thank you for your support. Pleased to meet you

 2 years ago 

Trabajar en equipo hacen que las personas se mantengan unidas que sean más independiente y sobre todo que resistentes en cualquier momentos, que bueno saber que en tu país existen escuela donde los jovenes pueden asistir a escuela scouts, y sobre todo que ten 10 mandamientos importantes.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

regards, not my 10 commandments. all Scouts in Indonesia are required to comply with these 10 good deeds. I also thank you for coming to read this article.

 2 years ago (edited)

Las escuelas de Indonesia tienen dentro de su doctrina enseñar el escultismo en todos lo sniveles, aunque paso mucho tiempo antes de que lo aceptaran.

Las expereincias de los adultos cuando pasaron por ello desde jóvenes es un tesoro enorme. El movimiento scout es uno de los más anitguos y con la mayor cantidad de miebros en el mundo.

Muy bien explicadas las actividades que realizan.


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hello sorry I just replied to your comment.

The scout doctrine is instilled in all education, although not all educational institutions are able to carry out Scout education development properly.

This is because the principal's leadership factor does not understand the importance of scouting education. Currently, the implementation of Scouting education is the effort and hard work of the school coaches.

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Curation Team - The Efficient Seven

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