SEC-S13W3- "The Law of Attraction ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos9 months ago



Ask, believe and received.
Your believe is what works for you, once you said to yourself that you can do it, honestly speaking it will come to pass in your life, is not good to use negative words on ourselves.
In life you don't have to give up always think positively, because what you think is what will come to pass. I will like to invite my friends @eliany, @goodybest @ngoenyi to join me in the contest

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

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I really do believe in the law of attraction, and it has been happening to me several times, in this life, your believe is what works for you as a person, in life if you think on the positive side, it will comes out positive and if you think of the negative side , it will still works out in the negative way.
I do have a very strong believe that if we focus on the things we want in life it will surely come to pass so law of attraction is a helpful way that helps out goal and dreams to come to manifestation.

I've been using the law of attraction for so many years now, it has made a real impact on my life.

I so much believe in the Law of Attraction, it has some positive effects in my life. One thing I am sure is that I focus on a positive thoughts, I must attract positive things. Just like when my kids came back from school school for midterm break, I didn't have any money in me that I had to sell some of my steem so that I can buy some food for them, but the Steem I sold was jus 10 steem which was not enough for me to take care of them for the one week holiday, but since I believe that I must take care of them no matter what the law of attraction set in that I had enough money to take care of them and also pay their remaining fees.

Do you consider that the things we can attract depend on our positive or negative attitude?

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Yes the things we attract depends on our positive and negative attitude, I have that experience and I have a friend that experience it, our attitude is what drives people away from us and is the same attitude that draws people to our life's, that's why is good we live a good live that will make people speak good of us. I am a very good example of positive attitude.

Honestly at times I said to myself how I do it that makes good people get attracted to me and once they comes like that, my life will change for the batter.

Have you had any experience with the power of the mind?

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Yes, I have several experience with the power of the mind, I will like to share a story with us, our tongue is so powerful so as our mind. I am going to share with us just two experience I have encountered with the power of the mind.

  • Firstly, when my husband passed away, I went and stay with my elder sister with my four kids with me, because I didn't want to stay in my house again and I have decided that I won't live there again. So you can imagine staying in someone house with your children how inconvenient it will be.
    So under three weeks I started looking for an accomodations without one naira with me, so I call like three agent to look for a two bedroom flat for me and my sister told me that I should look for smaller house that two bedroom flat will be so costly.
    She said this because she knew that I didn't have a dam with me and that I was not expecting money from any angle.

But since my mind was already made up that I need a house and I already believe that money will come for me to pay for it, so when the agent start showing me some Houses for me to choose the one I love, my brother and sister the following week, money start entering my hand and I pay for the best house that time.
So in here my mind works for me.

  • The second experience was one day I use my kids school fees and send for goods and along the line and couple with bad roads, the truck that carries my goods had an accident and we lost our goods.

And I was to sell the goods then take the gain and return my kids fees, but when the accident happened and there was no money to pay my kids fees, honestly as a person I was panic but one of my child came to me and ask me not to cry that I should believe in God and say what I want from my mind that I will see it come to pass and believe me that when I said to myself that my kids will go back to school the following week, my mind works for me and the following week I had enough money to send them back to school.

How would you describe a positive person?

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When I see a positive person I know it because her life will be full of good things and favour of God is Always with that person, a positive person do not really need to work so hard before he or she will attract good things. A positive person life will be of Good fragrance and any place the person step in he or she will attract favor.

Know more about me


Your belief in the law of attraction and the positive effects it's had on your life is truly inspiring. Your experiences highlight the power of a positive mindset and the impact it can have on attracting positive outcomes. It's evident that your strong belief and attitude play a significant role in shaping your reality. Keep embracing your positive mindset! 🌟🌈

Thank you very much for your nice comment on my post, I don't take this for granted

 9 months ago 

Saludos @mesola.

Todos en algún momento hemos escuchado hablar de la Ley de atracción, pero realmente cuando la experimentamos es cuando pondremos mas atención a canalizar y mantener una energía positiva en nuestro diario vivir y esto nos permitirá atraer cosas buenas constantemente.

Descripcion✅ / ❌totales
Libre de Plagio / Libre IA1/1
Libre de bots1/1
Estilo de descuento1.5/2
Contenido de calidad3.5/4
Puntuación total9/10
Fecha de verificación30/10/2023

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Thank you very much for the review, I appreciate

 9 months ago 

Hola amiga 👋

Tienes razón todo lo que creemos y sentimos es lo que manifestamos. Es increíble lo que nos comentas de los hechos de manifestación que a tenido sin duda la mente tiene poder.

Te deseo éxitos en el concurso 🤗

Hey friend,

It's really sad hearing your story it's USA difficult to cope in this country most especially if you have no one to call to in time of need. Thanks for sharing wishing you success please engage on my entry

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